

A/N: Sorry, I'm still not done with the Used sequel


Jessica and Tiffany are so focused on the screen that they didn’t notice the customer entering the room.

Yoona slowly walks to the counter, cash on one hand and a list on the other. She stares at the list hard and raises her head to read out her orders.

Instead of hospitable staff, she’s met with a couple of giggling girls, faces intently stuck onto the screen of a portable player. Yoona stares in disapproval. She was about to speak up and tell them off for their actions when the blonde one suddenly caught her eye.

It’s as if time stood still. The way her blonde tresses fell against her shirt, the way her soft laughter reverberated around the room, the way her hand met the wooden surface repeatedly indicating her overflowing emotions. It was all too much for Yoona. It was love at first sight, but it wasn’t. Yoona was convinced, this was the girl she’d be spending forever with. Don’t ask her how, she just knew.

Lost in her thoughts, she doesn’t notice the girls as they hurriedly turn off the device and attend to her. The brunette looks at the blonde in wonder. The blonde shrugs in return. They were left staring at the girl with hanging open staring at nothingness. Jessica got impatient so she lazily pushed the girl’s mouth closed.

Yoona jumps back in surprise dropping her things in the process. “Whoo”

Jessica smiled sweetly as if mocking her. “May I have your order?”

“Oh, yeah.” Yoona bent down to pick up her list and her cash. She was surprisingly calm in front of the girl. She was really. But beneath the façade, her insides were churning and she was perspiring like she just ran 10 kilometers.

Yoona breathed out her orders and waited patiently by the counter. “You can sit you know.”

“Uhh, I’ll be fine here.” As the brunette returned after relaying her orders, the two resumed watching.

Yoona’s boldness fueled by an unknown force, pushed her to strike a conversation. “What’re you watching?” She asked with forced nonchalance.

Jessica stared at her eyes thinning into slits. “I’ll tell you if you buy ten burgers.”

With haste Yoona answered. “Call” She smiled at how she was doing a good job at this.

Jessica smirked. “Oooookay. 10 burgers coming right up.” She moved toward the window leading to the kitchen and returned shortly.

Yoona started to think it wasn’t at all a good idea. “So, what is it?”

“Gossip Girl” Jessica answered her as she resumed watching the series. The whole time Tiffany paid them no attention as she focused on the show. Yoona was once again left to entertain herself. Realizing how bad of a decision it was to get those burgers, she sat in the corner and tried to absorb herself with magazine.

Tiffany went up to her after a while. “Order’s here.” She said with a smile.

“Thanks.” Yoona mumbled. Before Tiffany could leave, she managed to spit out a weak. “What’s her name?”


“Can I get blondie’s name?” She smiled sheepishly.

“You mean Jessica?”

“Her name’s Jessica?”

Tiffany simply nodded. “It’s on her uniform you know.” Tiffany answered with a small smile.

Yoona knocked her forehead. Stupid stupid, how could I not notice that?

With that, she hurriedly made her way to the exit.


Yoona was initially planning to take a cab only to find out she was short on cash. She was force to walk all the way back to their apartment from the burger joint. Luckily it wasn’t that far, but still very much exhausting for her.

The moment she stepped foot inside their three-room apartment, she already knew what the reaction of her roommates would be. She carefully stepped inside and set her shoes aside. She gently slid into the dining area and planned on putting half of the burgers in the fridge and half she’d take to her room. She knew Sooyoung wouldn’t be able to resist five burgers lying unprotected.

Unfortunately, she didn’t expect Seohyun to catch her. “Unnie!” The girl yelled. Sooyoung came running into the dining room as she was met with the welcoming waft of burgers.

“Yah, what’s going on here?” Sooyoung demanded as she took the bag from Yoona. A smile was etched into her face as she eyed the burgers as if they were gold.

“God Yoona! Why would you hide these from me?” Sooyoung asked her, clutching her chest for effect.

“I wasn’t. I was leaving them on the fridge for you.” Yoona pulled a note she was about to place on top of the bag. Sooyoung crushed her into a hug. “I love you.” If Yoona wasn’t mistaken, tears were pouring out of Sooyoung’s eyes at a slow pace.

“Oh my God Sooyoung-unnie! Dn’t tell me you’re tearing up because of food.”

“I am not.”

“You’re sniffling.”

“Shut up Seohyun.” Sooyoung then let Yoona go and showered her with kisses as she leapt away along with the bag of burgers. Luckily, Yoona got to grab one for herself before the whole bag got taken away.

“Unnie, you know you’re hastening your death.”

Yoona raised up her arms in surrender. “I know. I know.” She cautiously stepped back in hopes of Seohyun letting it go.

“Why’d you buy that much?” Seohyun eyed her suspiciously.


“Do you happen to like Sooyoung-unnie?”

“What? No, no, what’re you talking about?” Yoona vehemently denied the claim as she looked at Seohyun in disbelief. Seohyun tilted her head in question.

“No. NO. Really. I don’t.”

“That’s good.”

Now it was Yoona’s turn to be suspicious. “Why is that good?” She held her imaginary mustache in thought.

“You like her don’t you?” Yoona teased with a grin.

Seohyun shook her head with force. “Don’t be ridiculous. Hyoyeon-unnie likes her.” Seohyun turned into a light shade of pink.

Yoona eyed her incredulously. “Is that so?” She wasn’t so convinced. Seohyun nodded and went into her room. As far as Yoona knew, there was a shred of truth in her statement.

She just dismissed the idea and went to bed. She had to think of ways to get that blonde girl.


“Do you know where Jessica is?” Yoona asked Tiffany.

“Buy 10 burgers and I’ll tell you.” Tiffany answered with a grin.

“Come on.” Yoona banged her head onto the counter. “I’m getting broke because of last time.”

“But you want Jessica that badly, don’t you?” Yoona nodded with a pout.

“Let me give you advice. She’s not interested.”

Yoona looked stunned as Tiffany went on. “She hasn’t been in a relationship for years and I don’t think she’s looking for one at the moment.”


Tiffany put a hand on her shoulder. “Look Yoona, you’ll only end up getting hurt. Thousands have tried, not one has come out triumphant.”

“You speak as if Jessica is a price to be won.”

“Well, they make it seem that way.”

“Who’s they?”


“Her parents?”

“Close enough.”

Yoona looked at her with a pleading look.

“Fine. Her aunt’s family. She’s the niece’s owner and they’re only giving her out to the person that can revive this burger joint.”

“But she’s a human being. She can’t be given out. Besides, isn’t this joint doing well enough?”

“Its sales plunged by 50% Yoona. That’s not a bright prospect.”

Yoona scratched her head in frustration. “Fine.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to take Business Management classes.”

“What? I just thought you said she wasn’t to be given away?”

“I did. I’m just helping her out. Plus, this way people won’t have anything to say about me.” Yoona left with determined nod which left Tiffany dumbfounded.


Jessica emerged from behind the counter red-faced and smiling. “She’s weird, I like her.”

“Yeah, you’re a perfect match.” Tiffany stuck her tongue out and they ended up chasing each other.


A/N: Inexplicably elated. Whoo! tengsik's update got me smiling like an idiot plus Piko3o's update. I was supposed to update with a slightly rated chapter because tengsik's update teased us and Sica's pic was like o.o I wouldn't stop looking at my phone if that was my wallpaper. Ugh, I feel like a .

Anyway, make do with this. Tell me if you feel like there's a big chunk missing cause I'm supposed to put something in, but I felt it could go without it too. Comments/ Criticism/ Violent reactions?

Box over there.

Oh yeah, to all those people I met at 4G. Glad to have been there with you. Steph, sorry I haven't really had time to finish the sequel to used. By the end of the week, hopefully.

Thanks for reading.

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Was too lazy to put in dialogue


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tjsthysys09 #1
Lol I’m here again 🥺
Chapter 41: These shots are fun. I'm not really a fan of one-shots coz i prefer longer stories but well, this collection changed my mind. i like one-shots now :)
Chapter 23: Aigoo these two chodings. You gave tiffany a hard time haha.
Chapter 9: Yoona hahaha :D
Chapter 4: So far so good :)
Chapter 104: so short but too much feels </3
xin0123 #7
Chapter 104: so short update :(
natzu1234 #8
Chapter 40: I am re-reading this again authornim ❤
Chapter 1: Woooow that's a lot of one-shots! But I'm a total er for this pairing so I'm totally okay with it ^^ Wish I'd found this sooner.
Chapter 103: i miss ot9 too huhu