
Fell for a Mannequin



Eunhyuk was eating an ice cream seated on a bench on a near park from his house and he lifted his face as the voice that called his name, curious eyes recognizing the boy steps away from him as he show a half smile.

“Hi to you too, Siwon-sshi”

The named seated next to Eunhyuk, stealing glances to the smaller boy as he was his ice-cream and Siwon smiled warm.

“You are cute”

Eunhyuk turned blinking amused, but then frowned.

“You’re dating Donghae and now you’re saying I’m cute, that’s low Siwon-sshi”

Siwon chuckled and replied relaxed.

“I’m not dating your friend, he is just helping me, or at least trying to help me with some issue, but yeah, I assure you are cute Eunhyuk-sshi”

The named blushed feeling something inside his stomach, but at the same time it felt wrong, so he stood and walked away, but then stopped and turned walking to Siwon.

“Why are you telling me this?”

Siwon smiled with dimples and stood too with glowing eyes.

“Because I like you”

Eunhyuk blinked more than three times, tasting the words but for some reason they were bitter, not like he used to imagine once as he nodded slowly.

“Listen, I…”

Eunhyuk felt a finger over his mouth as he closed it, watching how Siwon was seeing him with tender eyes and he felt ashamed, not because he wasn’t enough for the other but because his thoughts were only on one object/person, the mannequin on the Paranormal Club’s room and he sighed.

“I…” he was ready to reject Siwon, but then Donghae appeared behind the other, glaring at him, mouthing; ‘don’t dare to reject him’.

Eunhyuk sighed deeply and watched Siwon eyes before answering with a dejected voice.

“I guess we can try”

Donghae smiled behind Siwon as he walked away, feeling like a great good friend, and Siwon hugged Hyukjae, lifting it and twirling with him in circles.



Eunhyuk swallowed a knot on his throat as he stepped inside the Club’s room, his eyes were set on the mannequin right away, and Eunhyuk felt something twisting on his chest and the urge to turn and walked off, even so, he just went and seated next to the mannequin, it was exactly like he left him and Eunhyuk knew instantly that Donghae didn’t clean the mannequin like he promised the past days as he sighed.

“You know… I…”

Eunhyuk stood and put the gloves on his hands as he held the flannel, watering the fabric and touching the artificial skin in the cleaning process without saying a word.

Once he finished, he took set on the table the flannel and put off the gloves next to it.

“I’m dating Siwon” Eunhyuk turned his face to watch the mannequin but was no answer and he continued “he is nice and cares for me a lot” Eunhyuk chuckled, this time his eyes set on the table “he even is waiting for me to give him a kiss, he is a gentleman, you know…”



“Are you crazy!!!” Donghae shouted angry at Eunhyuk while the latter had his head low.


“I can’t believe it Hyuk!” Donghae walked from side to side “Siwon is perfect!! And you’re telling me you think that, oh no” Donghae stopped while shaking Eunhyuk’s shoulders.

“You really ‘think’ you’re in love with a thing, seriously?”

Eunhyuk flinched at the words, he didn’t think Donghae would react that way, he was just being honest, but to think this was happening…

“I can’t believe it. I’m…”

Eunhyuk stood feeling angry for some reason, he just confess his feelings, wanting an advice not a scold.

“If he is so perfect why you don’t take him, huh?”

Donghae stopped and went silent as tears fell from his eyes, he was shivering and Eunhyyuk felt guilty when he heard his friend sobs.

“I tried, I really did…” Donghae lifted his face watching Eunhyuk “but he only talked about you and I… I thought it was okay if you love him back, but to think the one I like has a crush on my friend and then same friend has head over heels with a stupid doll, is…”

Eunhyuk wrapped his arms around Donghae, speaking after several minutes.

“I guess if the ‘thing’ will be an ‘alien’ you will be not so mad at me” he chuckled and Donghae wiped his tears away.




“I can’t come and see you anymore” Eunhyuk affirmed and he lifted his face, eyes full in tears as he forced a smile, feeling stupid because the mannequin wasn’t answering and this was silly and even so, his heart was flinching and twisting in pain at every word, why this was happening to him and then Eunhyuk started to raise his voice.

“I’m so ing in love with you, but you don’t even understand it” Eunhyuk didn’t bother to wipe his tears away as he stood and cry out “I’m maybe nuts, yeah!! But you don’t even know how frustrating this is, how crazy is, how…” the voice became lower; almost a whisper faded with the wind “useless is this feeling, so I’m letting you go”

Eunhyuk stood and finally wiped his tears away, caressing the cold skin from the mannequin as he flinched but then he bend closing his eyes slowly, touching in a brief touch the mannequin lips, it wasn’t soft, neither warm, no, because the feeling was harsh and cold, soulless and empty, so tears fell from Eunhyuk’s eyes as he pulled away.

“I love you”

But you can never love me back.



Eunhyuk stood and smiled bitterly, feeling a heavy pain inside his chest as he turned ready to left, he promised Donghae that he will love Siwon, it was stupid too since Donghae was the one crushing over the taller man, but Eunhyuk was so numb, feeling so dull, that he tought, he was stupid himself as he dragged his steps off the school.

And tears fell again as he stared to hiccupped and hugged Siwon that was waiting for him outside the school gates, rubbing Eunhyuk’s back in comfort but smiling sadly.

“Let’s break up”

Eunhyuk cried more, but he felt his heart lighter as he nodded, mumbling unintelligible words of sorry as Donghae patted his back, muttering a sorry, watching Siwon with a sad glint on his eyes.



The room is empty, just the things inside as the mannequin stays on the same place since Eunhyuk brought it as the light is off, and is maybe because Eunhyuk kissed him while crying but the mannequin has teary eyes as the sun light enters the room in a soft tender sparkle, falling graceful over the mannequin shape and disappearing like it arrived.

The things are set on the same place as before and the mannequin still is a model and drops fell on the mannequin pants as one finger moved, and maybe is an delusion, but then… it moved again and the mannequin eyes closed slowly like a doll that is being tested, and he opened his eyes as tears were falling from his eyes and his fingers moved again, clenching and unclenching in soft fists as he blinked again and took his hand to his face, touching his cheek as a tear stuck on his finger as he watched it as something surreal, as he it didn’t belong to him and he blinked again, face expressionless and then he moved his head from left to right and when he started to feel his legs, he stood, almost falling but supporting his weight with his right hand over the table, breathing, it was a foreign feeling for him and he breathed again once he notice he could do it and his lips curved upwards, it ached but maybe because the years he spend being impassive.

He then moved his lips in a thin line as he shook his head, feelings and emotions in so few days, even since he saw the smaller boy named Eunhyuk, he started to felt like he didn’t even before becoming a mannequin, his frozen heart started to melt at the first time Eunhyuk talked to him and then he smiled, so many memories in a short time, so warm feelings inside him and sad ones as well, and he breathed deep walking slow, until the steps became hasten as he started to ran outside the room, in a world he didn’t know but was more than happy to know it as his eyes were searching for just one boy.



Eunhyuk was alone outside the school, Siwon left him and walked Donghae, Eunhyuk felt happy and sad at the same time, but shrugged those feelings, maybe he was like this because he wanted someone next to him and then he sighed and breathed, watching the red-orange-blue sky as he blinked.

And he step outside the school doors when he suddenly was grabbed by the arm and turned as he bumped into something soft and warm and Eunhyuk lifted his face, widened eyes at the sight as he shook his head and tears started to fall and he stepped back, and the person before him showed hurt on his eyes but say nothing and Eunhyuk with shaking hands and feeling like if the one before him was an illusion his world could crumble.

Eunhyuk reached the other face. The mannequin he bended over the touch, feeling the trembling hands that were caressing his skin as he showed a soft smile, locking his eyes on Eunhyuk’s ones.

“I’m dreaming” said in soft voice Eunhyuk as he felt the warm skin belonging to the nameless one and he blinked as the other chuckled holding Eunhyuk’s hand.

“You’re not” It was husky, maybe because he didn’t talk since a long time, but it was soft and tender too and Eunhyuk smiled at the boy.

“I am”

Eunhyuk felt a kiss on his hand as the other boy was watching him with shimmering eyes.

“Then me too”

Eunhyuk giggled and hugged the other as he buried his face on the nameless boy.

“I love you”

It was barely a whisper but the nameless boy smiled with delight.

“I love you too, Eunhyuk”

And the named pulled away and look with curious eyes the other boy as he grinned in a playful gesture.

“You know my name but I don’t know yours”

The boy laughed softly as he kissed away the pout on Eunhyuk lips, making the latter blink in surprise.


And Eunhyuk tasted the name before saying it like if it was a magic word that could bring him happiness as a smiled formed on his lips, feeling how nice the name rolled on his tongue.


And Kyuhyun smiled hugging Eunhyuk, asking to hear his name over and over again, not having enough about the warm feeling on his chest every time Eunhyuk would pronounce his name with those perfect soft and pinky plump lips.




I hope you had like it my friend, and I hope I didn't ruin, so yeah...

Is funny, because I started writing this on octuber and is too short, mianhe~ but I also took some time because it was hard to portray what I want, still, I really hope you had enjoyed it ^^ 

Thanks for reading ^^ I love you all~

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Finally I finish writing Fell for a Mannequin >.< Enjoy it~


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Chapter 4: Wooooooooooahhhhhhhhh Such a Great Story!!! I completely love it... Is the best fantasy fanfic that I ever read!!!! Is so beautiful ~ !
scold me but it would be funny if eunhyuk suddenly asked "so, how old are you now Kyuhyun?" XD well since maybe kyuhyun is the prince in the fairytale eunhyuk read, hehe...
but i'm really curious about the age, bcos eunhyuk&donghae were like elementary students, so cute >.< and i think kyuhyun aged hundreds years old already XD (sorry for blabbering, it's just bcos i'm happy you finally finished it! :D)

this is nice, beyond my expectation actually, hehe... *clap clap*
but have to say that the final chapter seems a bit rushed to the ending. because siwon confess, break up, confess to the mannequin, the mannequin become all happened in one chapter, a bit fast compared to the previous chapters which went slowly. just my opinion, hope you don't mind :)
not too short or long, just nice ^^
oh and i like that you describe the mannequin's expression (or emotion?) like the glint on its eyes and else, i can imagine it like in a movie :D

thank you for writing this!
and uh...i think it's surpassed my version of 'mannequin'...? hehe
good job!
Chapter 4: sweet...this is just right...not too short and not long of a story. I love it...
Chapter 4: aaaa..... Its beautiful... I like it..
Chapter 4: Well, hey, that's one good story Unnie :DD Donghae is cuteness as its finest. He's so cute I'd like to bite him. :3
Hyukjae's personality got me. Thumbs up Unnie.
michikokasiumi #6
Chapter 4: HWOOOOOOAHH!!! Ginaaa!!!! omooo... i read it in one goo!!! O.M.G!! ur improving sooooooooooooooooo much!!! >0<
omooo... u r great ginaa!!! the plot.. the story,, omooo.. n its kyuhyuk.. wow... i love the way u describe it... whaaa... cool >o<
meehyukkie #7
Chapter 4: Thank you for the beautiful story Tsuki-ah ^^
i love it, it's really sweet xD
Donghae and his obsession with aliens is so cute, i love that fishy hehehe
And then you add Siwon there, it's just perfect xD
And what i love the most is Hyukkie, he's soo adorable the way he treats everyone around him..
You doing a great job,, again xD
Thank you *bearhugs*
Chapter 4: omg!! omg!! omg!!!

What is this?? am I'm reading Fairy Tale with Kyuhyuk's version?? Coz I swear, Pinochio, Alice, Beauty & The Beast, Sleeping Beauty story were playing in my head as I read this...

I must say that 'Choice' (if I'm not mistaken the title) was your best story ever, WAS!! because now I felt that this Doll...

Kyuhyuk: Mannequin!!

okay, Mannequin is your best story ever!! You're really improving!!

and please.. can u just give the mannequin to me? because I'm dying to have one if it was Kyuhyun... (joking... xp)
wow...finally! anticipating this ^^
kkk...thank you so much for this :D *hugs*
Yoh,unnie. You've been wallowing in magic fics lately huh. I'll certainly read this. Anyway, there's a little mistake in the description. I'm writing the fluff- -but it's not really a fluff. OHMAGASH. LOVE YA