New Year (3rd and Last part)


A/N: My long overdue 3rd part. Still the aftermath of the Yoona-Seunggi shizz


Jessica comfortably sat on her chair, all washed-up donning a smile on her face.

“Happy New Year Mom! Happy New Year Dad! Happy New Year Krys!” She excitedly greeted her family as they too exchanged greetings and brief hugs.

“Took you forever to come down.” Krystal shook her head disapprovingly.

“You know your sister. You shouldn’t be surprised.” Her Dad just smiled in amusement.

Jessica stuck her tongue out at Krystal and they all had their first breakfast of 2014.

Krystal was glad that she was able to bring out her sister’s cheerful side despite what had transpired earlier on.

The Jungs exchanged warm greetings and joyful chatter throughout breakfast.


As Jessica retired to her room, depressing thoughts again entered her mind. How could she lose something she never even had?

She pulled out a notebook in hopes of relieving her troubled mind. She wrote her heartfelt confession, her worries and all her woes. She kept on writing, only problem was her tears kept on blotting the ink on the pages. The tear-stained pages didn’t deter her one bit as she finished writing and shut the small notebook close. She lied down and faced the ceiling as she pulled the small thing towards her heart. The notebook contained her innermost thoughts and emotions and she hoped writing it down would do her some good. The relief she felt may have been small in comparison to what she needed, but for now it was enough. That was enough for Jessica.

“I don’t understand. Why must the world conspire against me on the first day of the year?” She sighed heavily.

“I have a bad feeling about 2014.”

She then succumbed to sleep: the only form of refuge within her reach.


Yoona woke up. Ragged breaths, sweaty palms, and an unnerving pit in her stomach. She just got out of a nightmare.

It all seemed too real: the wedding dress, the perfect church, the wedding guests. It would’ve been the perfect wedding had it not been for the bride. Yoona felt like she was about to hyperventilate. She trembled so badly, Seunggi had to hold her all the way to the altar. They had even considered cancelling the wedding and calling the hospital. And when she reached the pulpit, the broken look on Jessica’s face made her crumble. Yoona vehemently shook her head to get rid of all the images.

Why? Why hadn’t I thought of her? It’s like my mind was intentionally erasing her from my thoughts. Damn, how insensitive can I be?

Yoona moved her hand around her side table unable to grasp her phone. She hurriedly stood up, put on a coat, and grabbed her phone from the drawer. She didn’t care what time it was, she had to find Jessica.

She drove to her house at a speed that was just a kilometre below the limit. She reached Jessica’s house finding all lights turned off. Damn, they’re already sleeping.

She then walked toward the convenience store to grab a drink. To her surprise, there was Jessica, drinking by herself.

She quickly walked towards the table and joined her. Jessica was mumbling incoherently but Yoona heard her loud and clear.

“Why? Why must you do this to me?” Jessica was wobbling from side to side urging Yoona to steady her by holding onto her torso.

“I love you. You ripped my heart out my chest. Why?” Jessica began sobbing again. It hurt Yoona to see her unnie sobbing like that. It pained her that she caused all this.

“Why have the Gods conspired against me? What have I done?” Jessica held onto Yoona and started sobbing onto her shirt.

“It’s alright. Tomorrow, I’ll be over her.” And suddenly Jessica stopped, as if she hadn’t even been sobbing before. After all that, Yoona still hadn’t said a word to Jessica.

I can’t believe she loves me this much. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it all out. Yoona wasn’t smart but she was no fool. She knew what was going on.

This. This is what’s holding me back.

And as quick as that, Yoona had decided to let Seunggi go. She wasn’t even that interested in him. She couldn’t deny the appeal he had. The publicity, the security and many more. But what would she need him for if everything she wanted was right in front of her.

Yes, she felt it too. It was mutual but neither of them made a move. They were both too scared. Fear got the best of them. But one good thing that came out from the dating announcement was this. Two hearts finally managed to have a voice. Two souls freed from the torment inflicted by society. Two beings brought together through honesty.

Yoona knew a lot still had to be done. She knew she was taking a risk. But what would life be without taking a few risks her and there?

With her mind made up, she lifted Jessica off her seat and took her to her car. The girl was no longer sobbing. She kept mum and was dazing off into space.

As she was about to leave the store, the ahjumma stopped her. “Where are you taking Jessica?”

“I’m taking her back to our dorm.”

“Oh, you’re Im Yoona.”

“Yes, I am.” Yoona managed a small smile. She then remembered a tiny little detail.

“Did she pay for all that?”

“I’m afraid she’s too drunk to remember that.”

“I’ll handle that.” Yoona pulled out bills from her pocket and handed it to the lady.

She then left the store as she heard the lady say “take care of her.”

“I will.” She said to no one in particular.

She then put Jessica on the front seat. The girl seemed to be conscious, but she still didn’t know who she was with.

“Where are you taking me?” She slurred.

“Home. We’re going home.” Yoona smiled as she revved up the engine and headed for their dorm. She only hoped the other members would be asleep by now.


A/N: Lels, I don't know what I'm doing. Bear with me, I just woke up. Anyway, comments?

More updates to come. hihi. Lol, I'm excited cause it's Sica's birthday! But my mother kept on calling, telling us to go to church so the updates may come a little later.

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Was too lazy to put in dialogue


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tjsthysys09 #1
Lol I’m here again 🥺
Chapter 41: These shots are fun. I'm not really a fan of one-shots coz i prefer longer stories but well, this collection changed my mind. i like one-shots now :)
Chapter 23: Aigoo these two chodings. You gave tiffany a hard time haha.
Chapter 9: Yoona hahaha :D
Chapter 4: So far so good :)
Chapter 104: so short but too much feels </3
xin0123 #7
Chapter 104: so short update :(
natzu1234 #8
Chapter 40: I am re-reading this again authornim ❤
Chapter 1: Woooow that's a lot of one-shots! But I'm a total er for this pairing so I'm totally okay with it ^^ Wish I'd found this sooner.
Chapter 103: i miss ot9 too huhu