At the Capulet's house

Hey 줄리엣

Temin heard a knock on his door (even though his door was open). He already know it was Key (he was the only one who had such habits in that house), so he let him come in. Key talked as he entered, with that bright loud voice of his:

  — Yaa, cheer up: it's your birthday today! Later will have that big party, with all those incredible people...

  — Incredible people to my father's business, that's what you mean... — Taemin interrupted. He had a sad and tired expression in his eyes. Key noticed it, and became concerned.

  — Heey...what happened? — he asked as he sat on the end of Taemin's bed, next to where Taemin was sitting. He put an arm around Taemin's shoulders, trying to comfort him.

  — Nothing... — Taemin's breathe was fast and uncoordinated, as if he was about to cry — It's just...will this be my entire life? — He looked at Key's face — You know, not doing what I really want to do, always having to please others? — A tear trickled from his left eye.

  — Oh, kid... — Key said, and hugged Taemin. — Don't worry, exactly this time, next year, you'll be 18, and you'll be able to do everything you wanna do. — he pulled Taemin slowly. His eyes began to swell. — Now, wash this face, put a decent expression on, and get downstairs. Maybe Naeun will come today. — this last part made Taemin laugh. Naeun was his "girlfriend" — not really a girlfriend, but they've been a couple since the pre-school. Not that he had feelings for her, she was just the nicest girl he had ever known.

Key adored Taemin, but couldn't help but feeling sorry for him sometimes. Taemin was such a good boy, and was completely neglected by his parents. He remembered one Christmas he spent at their house, Taemin was 6 years old and still believed in Santa, and got a gift which was written: "From Santa to Taemin" (probably a work from his nanny), and run to his father all excited to show the gift, and his father barely looked at him. He said things like: "Not now Taemin, daddy has to work" while his eyes were fixed on his pager, and the happy and excited expression on mini Taemin's face slowly became a sad one.

He sighed at this memory when Taemin got out of the bathroom. Key looked at Taemin, head to toe. How he had changed through all these years! From that cute little boy who believed in Santa, he was now grown up, became manlier, had a great body and the terrible habit of not cutting his hair, so now they were reaching the shoulder line and his bangs covered his eyes [author's note: like in 'Sherlock' era]. Really, Taemin was a delicious-looking human being, to bad any girl he has known wasn't good enough to him.

  — Ya! Why are you staring at me? — Key was taken aback by the question. Then he realized he kept his eyes on Taemin's chest. He quickly looked the other way.

  — Nothing. — Taemin did not believe. — Nothing that you might wanna know, anyway — Key said. Then he heard a strange "Yaa!" coming from Taemin.

  — Are you having thoughts about me? — Taemin asked e little bit desperate.

  — For God's sake, no — Key couldn't believe he really had to explain this to Taemin. He expected a little bit of maturity from him, at least. — I was thinking about when you were a cute little kid, and how you've grown now...

  — Pff, only things that old people do. — Taemin chuckled, and started to get dressed. Key now had lost himself in thoughts again about how old he was. Not that he was old, he was only 20, but, well, he had seen Taemin grown, and had taken care of him when he was neglected by his parents. Suddenly, he felt a warm grip in his heart. "Taemin is almost a man" he thought. "And I'm almost like a mother to him."



After getting dressed, Taemin sat in front of the dressing table and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He liked the way his bangs covered his eyes, it gave him a manlier look. Not cutting his hair was a great thing, he always knew. When he started to straighten it, he heard Key coming:

  — Ya! You're not going to wear your hair like this, will you? — Taemin heard him asking. Before he could answer, Key had already picked a brush and started to comb his hair.

  — Key, I'm already 17, can I brush my hair by my own? — he asked a little impacient.

  — No. — Key answered naturally — If you're going to smooth it and let it untied (as I know you would do), then no. — Then he picked a hair elastic and tied his hair sides behind his head, making a half-ponytail.

  — Key — Taemin said when Key was done. — I look like a girl.

  — That's what you got for not cutting your hair. — Key said like it was the most obvious thing in this world. — But you're cute now.

  — Well, I don't want to be cute. — Taemin said and turned to Key. He placed his left arm on top of his chair's backboard. — I want to be manly. I'm 17, I have enough age to look like that.

  — Yes, you're only 17, and then you won't have age to look cute anymore. — Key said as he got up and went into the door's direction. — Don't you dare undo this, or I'll scold you on your party in front of everyone — he threatened jokingly as he left the room.

Taemin opened a brief smile, but soon his face was again tired and sad. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. He looked like a girl, but he let the hair like that. He closed his eyes for a loooong time, thinking about what he would have to face at that party. His family saying how he had grown up. His parent's associates saying how he had grown up. Their children. People he didn't even knew who they were, but had been invited anyway. School colleagues. Jonghyun's friends. Key's friends. And none of his friends.

Not that he had friends. I mean, he do talked with people, but never really trusted them. Except Key, the only person that he had been a little intimous before was Naeun. But this was on, what was the year? Even he couldn't remember...maybe around second know, that grade when little children think they have fall in love the first time and then they forget the "beloved" one the next day?

But the point was, Taemin didn't feel he had any friends going to that party. No one he could trust, he could laugh with, he could share secrets...

He sighed and exhaled loudly through his mouth when he opend his eyes. He must not cry. Not now that the party was starting. He put a smile on, swallowed the crying in his throat, and got up.

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