Chapter 2

The Last Teardrop


Third Person’s POV

“Cool!” Sehun was busily flipping the Ten10 Magazine. There were many different hairstyles from the SM’s Entertainment idols. He was too absorbed in the magazine, without realizing that the rain had already stopped. Seriously, he saluted the idols for their hairstyles and unique fashion sense. An idea occurred to him which made him walked to one of the girl who works there. He greeted her politely. “Excuse me, do you have a compact powder?


The girl was clearly confused by his sudden question but she nodded anyway. “Can I borrow it for a moment?” Sehun smiled adorably which always melt every girls’ heart. The girl blushed and quickly reached for her purse, pulling out a compact powder. Thanking her, Sehun posed himself at the mirror. Ruffling his hair, he tried to make it messy just like one of the idol in the magazine, Kim Jongin.


On the other side, Hyeji was browsing through the books and after a few more minutes, she went off to the cash register, feeling satisfied with the books bought. But she stopped in mid track as she saw what Sehun was trying to do. Raising an eyebrow, she never thought that she would meet a guy who desperately wanted to look good just by looking at a magazine. ESPECIALLY in a book store. How embarrassing. She clicked her tongue and approach Sehun.


“Err…You look good enough mister. So, stop making a fool of yourself in front of everybody.”


Hearing the comment, Sehun turn his gaze away from the mirror and look at Hyeji. He was going to retort back but what he saw made his mouth wide open. Did God just send me an angel? He was truly mesmerized by Hyeji’s beauty.


What is wrong with this guy? “Hello?” Hyeji waved her hands in front of Sehun. Still no response from him. Not until she shook him hard on the shoulder did Sehun break off from his daydream.


“Eh? What? What?” Sehun yelled in panic, trying to regain his focus back to normal.


“You’re making a scene, mister.” Hyeji said, emphasizing the words one by one.


Looking slightly confused, he glanced around him. But soon he regretted it. All eyes were now aimed at him as he indeed made a fool of himself. Not forget to mention, with a COMPACT POWDER in his grip. Fidgeting awkwardly, all he managed to say was an “Oh…”


Hyeji smirked slightly at his reactions. Seriously he should have thought about it earlier before deciding to pose in front of a compact powder, for God sake. And with that, she continued her ministration to the front counter to pay for the books.


Meanwhile, Sehun was pondering in his thoughts. Should I catch up to her? Until at last, he came to a decision to just approach her. But when he rushed to the cash register, Hyeji was no longer there. Without second thoughts, Sehun went out of the shop and look around. His face broke into a smile as he saw her figure walking down the street.


“Excuse me!” Sehun called out to her. The girl stopped in her tracks and turn around. As he jogged towards her, his mind was reeling with questions. What if I scared her off? What if she told me to get lost? Sehun quickly shook his head, trying to get rid of the negative possibilities. Pabo! She wouldn’t have waited for me there if all of these things are true.


Panting, he finally reached Hyeji. “Err…Can I have your number?” Sehun mentally slapped himself. Nice going, Sehun. Now she’ll probably think what a major loser you are. Trying to act cool, he waited for her answer.


Hyeji’s mind was numb. The question was too sudden for her. Fiddling with the hem of her blouse, she cannot make up her mind whether she should give her number to this guy. Not forget to mention that she had just met him today.


Seeing how Hyeji was uncomfortable with the question, Sehun immediately apologized, heat started to creep on his neck. “Ah, sorry! I understand if you don’t want to give it. I just wanted to get to know you, that’s all. I’m Oh Sehun.” Raising his hand, he silently begged for her to accept it. Few seconds passed and Sehun’s hopes slowly began to falter.


But the next second, Hyeji began to speak out. “I’m Choi Hyeji,” she accepted Sehun’s hand and shook it slightly.


Sehun’s insides were churning with happiness. “How come I’ve never seen you around at school? Are you new?” He asked her, trying to keep the conversation going.


“That’s because I went to a private school,” Hyeji replied calmly. They talked for a few more minutes and after exchanging their phone numbers, they went off to their separate ways to home. Both Chanyeol and Hyeji had a smile on their faces.


Sehun’s POV


I wonder when will I see her again?


Hyeji’s POV


I can’t believe that I just gave my number to a guy that I just met.


That is the start of their friendship.


A/N : Their meeting is pretty ordinary right? :x Sorry for that. Can’t think of any better encounters. Gaaaaah.

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posted the final chapter T.T


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arescom #1
Chapter 3: can't wait for more.........
missya #2
Chapter 1: Update pleaseeeeee.....