
Remember Me?

Your POV

   OMG, MR.PARK JUST FELL! He's not moving, Minho and i run over still breathless from the run. Minho bent down to hear his


"He's still breathing but we should get someone to call 911."

"Ok, i'll run to the office, you make sure he stay alive" I satarted running, I do not know how i still have energy, maybe its from the

adrenaline. Almost there.


Taemin's POV

" Minho, what the heck happened to Mr. Park" 

" He just...collapsed. We were running to the finish but he suddenly stopped and fell.' He answered, with fear in his voice, he tried to

hide it, but it didn't work


Minho's POV

Geez, why did this have to happen, he's my favorite teacher even if he has gone crazy. His breathing was going back to normal, he

was turning normal skin-color, I guess he was improving. Where was Hani? I knew i should have gone. right when i said that an

ambulance came carrying Hani inside. ( lol don't take this the wrong way shes just riding in it)

"Hey kid are you the other student that saw him collapse?" he asked me. i nodded.

" Then step into the ambulance, while we get your teacher, and the rest of the students will go directly to the other p.e teacher, Mrs.

Kim. Got it?" everyone nodded,not Taemin, he looked like he really wanted to go with us but finally left with the other students, to

inform the other teacher about what happened. I got on the ambulance and instantly got questioned. Hani was so smooth and calm

throughout the whole thing while i was shaking a little. 


When we arrived at the hospital and Mr.park was safely in bed, the doctor told us that he fainted because of dyspnea, or shortness of

breath. His diabetes made this worse for him, and may take him a couple days to recover.

We got escorted back to school to get changed and get ready to go home. (schools not over yet)


Your POV 

When Minho and I were done changing Taemin literally ran and jumped on us, you'd think he was super light... he is not.

"I WANTED TO GO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD!!" he whined. Aish this boy can be such a baby sometimes.

" No. you wouldn't have wanted to, it was boring as heck" Minho was so tired looking.

"B-but then i would have been with you guys and not with those mean cheerleaders."

" Hey don't talk about your noonas that way." that made Taemin shut up.THANKYOU MINHO!!!

We all were getting ready to leave and Taemin went up to me.

"NOOOONA! do you want to go to my house with minho, key jonghyun and onew?"

"Umm... sorry Taemin but I have to go home to see my brother." HAHA, i am not going to your house, with that erted dino and

creepy cat boy.

" AWWWW! Wait who's your brother?"

"He is Dongho from U-kiss."his eyes widened.

"that jerk is your brother!!!! HE CALLED ME A GIRL!!!! Why are you soo nice and your brother a meanie? " he was mad.i chucked at the

thought of Dongho calling him a girl. It was true though, he really looked like a girl, if he puts on more makeup you could enter him in

Miss Korea, wait do they have a miss Korea, whatevs. He was pouting. Sometimes you could really fall for his cute personality.


Taemin's POV

WTF! That Donghoe (haha get it?) is Hani's brother? Did their parents do something wrong with him? He is so gross and what asian

has cornrows, seriously if you wanna be gangsta go to l.a, and hani is soooo perfect, she's smart, athletic, pretty, and is suuuuper

duuuper nice. WAIT. What am i thinking, i can't like her she supposed to be liking me!!!

Today officially !

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sorry for such a short chapter, ilost this one like 3 times and got mad so i cut a lot off.


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exoticshawol125 #1
hiya~ before I started reading I just wanted to say I'm a new reader :)
QueenOfKyaa #2
Nice pic but I prefer the other one - IU's so pretty! Amazing story by the way! Please update real soon, K!?!?!
QueenOfKyaa #3
Yay! Truth or Dare! Let the fun begin...
QueenOfKyaa #4
Jesus Christ! Their dad's psycho!
QueenOfKyaa #5
"BELL RINGS: GO TO FOURTH PERIOD" - this seems like stage directions for a play, lol! You should try to write one, I'm sure you would be awesome at it! ^-^
QueenOfKyaa #6
"In this case, clicking his pen NONSTOP." - I would kill him - annoying people, Boo!
QueenOfKyaa #7
"chicken molestor" - nice :D
QueenOfKyaa #8
"This idiot is still staring at me ! geez, look away!" -<br />
Lol! I love that last part! So funny! XD
QueenOfKyaa #9
I don't know grades - I'm from the UK - can you explain them to me please? :)<br />
I've just read the first chapter and already I can tell that I will like this story!
sorry guys im on a summer hiatus and have a little bit of writers block right now