Chapter 4

The Last Teardrop


Third Person’s POV

The next day, Sehun decided to confess to Hyeji about his feelings. As usual, on his way back from school, he met up with Hyeji along the pathway. His hands start to become sweaty, so does his heart which was thumping madly inside his chest.


Sensing his discomfort, Hyeji stop midway, making Sehun halt to a stop too. She looked at him curiously. “Hunnie! What’s wrong? Are you okay?” She was concerned about his unusual behaaviour.


“Err…I’m fine, really.” Come on Sehun, this is your chance. Don’t blow it.


Although she seems unconvinced, Hyeji just shrugged it off and continue to walk ahead. Before she can even take a step forward, a hand grasped her shoulder, making her stop. She turned to look at Sehun, raising her eyebrows.


“I-I have something to tell you, Jiji ah,” Sehun was sweating like he had just ran a marathon. Say it, Sehun, say it! He opened his mouth, but no words came out, and closed it again. He repeated this action until Hyeji starts to become impatient.


“For God sake, just tell me already!” Hyeji rolled her eyes, shocking Sehun. But still, no words came out. When she turned away again, Sehun immediately burst out.


“I love you, Jiji.”


One seconds. Five seconds. Ten seconds had passed. But Hyeji remained motionless and this made Sehun panicked, afraid that his confession will be rejected. He then called out to her, turning her to face him, “Jiji..”


The next second, he was stunned to see her facial expression. Her eyes were teary and her nose was slowly turning red. “Jiji, I’m sorry! I didn’t know you would act like this,” He swallowed his own saliva.


Hyeji feels like the world was spinning around her. No. This shouldn’t have happened. All this time, Hyeji managed to keep her feelings at bay. But the moment, Sehun had said those words, her resolve was finally shattered. She longed to respond to Sehun’s confession, to tell him that she too feels the same way. But one thing was keeping her from telling him. She only had 4 months to live. I have to do something. If we continue our friendship, both of us will get hurt. It is better if only one of us will feel the pain.


Taking a deep calming breath, she looked up at him blankly. The words that exited from were nothing that she could have ever imagined of saying it, especially to Sehun. “From today onwards, we are no longer friends anymore. Why? Because, you, Sehun, had just ruined our friendship!” With that, she quickly ran away. Away from him. Away from all those emotions that she was feeling right now. I’m sorry, Hunnie. I’m so, so, sorry.


Sehun just stood there, feeling empty. He touched his chest. It hurts. I feel like I can’t breathe. At that time, there was a sound of thunderstorm and not long after that, the rain had started to pour down rapidly. Passersby kept glancing and pointing at him, who was now drenched from head to toe. He didn’t care. He didn’t even realize that it was raining. All that matters is that the love of his life has rejected him. Why? I knew you feel the same way, Jiji, but…why? Something hot and wet slide down across his cheeks. He was crying but he didn’t even know that he is. He slumped down on the gravel way and croaked out her name once more, as if Hyeji will come back by doing so. “Jiji…”



Hyeji sat on her bed, rocking back and forth while hugging her teddy bear. Tears were streaming down her face and she was sure by now her eyes were already swollen. The pain in her chest was unbearable as she recalled the look on Sehun’s face when she had said those words. A mixture of shock, disbelief and pain showed on his face. Sobbing uncontrollably, Hyeji buried her face against the teddy bear. I did it for the best, Hunnie. I don’t want to give false hopes to you as I can only live for a while.



The next few weeks were hard for both Sehun and Hyeji. Sehun wait for her every day at the pathway but she never come up. He did not give up although Luhan kept on telling him to move on as it pained him to see his own bestfriend behaving like a lost puppy.


Hyeji on the other hand has stopped coming to school and had asked for his parents to allow her for leaving school early. Her reason was, so that she would be able to spend her last days with her parents. Although her heart desires to see Sehun, she could not allow that. It’s better for him if I no longer appear in his life.


Unknown to her, Sehun was feeling just as much pain as her. Her sudden disappearance did not make him forget her, instead it further strengthen his love for her as he only treat this as a test for him in order to get her love. I won’t give up on you, Jiji.


A/N : gaaaaah this chapter is a certain failure.  I'm sorry! ><

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posted the final chapter T.T


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arescom #1
Chapter 3: can't wait for more.........
missya #2
Chapter 1: Update pleaseeeeee.....