Remember Me?

Your POV

Oh. My. Freaking. God.!!!!!!!!!!!

I stood there, as TOP drove away slowly. I did not believe what was in front of my eyes this very second. It was against his morals, and it

made me want puke. Their lips were like attacking each other. They did not seem to notice me. Did he really resort to this when Jen

broke up with him? He really changed in just a matter of hours... I ran. I ran with all my might, trying to get away from the scene i just

saw, so that's what he meant when he was 'going to catch som grub' , shivers crept up my spine and i new i was blushing because

being there was just too embarrasing. WHY, why did TOP have to drop me off in the back of the school, just so he didn't have to face

the dreaded school parking-lot. I didn't know if I should tell anybody or not. I should ask Dongho-oppa about it later.


I straightened my uniform, then two long muscular arms wrapped around my shoulders, this is definetly NOT taemin. I used my

karate skills and flipped the stranger over.

*REMEMBER: Hani is very talented, because she is still a bit paranoid about 4th grade.


It turns out, it was Dino-face.

"ugh, Geez that hurt yeobo. but at least i know you can take care of yourself." Dino-face made the cockiest grin you'll ever see in your


I walked away, his grin faded.

" Ya! Hani, i'll walk you to class since i have the same class as you, ok" geez this guy. I just saw something disgusting and he's all in

my face right now, which makes the gross feeling aggravated.

"Go see your friends or something and leave me alone!"

"No, key isn't here yet, onew is stealing chicken from the cafeteria, and I do not know where the heck minho is."

"He's probably with some cheerleaders so go find him."

He leaned in, and whispered in my ear, " but i feel like being with you, babe." he then proceeded to touch my but. In less than a

millisecond, he had a big cut on his fingers, because of my nails.


"Next time its your whole hand." he wore a scared expression, perfect.

Jjong's POV


I looked at my fingers each one was cut pretty deep. IT STINGS SO MUCH! So far it's



i do not like those numbers, she's gonna regret doing this to ALMIGHTY, i mean... umm... i need to get myself a cool nickname. I

mean who's gonna be scared of blinger jonghyun...


Your POV

He deserved it. 

I saw Taemin running like there was no tomorrow. Before i could react, he jumped on me, i think this kid gained some weight





"okay Taemin first, funner is not a word and second, do you think my umma and appa will like it if I go to a boy's house, filled with other boys?"i questioned.

"No... but how about i make a party tonight (school started on thursday and now it is friday) and invite both boys and girls?"

"umm... can Dongho go, my parents probably won't let me unless Dongho goes too."




"Woohoo taeminnie!"


"YAY, thanx Taeminnie!" i gave him a semi-hug, but he still blushed.

First period went quickly, the only thing that bothered me was Jonghyun's glare, Key's contant glance over, the

crunching of chicken( ithink you know who that is) and Taemin constantly writing notes to me. Minho is probably

the least annoying out of all of them.


Second period was hell.

Key kept trying to get my attention, but i told him about the party tonight and said he should be thinking about what

to where because he definetly could NOT be outstaged by someone.


Then there was nutrition.

I really did not feel like talking to dongho about what happened, so i brought up the party subject.

" Dongho-oppa~, can you please come with me to Taemin-ah's party?"


"but why?~"


" because why"

"because "

"BECAUSE WHY~~~~~~~?!?" >_<

"i dont want to"





" Thank you oppa~"


Third period was dreadful.

Dino-face kept throwing death notes at me.... while Onew did nothing about it.


Fourth period was actually O.K!

We had a sub because Mr.Park was still in the hospital, recovering. we had free-play so Minho, Taemin and I

talked about the party.

" So i'm gonna invite the SNSD cheerleader noonas to come, and f(x) is that enough girls, Hani?

"Depends, how many guys?"

 " OH JUST:  Shinee,  MBLAQ, B2st, U-kiss, Super junior, Dbsk, Big Bang,  f.t island,  Mighty mouth, c. n blue, Teentop, 2 pm, and infinite . I'm not inviting 2am because Jo-kwon hyung scares me..."

"no, more girls or less guys"

"fine, how about 2ne1, Boa,, 4 minute, and secret and i get rid of Infinite, DBSK, FT Island and cn blue,happy?"


"Hey Taemin-ah, whats this party for?"minho asked

"so Hani can come to my house and have fun!!!"


SCHOOL ENDED and i walked home with Dongho.

We got dressed and ready for the party, when we got in his car and he started it i finally got enough courage to ask him about this





"Dongho-oppa, are you... gay?"



OMG so this morning he was kissing a man?!?!

What can be the reason for this

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exoticshawol125 #1
hiya~ before I started reading I just wanted to say I'm a new reader :)
QueenOfKyaa #2
Nice pic but I prefer the other one - IU's so pretty! Amazing story by the way! Please update real soon, K!?!?!
QueenOfKyaa #3
Yay! Truth or Dare! Let the fun begin...
QueenOfKyaa #4
Jesus Christ! Their dad's psycho!
QueenOfKyaa #5
"BELL RINGS: GO TO FOURTH PERIOD" - this seems like stage directions for a play, lol! You should try to write one, I'm sure you would be awesome at it! ^-^
QueenOfKyaa #6
"In this case, clicking his pen NONSTOP." - I would kill him - annoying people, Boo!
QueenOfKyaa #7
"chicken molestor" - nice :D
QueenOfKyaa #8
"This idiot is still staring at me ! geez, look away!" -<br />
Lol! I love that last part! So funny! XD
QueenOfKyaa #9
I don't know grades - I'm from the UK - can you explain them to me please? :)<br />
I've just read the first chapter and already I can tell that I will like this story!
sorry guys im on a summer hiatus and have a little bit of writers block right now