Chapter 1

The Last Teardrop

Words in bold are character’s thoughts.



Third Person’s POV

Sitting on the couch in her house, Hyeji glanced outside the window. Raindrops splattered on the ground, giving no sign of stopping at the moment. Roars of thunderstorms could be heard with constant strike of lightning, and most of the windows were tinted. The gloominess outside matched with what Hyeji was feeling right now. Pain. Sadness. Depression. She was having a conflict of emotions as her mind focused on nothing else, except for that one particular important matter. A tear rolled down her cheek as she recalled what the doctor had just said earlier.



“I’m afraid that there isn’t much time left,” the doctor said grimly.

“What do you mean, doctor?” Hyeji was in the hospital, along with her parents. She had just finished having the diagnostic test.

“I don’t know how to break this news-“

“Just tell me, doctor.” Hyeji whispered. She had been expecting for the worst but what comes next was way beyond her expectations.

“I’m so sorry to say this but…you only have 6 months to live.”

-End Flashback-


Yes, Hyeji had suffered from lung cancer but she did not expect for the disease to spread faster. Even her parents did not expect that. When she was having the check-up last month, the result shows that she will be able to live for at least, 5 years longer. But now, everything seems to crash down on her. Tears were flowing freely on her face as she began to envision both her parents’ tearful face when they had received the sad news.


Without thinking, she punched the wall beside her. Why? Why did this happen to me? What have I done wrong to deserve this? She continued punching it, not noticing that her hands had began to swollen. Not until few punches later did she stopped as images by images flew past her mind, the time when she was on a vacation with her parents. That was when she was still unaware of the disease that she was having. Lying down, she let her minds to wander off. Eomma…appa … Hyeji vulnerably cried herself to sleep.




It was 5 in the evening and the weather was a bit cloudy. Blissful air spread throughout the wide public field, where a tall and lanky guy could be seen running around for the last few minutes. Oh Sehun was currently rounding some laps. Being a school athlete, he had to keep exercising himself in order to maintain a good stamina.


“3 more laps…3 more laps and I’m free to take a break,” taking a deep breath, he pushed his body forward. Sehun was mentally counting the number of laps left when there was a struck of thunder, followed by a thunderous roar. Suddenly, the weather turns shades of darkness, hinting that it will rain soon. Looking up to the sky, he can feel the soft moisture slapping on his face.


Sehun cursed out loudly and began to speed up, searching for a place to cover him from the rain which was now pouring madly. When he spotted a shop nearby, he quickly stepped in. Once inside, he immediately rubbed his hands to get some heat. Brr…It’s freezing outside. Looking around the shop, he realized that he was in a book shop.Hmm…Guess I just go have a look at these books while waiting for the rain to stop,” he mumbled, thus engulfing himself in the world of books.




Hyeji jerked awake from her sleep, panting. Her body was covered with sweats. Looking around her, she saw the familiar paintings on the wall. Hyeji let out a heavy sigh. It’s just a dream. She put her hands on her chest as if trying to calm her wildly beating heart. She just had an awful nightmare, where she was deep underwater, suffocating.


She was deep in her thoughts when a beam of light stray through the room. Blinking at the sudden intrusion, she quickly adjusted her eyes. Eh? It’s no longer raining, Hyeji thought as she peeked through the window.


“Oh, you’re awake, dear.”


Hyeji turned around and saw Mrs.Choi approaching from the kitchen, with a tray of food on her hand. Smiling, she greeted her mother warmly.


“Here, I brought you some food. You haven’t eaten since we got back from-“ Realizing her mistake, Mrs.Choi cleared and immediately changed the topic. “What are you waiting for? Gobble ‘em all or I might end up eating it!” she said jokingly.


Hyeji was aware that her mother was trying to cover up the avoided topic. “It’s okay,eomma. I’m not that hungry…eomma can eat ‘em all up,” she replied cheerfully.


Mrs.Choi looked closely at her daughter. She can see a trace of dark swelling under her eyes. Her heart began to contract, thinking of her daughter’s sickness. Her eyes became blurry and she tried to avoid Hyeji’s gaze.


“Eomma…Can I go out for a while? The weather looks nice today.” Hyeji asked, unaware of her mother’s teary eyes.


“Of course, dear. Be careful on the road okay?” Putting on a cheery face, Mrs.Choi pat Hyeji’s head.


“Okay!” with that, she brought her hair up into a ponytail and grab her purse. After slipping on her shoes, she waved at her mother, mouthing “I’m going now!~” and went out of the house.


As soon as Hyeji went off, Mrs.Choi immediately broke into sobs. Kneeling on the floor, she crossed her hands and prayed. “Dear God, why did this happen to my precious daughter? If only you give her more time to live…” She could not continue her words as her sobbing continue.




Staring off into the distance, Hyeji did not know where to go. She could not stand the tension at home before. She can tell that if she stays too long with her mother, she would have broke down. That was why she needed to go out for a while. Hyeji did not want to sadden her mother. Come to think of it, she only has 6 months to live.


6 FREAKING MONTHS. A sense of dread overcomes her but that was only for a moment as she began to think rationally. Come on, Hyeji. There’s no use to dwell on this matter. Rubbing the corner of her eyes with the sleeve of her t-shirt, she was determined to spend the time she had left in happiness. Hopping down the alleyway, she hummed to herself. But then she stopped her movement as she passed by a bookstore. It’s been a long time since I visited this shop. Making up her mind, she went into the book shop.


A/N : well, there you go. My first chapter .__. I know it’s not good enough but still, I’m trying to improve my writing xD

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posted the final chapter T.T


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arescom #1
Chapter 3: can't wait for more.........
missya #2
Chapter 1: Update pleaseeeeee.....