Chapter One

Fell for a Mannequin


The goddess was cloistered in human form at being married to the man who hid her robe, so she awaited years to be free and returns to heavens, but then…

Eunhyuk was watching the window uncaringly, burned leafs by the season making a twirl before falling in harmony with the wind as he sighed. Literature has been always one of his worst subjects, and being inside a classroom isn’t what he liked the most, so he was bored, his gaze still on the window, resting his face on his hand until the bell rang, and he was already picking his stuff when he felt someone jumping over him as he smiled, faking being annoyed.

“Ya! Hae, get down”

The named just grinned childish when he released Eunhyuk, seating over the desk.

“But Hyuk, today we must make the research!!”

Eunhyuk smacked his face, damn it! he forgot, but then he showed a wide smile to his confused friend, because Donghae has been always very important to him, his only friend even when he had tried to be friendly to other boys, still with no success, even so, Donghae has being always there since kids and is so natural for Eunhyuk to smile and being careless and dorky in front of Donghae.

“Ok, but you just need to know, that I still doubt this whole thing”

Donghae pouted, but grinned when no one was in the classroom.

“But Hyuk, is one of the seven mysteries in the school and asides…” Donghae stopped, glancing over the place and murmuring “we must find a proof or our cub will be vanished”

Eunhyuk chuckled at the frightful expression Donghae was showing, like if the world could end at any minute, so Eunhyuk patted Donghae right shoulder.

“Is ok, we will find it”

Donghae nodded smiling and jumping blabbering about the several documental movies he watched yesterday about UFO while the two boys were walking off the classroom.     



“Ouch!” Eunhyuk whined taking his bleeding finger to his lips, until Donghae stopped him alarmed.

“Yah!  Some alien can get into your body if you it!”

Eunhyuk blinked twice confused before rolling his eyes.

“Hae…” Eunhyuk sighed “it’s not true that aliens live on this garden, you know”

Donghae kept silent for half second a bit taken aback, when he suddenly watched Eunhyuk with firm eyes.

“They live here!! Five years ago a student saw and UFO on the back garden, so it’s true!!”

Donghae spoke excited, blinking at his words. To tell the true, Eunhyuk was the one who created that rumor a year ago when he and Donghae enrolled on the school and Donghae was being bullied by some sophomores, so Eunhyuk spread the rumor, the surprising thing was that everyone believed it like one of the school mysteries.

“Listen Hae…” his rounded expectant eyes made Eunhyuk felt guilty and he sighed, changing his mind about telling him the true “let’s just finish our research for the club before gets dark”

Donghae smiles while nodding. And Eunhyk huffed on his mind about how he now needed to search for a nonexistent thing.

Eunhyuk steps on the long grass and some scrub, taking a step back, furrowing his brows when Donghae cell phone started to sound. Eunhyuk set his eyes on his friend, standing next to him as he watched the ID on the screen, is Donghae’s mother and Eunhyuk smiled at Donghae that is already walking away to answer.  

For the first time, Eunhyuk watched his surroundings while standing inches away from a place covered in undergrowths and thorns. It was silly, Eunhyuk thought to himself, but he approached it as he started to pull away the brushes, careful not touching the thorns as he stepped deeper.   

“This …” Eunhyuk muttered watching the forgotten place full of bushes, trees, and some plants he didn’t even know; even the fountain on the center had tendrils. Eunhyuk ruffled my hair exasperated.

Eunhyuk walked with no emotion at the environment this garden was showing, the one that seemed more like a creepy forest or a jungle, making Eunhyuk think about how nobody has even took care of this place, when he scoffed, he tripped over a thick branch; his hand reached a climbing plant but he just dragged it with him as he fell, covering his face with his other hand in a tried to avoid any injure on his body.

The grass and brushes sounded as he grunted in pain, but happy that it wasn’t so bad, since he just had some bruises, so Eunhyuk stood dusting off the dirt on his pants and sweater. Eunhyuk lifted his gaze while cursing the plant that didn’t help him as his eyes widened.


Eunhyuk blinked as he’d pinch his cheek, winning at the feeling. He then watched from left to right, maybe someone is making a joke or maybe they are filming something here, but it can’t be even a dream since his cheek hurts and no one jumped screaming surprise! Eunhyuk checked out again, just to make sure he is alone. 

Eunhyuk… is impressed, so he walked steps ahead tilting his head to the side, watching the wrapped mannequin between the climbers and tendrils. Eunhyuk lifted his hand to put aside the plants, wanting to watch the beautiful yet cold figure in front of him as Eunhyuk eyes laid on the object that seemed so alive and yet so outlying, his eyes soulless dark even when it seemed like watching him as his head was tilted, half covered with raven fangs and for a second, Eunhyuk heart sank, because even when it was a bit scary, it seemed like a broken doll trapped in the vines.  

Eunhyuk hand finally reached the mannequin face, flinching at how cold it was when he heard steps coming where he was, as he tried to cover the mannequin, failing miserably and he just tackled it, falling with a hollow thump to the grass behind a brush and wincing at the thorn on his arms before standing once he was sure the thing was hid. Feeling for some reason guilty, ignoring the uncomfortable sensation on his chest as he turned his body to where the steps came, and pulling out the few thorns on his sweater whining and dusting away the grass on him as he smiled at Donghae.

“What happened to you?”

Eunhyuk shrugged, oblivious Donghae then beamed remembering the call.

“Mom says she bought a movie about aliens!!! It will be of help!!”

Eunhyuk laughed nervous, glancing quickly to the place where the mannequin is laying. Not knowing why he didn’t showed it to Donghae, but feeling isn’t the time yet.

“N-nice, then we must hurry”

Donghae nodded, grabbing Eunhyuk hand, dragging him out the garden, making Eunhyuk remembers why they were there in first place.



"Please…” Donghae begged to Eunhyuk that was shaking his head. Donghae left in a rush, confusing the other but then; minutes later, he returned, pouting while telling Eunhyuk that he needed another favor; one no-related to any alien club, so Eunhyuk nodded, asking what it was the favor. Donghae chirmed saying he just needed a signature for a homework since he forgot to ask his mother and Eunhyuk nodded half sleep, writing his own signature. Donghae grinned exiting the classroom, returning an hour later; showing to Eunhyuk a sheet with black edge.    



Under the internal regulations of this High School, the student Lee Donghae fulfill all the formalities about having at least two students interested in a mutual topic; which in this case is the paranormal.

So, I; the current principal allow to Lee Eunhyuk and Lee Donghae have a classroom for the now; Paranormal Club and any activity they could develop there, just if they can show some proof about paranormal activity before the 09-Octuber-2012.  




So in the end, Eunhyuk was searching for proofs with Donghae about the existence of aliens because Donghae really wanted to create this weird club, and even if he tricked Eunhyuk and dragged him here, still… it doesn’t bother him at all. Eunhyuk sighed watching by Donghae by the corner of his eyes, smiling when they are already at the school gates as he glanced back at the forgotten garden, returning his gaze to Donghae when he heard his voice.

“Do you think a movie is ok for show it like a proof?” Donghae watched Eunhyuk a bit unsure, but Eunhyuk ruffled his friend hair.

“Why not?” 





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Finally I finish writing Fell for a Mannequin >.< Enjoy it~


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Chapter 4: Wooooooooooahhhhhhhhh Such a Great Story!!! I completely love it... Is the best fantasy fanfic that I ever read!!!! Is so beautiful ~ !
scold me but it would be funny if eunhyuk suddenly asked "so, how old are you now Kyuhyun?" XD well since maybe kyuhyun is the prince in the fairytale eunhyuk read, hehe...
but i'm really curious about the age, bcos eunhyuk&donghae were like elementary students, so cute >.< and i think kyuhyun aged hundreds years old already XD (sorry for blabbering, it's just bcos i'm happy you finally finished it! :D)

this is nice, beyond my expectation actually, hehe... *clap clap*
but have to say that the final chapter seems a bit rushed to the ending. because siwon confess, break up, confess to the mannequin, the mannequin become all happened in one chapter, a bit fast compared to the previous chapters which went slowly. just my opinion, hope you don't mind :)
not too short or long, just nice ^^
oh and i like that you describe the mannequin's expression (or emotion?) like the glint on its eyes and else, i can imagine it like in a movie :D

thank you for writing this!
and uh...i think it's surpassed my version of 'mannequin'...? hehe
good job!
Chapter 4: sweet...this is just right...not too short and not long of a story. I love it...
Chapter 4: aaaa..... Its beautiful... I like it..
Chapter 4: Well, hey, that's one good story Unnie :DD Donghae is cuteness as its finest. He's so cute I'd like to bite him. :3
Hyukjae's personality got me. Thumbs up Unnie.
michikokasiumi #6
Chapter 4: HWOOOOOOAHH!!! Ginaaa!!!! omooo... i read it in one goo!!! O.M.G!! ur improving sooooooooooooooooo much!!! >0<
omooo... u r great ginaa!!! the plot.. the story,, omooo.. n its kyuhyuk.. wow... i love the way u describe it... whaaa... cool >o<
meehyukkie #7
Chapter 4: Thank you for the beautiful story Tsuki-ah ^^
i love it, it's really sweet xD
Donghae and his obsession with aliens is so cute, i love that fishy hehehe
And then you add Siwon there, it's just perfect xD
And what i love the most is Hyukkie, he's soo adorable the way he treats everyone around him..
You doing a great job,, again xD
Thank you *bearhugs*
Chapter 4: omg!! omg!! omg!!!

What is this?? am I'm reading Fairy Tale with Kyuhyuk's version?? Coz I swear, Pinochio, Alice, Beauty & The Beast, Sleeping Beauty story were playing in my head as I read this...

I must say that 'Choice' (if I'm not mistaken the title) was your best story ever, WAS!! because now I felt that this Doll...

Kyuhyuk: Mannequin!!

okay, Mannequin is your best story ever!! You're really improving!!

and please.. can u just give the mannequin to me? because I'm dying to have one if it was Kyuhyun... (joking... xp)
wow...finally! anticipating this ^^
kkk...thank you so much for this :D *hugs*
Yoh,unnie. You've been wallowing in magic fics lately huh. I'll certainly read this. Anyway, there's a little mistake in the description. I'm writing the fluff- -but it's not really a fluff. OHMAGASH. LOVE YA