❝ the black lightning manipulator ❞

❝ when two worlds collide... ❞ — closed!
 ( When the lightning strikes... )
"No," Chae Hwa firmly said, not happy with what her parents have said to her.
"But Hua, we've already talked to Mr. and Mrs. Lee. We can't back out now," her mother calmly explained. She looked at her daughter with her soft eyes. She understood very well why Chae Hwa reacted like that.
"Mom! You should've told me earlier. You shouldn't have planned this without my consent!"
"That's because we know you're not going to agree with us," her father answered. "Please, Hua. You need to marry the heir of the Lee Corporation. That's the only way we can stand up and start again, to be what we were before."
Chae Hwa rubbed her forehead, feeling a bit frustrated. "Sorry. I can't really do it."
"But you need to. We're your parents. Therefore, you should listen to us and do whatever we ask you to do. This conversation is over. You're marrying Mr. Lee's son."
Her father's words complete made her lose her grip on her temper. "But I said no!" she exclaimed, causing a loud thunder and making her parents jump. Then a black lightning struck their house and destroyed almost half of their house. Chae Hwa closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down. No, she can't kill everyone in their house, her parents and herself. She opened her eyes and looked back at her parents, whose eyes were as wide as saucers. "Sorry," she muttered and immediately exited the house.
She walked down the street, not knowing where to go. She didn't stop walking and turned to every corner she sees. Chae Hwa was about to turn to the left when a black Hyundai i40 stopped a few meters from her. She looked at the car and waited for someone to come out. Then a not so tall guy went out of the car and walked towards her. She quietly studied him - his angular face, his tall nose, even his black hair. The stranger paused a few feet from her and grabbed her wrist. 
"Y-Yah! Let me go!" Chae Hwa shouted, pulling her hand back.
"You're coming with me," the stranger said and dragged Chae Hwa to his car.

-- done with the first teaser! congratulations to the first chosen applicant, Funruby!
it's fun reading your app, even though it's long. >____< so, this is how your character
and your trainer will meet. this is just, again, a teaser. :)
okay. so i'm not going to reveal the love interests. i want you to guess who's going to be
paired up with who. let's keep it exciting. :p oh, and sorry for putting the car's model
and pic. i want to make it twilight-ish. XD
happy birthday, kim jongin! :)
next chapter: 'when the time stops...' 
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okay. so exams are killing me. >___< next chap will be a little delayed. sorry. T_____T


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Author-nim. When are you going to update? :(
Chapter 20: So it's like they're enemies?
empressly #3
Chapter 20: i haven't commented wha - ; ;
anyways , i'm really excited for the rest of this story <3
cocky m eh ? ohoho .
and k is weaker o n o ; u ;

i can't wait for them to meet the girls c:
Chapter 20: otl it's starting ;A;
the anticipation doe;;
lol i betcha they were once one at the tree of life c; /shot
wait, so the time period of chapter one is before all the teasers, right...?
Ohmyyyy. I cant believe my EXO babes are fighting each other. Huhu. And EXO-K is weaker? This should be interesting.

Kris. What are u planning?! Tell me u handsome beast! /killed

Anyway. I love the updaaate. This is really good. :-))) I want to read more.
Chapter 20: It started alreaady~ Yeay! :'))
but K is weaker. ;AAA; whyyy? and M is cocky. Tsk~

BUT MEH GUSTAH. loL~ haha xD

thanks for the update authornim. fighting :)
this is really exciting 8]
Chapter 20: gooosh.. it already started!! ♥ ;]]
I'm getting excited about how this story will turn out. ^u^

hhmm... does it means that the chosen applicants from
EXO M and EXO K are also enemies?.
Chapter 20: ahhhhh and its started! i think this story will be really good! ^^
i cant wait for them to meet each other~
Chapter 20: start! oh author-nim, why the K is weaker? and i think M members is too cocky here. but i love it! <3