
Three Hearts, One Love ~HIATUS~



“WHAT!” I screamed. Joon just looked ahead and drove as if what he said made total sense.

“We are going to kidnap Jay,” he repeated.

“I heard you the first time. But why would we do that?” I asked.

“Well its simple. You need more time to talk to him and he should spend some time with you to understand you. Maybe after he gets to know you he might believe,” he stated matter-of-factly.

“So we are going to kidnap the guy and force him to spend hours with us so that he can listen to me?” I said. “Oh yeah, that’s definitely going to put me on his good side. He’ll surely listen to me after that!”

Joon stopped the car and looked at me. “Aren’t you serious about this? Didn’t you say that you are willing to do anything?”

“Yes, I am. But this doesn’t seem right.” I answered.

“Of course it doesn’t but we have to try it.”

I nodded. I knew that he doesn’t really want to do this either. I mean, he doesn’t have to do anything. Yet, he is willing to kidnap a guy for me.

“How do we do this?” I asked. I was now totally into this.

“We call Taecyeon and try to find out Jaebeom’s cell phone number. After that we get Jaebeom to come outside and we do it.”

He made it sound so simple. “There is no way Taec is going to give us Jaebeom’s cell phone number. Let’s just tell Taecyeon to get him outside.”

“I already checked the fan-site. 2PM has a plain schedule today. They just stay in the building and talk about their new CD.” 

“A new CD? Really? Wow I am so excited!” I clapped and smiled cheerfully.

Joon eyed me from the side, “Are you really that excited? You don’t even understand the language.”

“That doesn’t matter,” I pouted. “Their voices are so soothing. They have beautiful melody. All their hard work is see-able. They care so much for their fans and try hard to please others. Everything they do is perfect.” I looked up dreamily.

“Really?” Asked Joon skeptical.

I nodded vigorously, “Yes, especially Jaebeom. I have never seen a man as dreamy and wonderful as him. I fell in love the first time I saw him. He is so responsible and caring. He thinks of everyone else before himself-“

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s talk about Mr. Perfect later,” stopped me Joon.

I smiled. We sure will.

Before I knew it we had arrived to the JYP building.

“Hello Taecyeon this is the international delivery company. We are here to give Jaebeom a letter that was sent from America. We tried to contact Jaebeom but we were unable to. We decided to contact you instead since we already had your phone number in our files. Could you please inform him that we are downstairs?” Said Joon as soon as Taecyeon picked up.

“Don’t you usually come on Fridays?” Asked Taecyeon.

“Uhhh. Yes. But the sender said that this was urgent and to deliver it as soon as possible,” replied Joon smartly.

“Oh I see. Do you happen to have any letters for me?” asked Taecyeon hopeful.

“No. Sorry,” responded Joon.

“Oh okay. I will tell Jaebeom to come down right now.”

“Thank You. Bye.”

We had a little freak out moment since our plan worked so gracefully and then calmed down and waited for Jaebeom to appear.

“I see him! Right there!” I said pointing at a man with a black wife beater and black comfy shorts.”

Joon looked around to make sure the street was peaceful.

“Drive,” he ordered from the back seat.

I drove as fast and quiet as I could not to attract attention. Jaebeom was on the pavement looking around for his delivery truck. I stopped the car right in front of him and Joon grabbed him and pulled him in quickly.

“What the hell?” yelled Jaebeom from the back. He started to wrestle around with Joon.

I turned around to check out if Joon is alright and Jay saw me.

“YOU!” he screamed.

“Me?” I asked innocently.

“What do you want? Huh? An autograph? A CD for free?” he asked annoyed as he calmed down and just looked at me.

I looked in the rearview mirror and answered, “your time.”

“huh?!” he said confused but Joon pulled out a white cloth and put it on his nose and mouth. After a few seconds Jaebeom fainted.

“What the hell was that! What are you some gangster?” I freaked as I had a problem focusing on the road.

“Look in front of you,” Joon responded calmly. “Don’t worry I learnt how to do that in my chemistry class. Your dream boy will wake up in about 30 minutes. I made the dose to make sure it won’t hurt him at all.”

I breathed out, “what do we do now?”

“Stop here. I’ll drive.”

After I stopped joon got into the driving seat. I sat next to him. I knew that if I sat in the back it would be really hard for me to take my hands off of Jay.

“we have such bad planning skills. We didn’t even think of what to do after we actually do kidnap him.” I said out-loud.

“I talked to my friend yesterday. His parents owned this factory that’s not too far. Their business did not work well and they are currently closed. So no one goes there. He said we could use it for a while.”

~~~ 20 minutes later ~~~~~

“This place is huge,” I said in awe as I stared at the warehouse.

“Yeah. They are rich. If something doesn’t work they don’t care they move on to the next. Come, open the door while I take him inside.”

~~~~~~ Meanwhile ~~~~~~~ [In Korean]

“Hey! Nickhun where is Jaebeom?” asked Wooyoung looking for someone to bother.

“I don’t know. He’s been gone for a while,” responded Nickhun looking for something online.

“Chansung! Where is Nickhun? I mean Jaebeom!” he then yelled to the living room where Chansung was eating.

“Ask Taecyeon!” he heard in a muffled voice. He probably had too much food in his mouth.

“Stop yelling! He went out for a little bit. He said he needed some fresh air to think.” Responded Taecyeon as he did some push-ups.

“Do you think it’s about that cute girl that was here yesterday?” questioned Junho out loud to no one in particular.

“Yes! It’s probably about her,” commented Wooyoung excited.

“Most likely is,” confirmed Taecyeon.


ahahahahaha finally the kidnapping happened :P

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I started a new story! With G-Dragon, Junhyung and You ;) Please check out the first chappie and subscribe and/or comment <3



And check out my other complete fanfic, with Jay, Jaejoong, and You :D

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next chapter please...
I can't wait to find out what happens<br />
Sorry for my long Hiatus everybody! :(<br />
I've been super busy!<br />
Thanks for your patience, and please comment! :)
Story's getting interesting! Can't wait for more. :)
Hahha...Good first chapter! So is Angel white? Please don't take it offensive if I said it in a wring way....:/<br />
But Good Luck with the rest of the story and I will be here to support you! XD
Hey!!! This is musicfreak! I'm glad you decided to post on asianfanfics!! This story sounds really interesting!!! Update soon! :D