The Fourth Song

The Song


In my lessons today a boy was moved to sit next to me, the cute one, the one which every girl wanted. His name was Dae Eun but he preferred Dean, I took this into deep consideration, should  I ever ended up in conversation with him ;P Despite all the death glares the female population of the  class was giving me, everybody sighed when our lest favourite teacher  walk through the glass door and began our lesson.

I took down notes I thought were relevant, but when the teacher began to talk about "fuelling ballads with the emotions from past experiences". The class took a long and low groan, as he began to once again tell us the epic love story of went he went to the beach on a rainy day and met the love of his life only to be blah blah blah blah... it wasn't long my thoughs drifted to Ryeowook, before I could dwel on it I turned to Dean.
"Hey?" I said in a low whisper
He looked at me with his gorgeous big blue eyes and I almost forgot what I was going to say.
"Does he realise this is the third time he's told us this story in the last two lessons?" His face cracked in to a half smile, so I continued " Are you actually listening to anything he's saying?"
"No not at all, but it was very interesting the first time!" I chuckled, he's so funny~
" You should hear the one about him walking in the park!" I added, he smiled, and I god dam swear my mouth nearly dropped open.
"I hope I don't,"
"I think everyone does" He laughed, I made him laugh! Inside I was completely fan girling out!
"Im Dae Eun by the way, but you can call me Dean"
"Agyoung Dean-Sunbae, I'm Anni" we bowed to each other.
"You dont need to be so formal." I nodded "So Anni-shii? Why are you hear?" he asked, hehee so charming :D
"I want to become a singer, how about you?"
"I'm a rapper!"
" 1 to the 2 to the 1,2,3,4..." I stopped myself when I realised what I had just done, I always was good at embarrassing myself, he just laughed.
"A bit like that....but...."
"... better!" I finished for him, be both laughed a bit too loud-
"Dean! Can you tell me the answer please"........Dean Jolted a bit but stared blankly forward....
"1983" I whispered he repeated what I said with a smug look on his face, the teacher looked cheated and pulled a discussed face but he continued on.
"where would I be without you?" he joked. I felt a little bit bad for almost getting him into trouble so I just smiled. What a nice guy...i wish all of them were like it anni!!

The bell rang for the next lesson, Lizzy who sat behind me lent forward and poked my shoulder pulling me out of my daze. " What do we have next Lizzy??" i asked her
"Performance preparation" She replied whilst packing away her notes.
"I thought we just had that?"
"We just had Performance History"
"Oh yeah" we looked at each other then burst into giggles. I'm pretty sure this would have continued for a very long while had it not been for Dean standing up from his seat, swinging his bag over his shoulder and walk walking past waving a "goodbye" in my direction. As soon as he was out of sight i turned to Lizzy and we did our "Hot-Boy-Just-Talked-To-Me" dance.
"Your sooooooo lucky" she stated
"I know!"
"What did he say?!"

"This and that...." I smiled evilly at her inquisitive face, she just pouted. We walked to our next lesson in a casual silence. Lizzy, who was walking slightly in front of me, turned to go through the class door. She backed up  and turned around with a blank 'WTF face'.....I waved my hand in front of her ...nothing....she gulped......odd...."You ok....?".....nothing......she gulped again.....hum......strange.......she exhaled deeply....Ok fine!......I grabbed her hand and pulled her behind me.  We got to the door and walked in, when I saw who was at the front of the room I almost screamed.

It was Super Junior....and that meant....Ryeowook....



XXXXX Updated Finally XXXX  

Edits: only really niggly things, promise to update tomorrow :D

Please comment if you find any mistacks i wont be affended :D i love feed back xx 




Happy Birthday Eunhyukkie Oppa Saranghae xxx

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Chapter 3: come on dongsang update !!!!!!
Chapter 2: ahhhhhhh no!! Ryeowook why didn't you!! pritty please ryeowook!
anyway good story i want more!! update sooon! :)
Really good dongsang!!
awsom story xxxx
write more!