Three Hearts, One Love ~HIATUS~

---1 day after finding out about Jaebeom’s incident---

I cried all night and had insomnia. I really could not tolerate reality. Someone knocked on my door noisily. “Angel it’s already 8:30 you should be awake and ready to go to school!” yelled my brother trying to awaken me. I had come home in this situation yesterday and just gone to bed. I did not utter a word to anyone. Jake was quiet the whole ride back as well. Even though he didn’t know what was happening, he knew it was something important since Amany and I were so traumatized.

He knocked again, louder this time. “I’m going to come in!”

He opened the door and stood there with a petrified look on his face. When I got home yesterday I shut the curtains to make sure no light would come into my room. I was now sitting against the wall facing my bedroom door. I was hugging my knees as I gazed at the door. I was wearing a hoodie with a hat that covered most of my face.

My brother stood there flabbergasted and just walked out of my room. As soon as he closed the door I heard, “MOOOM!! There’s a dead animal in Angel’s room and it looks like it has rabies!” I heard him laugh as he walked away.

What!” My mom stomped up the stairs and stormed into my room. Then her face softened and she walked up to me. After checking my temperature she decided, “your fever is too high. You can’t go to school today. Just rest…” She opened the curtains a little and made me lie down in bed. “Call me at work if you need anything.”

---2 days after finding out about Jaebeom’s incident---

I was in the same state as yesterday. Not sure if I got any better. I think the only change was my even puffier eyes. I was also sitting in the same position as yesterday.

“Angel it’s already 8:30 you should be awake and ready to go to school!” Jake said the exact same thing today as well. This time he even knocked lightly and walked in.

He stood there speechless again and after a few seconds he walked out and hollered, “MOOOOM!!! There’s a big fungi growing in Angel’s room! Maybe we should’ve told her to get cleaned earlier!”

What!” screamed my mom again as she walked into my room. “Awww, Angel you don’t feel better? Don’t worry you’ll feel better tomorrow for sure. You shouldn’t have eaten the ice cream that fast at Amany’s house, dear.” After placing a wet cloth on my forehead she walked out once more for work.

---3 days after finding out about Jaebeom’s incident---

The same sitting position again, I was awaiting my brother’s entrance. I think this sitting position is the most relaxed. I feel in control for some odd reason.

“Angel it’s already 8:30 you should be awake and ready to go to school!” Did he write this sentence down to make sure he does not forget it or something? He just walked in without knocking today.

He stood there amused as he stared at me. This time without even closing the door he yelled downstairs, “MOOOOMM!!!! There’s a rotting vampire in Angel’s room! Get some garlic!!”

My mom walked into my room troubled today. “Angel I will call in sick at work. I have to take you to the doctor.”

“No, I feel better today mom,” I reassured as I tried my best to smile.

“If by tomorrow you aren’t ready to go to school. I’ll have to take you to the doctors this doesn’t look good.”

I nodded and lay down in bed again.

---4 days after finding out about Jaebeom’s incident---

I was in my sitting position just waiting for the jerk that is supposedly my brother to walk in today. Without any warning of telling me that I am late he barged into my room.

“MOOOOOMM!!! Angel looks much better when she covers her face! Buy her some more sweaters!” He burst out laughing and as he was about to close the door, I threw my slipper at him.

“Oow!” He yelped as he closed the door as fast as possible. The slipper hit the door and fell on to the floor.

He opened the door again and grinned at me, “You-“ His eyes widened again because I was holding my second slipper and he banged the door closed “MISSED!”

Jake was certain I had no more slippers and walked in again, “Can’t beat me!” He teased. Just then my pillow hit him straight in the face. When the pillow fell on the floor he just stood there dazed.

“You look better with a pillow on your face; maybe we should buy you more.” I teased as I got up to get ready for school.

Even though I wasn’t fully recovered I knew that it was time to get up and leave my room. I really did feel like I was rotting.

After getting dressed for school, I ate breakfast rapidly and walked to school. I usually ask Jake for a ride but I knew that if I rode with him today I might strangle him on the way there. Not like I cared about strangling him. If I did, he would die and we would get into an accident causing me major injuries or maybe death.

Amany saw me and hugged me, “Angel, your back! Thank God! I was worried sick. Especially the way Jake would describe you on the phone, I couldn’t stand it.”

“He probably thought it was funny,” I stated matter-of-factly.

“Well…he did… but he was worried too!” defended Amany. I told you she was totally in love with him right?

I gave her a look implying that I don’t believe it.

As I bent down to pick a book from my locker she asked, “What are you going to do about…what happened?”

“I’m not sure. I’ve been checking the internet frequently. I can’t believe people wrote petitions for him to… kill himself.” It was hard for me to say it. I was still quivering whenever he was mentioned. I did not desire to have an emotional breakdown at school.

She nodded totally agreeing, “Let’s do a petition too!”

“I don’t know. It won’t really help right!? If only I could go back in time and tell him to erase his ‘myspace’ messages or maybe not show it on Wild Bunny.” I sighed; I knew that going back in time was something only stupid people would wish for.

As Amany and I were walking to class Jennifer walked up to us.

“Hello Angel!” she said all fake.

“Hi,” I really hated her. We used to be best friends until she stole my boy friend. Stupid . I kept on walking.

“I saw the show you were on. It aired yesterday,” she said to my back.

I stopped and turned around; I did not really know what to anticipate.

“Too bad he’s a little too far for me to snatch away. Don’t you think?”

I gave her a dirty look, “Whatever you say, .” I turned around for a second time and as I was about to take a step she talked again. Something told me to keep walking but for some reason I didn’t.

“Jaebum, is that his name? Why would you like a Chinese guy?”

“Uuuh. He’s KOREAN, there’s a difference,” I answered annoyed as I emphasized the word Korean.

“Well he’s cute.”

Her saying that made my blood boil. Who was she to say my Jaebeom was CYOOTE!?

“Well whether it is him or anyone else, it does not matter. Next time you have someone you love I Will snatch him away anyway.”

I was about to walk up to her and show her what my fist thinks of her when Amany tapped me on the shoulder, “Now’s not the time, Angel. We can deal with her later.”


Hope you guys liked this chapter :)

The plot is developing! :D

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next chapter please...
I can't wait to find out what happens<br />
Sorry for my long Hiatus everybody! :(<br />
I've been super busy!<br />
Thanks for your patience, and please comment! :)
Story's getting interesting! Can't wait for more. :)
Hahha...Good first chapter! So is Angel white? Please don't take it offensive if I said it in a wring way....:/<br />
But Good Luck with the rest of the story and I will be here to support you! XD
Hey!!! This is musicfreak! I'm glad you decided to post on asianfanfics!! This story sounds really interesting!!! Update soon! :D