The party starts at the Capulet's house, part 2

Hey 줄리엣

"What the devil's hatch is doing here??" Jonghyun thought, the anger filling his eyes as he looked at Minho's direction. "How he dares to enter MY house, at MY brother's party like that?? He knows he's forbid to even walk near here, what is he doing here??"

Suffocated with abomination, Jonghyun started to look for his gun, or any sharp object that could cause Minho acute pain. He couldn't think clearly, as always, so he didn't think about the possible ways that Minho could have gotten there. And that wouldn't be necessary, cause, while looking for a weapon, he heard a known, unpleasent giggle.

"Damn it." he thought, while staring at his front angrily.


"Of course. Why I didn't think of it? If faggy coward Minho is here, of course Onew would be here too. With all that bastard gang of his." Jonghyun thought while recomposing himself and hearing the said gang's chuckles. He slowly turned around to face them.

  — Yah! — Onew said, smiling, like he was inviting Jonghyun to join his fun. — Enjoying your brother's baby shower? — he asked with a roguish smile.

  — Stop it. — Jonghyun said closing his eyes to controlate himself.

  — Ooooh, I see someone's getting angry on here... — someone of Onew's gang started to tease.

  — I said STOP IT — Jonghyun shouted, making the other boys laugh even more.

Jonghyun breathed deeply, mentally counting til 10, trying to handle the growing anger on his chest.

It would have worked if the Montague boys had stopped.

But they didn't, as usual.

  — Uh, Jonghyun? Is Taemin already grown up to play with boys? Or does he still play with dolls? — Onew was dangerously close of Jonghyun, dangerously bowed so his mouth could be dangerously close to Jonghyun's ear. Kinda gay.

And Jonghyun, to everybody's future unhappiness, hated gays.

He couldn't even think twice, his fist had already hit Onew's jaw line. Onew staggered and fell on a corner table behind him, dropping the flower pot. He had quite trouble in getting up.

  — Do not. Talk like this. About. My. BROTHER — kinda childish and over-dramatic, Jonghyun shouted before attacking Onew, who was still recovering from the punch. The two broke into a fist fight, with Onew's friends cheering for him.

  — Onew hyung! Onew hyung! Use your gun! — whispered one of the boys, that was standing close enough of the battle. Both Jonghyun and Onew heard that and drew their weapons, pointing at each other.

  — YOU TWO. STOP THAT. NOW. — a serious voice echoed not so far from the fight.

Key was next to the front door, chatting happily with the guests, when he heard a soft sound of punch. Followed by a sound of a table being flipped, glass broking and other agressions, together with a low cheer. Oh .

Jonghyun probably was fighting with someone. Then he remembered: Minho was there. Therefore, Onew could be there too.

Double .

Raised to the tenth power.

Key excused the guests and rushed to where the sounds were coming. Getting there, everything suddenly quieted. Key stopped, atonished. What could have happened for them to quiet down so easily?

He was getting closer, and then he saw one of the worst scenes of his life so far: Jonghyun facing Onew, both them holding guns, poiting to each other's head.

Suddenly the air pressure started to sink and he felt hinself in a intense stage of shock, quickly the adrenaline fullfilled his body and he got back to his senses, formulated a few words in his mind and reunited all his forces to pronounce them.

A little to loud.

At least, the two rivals turned their heads to him, their expressions annoyed and surprised.

  — What do you think you're doing? — Key heard himself saying. — At your brother's birthday party, Jonghyun! — Key said facing him. Jonghyun hadn't a happy expression on — actually, Key could read " Key, really?" on his eyes. Then he heard the low giggles coming from the other boys. — And you too! — he almost spitted while turning his head to face them — You are not supposed to be here, you weren't even invited, and you think you have the right to kill the oldest son of the house's owner? — Key shot the Montagues the glacial look of his, making them shut up. — Look at yourselves! — Key said to everyone — You're fighting for a dumb reason! How reeeally mature of you. Don't you have self-respect? Jonghyun, in your own house? Onew, in the other one's house? Please. AT A PARTY?? Even worst! It's a partyyy, it's supposed to be fun, and all of you nearly got a hole family, two families actually, in pure rage! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?? I KNOW IT'S AN ANCIENT GRUDGE, BUT PLEASE, TIMES CHANGED, WE DON'T NEED TO BE LIKE THAT FOREVER. — Key stopped to take some air, he was shouting. He felt something touching his arm, it was Jonghyun that was trying to calm him down. — Get away from me, Jonghyun. And you — Key said to the gang — get out of here. — That was the last thing Key said before turning away.

He had to find Taemin. Tell him what was going on.

And he had to find Minho.



Away from the fight, in the middle of the "dance" floor, Taemin was standing there, alone, thinking about how unlucky he was about feeling so lonely in a room full of people, how he didn't had any friends, where the hell was Key, why did Key left him alone, how Key would hear him nagging when the party was over.

At first he was thinking that, then his mind decided to think about the sick boy in the hall.

He was very good-looking: had impressive big, frog-like eyes that looked good somehow, he was tall, had short, brown hair, muscular body, and deep voice.

"And what a deep voice!" Taemin caught himself thinking. Inexplicably he felt awkward, like something inside him had twitched when he remembered the voice. Strange...

Then Taemin had a little flashback of the moment.

He entered that hall to escape from everybody, and found a dead body on the couch. He rushed towards it, and saw that boy sweating, probably feeling really sick. 

  — Hey. Hey. — he said as he gently tapped the boy's cheek, to wake him up. — Are you okay? — he felt his face pure worry.

He saw that boy slowly opening his eyes, and blinking sometimes, until his eyesight get focused again. Then he started to stare at Taemin with a intense expression, and that scared the hell out of Taemin. What that boy was? A creepy? A weirdo? A pedo?

  — Yah! — Taemin shouted, instinctively throwing his shoulders aback, against his will. But the other boy seemed like he had been awakened of a half-sleep, and looked back at Taemin wearing a apologizing expression. The boy started to stutter something unintelligible, when he finally understood what the boy was trying to say: "You are pretty".

Taemin smiled at that part. He remembered that at first he was kinda disappointed, but now he felt... weirdly great. So great that he felt his heart opening a smile. The handsome boy had called him "pretty"...

"Wait, hold on a second." this thought slapped Taemin "did I just thought of the boy as 'handsome'? And I'm happy that he got nervous — in a good way — with me? Hold on again, 'good way'? I-I mean, was that way good? He got nervous with me in a good way? Did he got nervous with me in a good way? Did I stunned him?

  — Hello, there.

He turned his head atonished, almost kissing the other person due to the approximation.

The sick boy from the hall.

He didn't looked that sick now. Now, Taemin had the chance to see his face closely: his big eyes, his smile, his nose, eyebrows, shy dimples and a somewhat cute complex drawn at his face.

   — H-hi... — Taemin heard his voice came out soft like cotton. What the hell was going on, he even didn't knew he could do such a soft voice like that...

   — You may excuse me, but I thought that you were pretty lonely here... — Taemin heard the taller boy saying. Ugh, his voice. What a deep, delicious voice. Taemin closed his eyes (maybe in pleasure)

   — It's okay, I'm fine now... — Taemin said opening a smile, and looked up to the other boy's face. Damn, he was fiiiine. Incredibly good-looking. Just... argh. Taemin left out a slight sight.

   — Well, that's good, then. — The older boy said, chuckling. — If you want me to stay, just say. — He said and blinked to Taemin. "Wait a sec, what did he say? Did he blinked? What did he meant?" Taemin suddenly start worrying. "Was he hitting on me? Was that a flirt? Did that boy just flirted... with me? If so, is this good or bad? It seems so wrong... but... I... I don't know... I feel so... strange... like I wanted him to be... flirting... with... oh, why do I feel like this? This can't be! No, this can't! I, I, I..."

  — Hey, what's wrong? — Taemin jumped with the sudden awaken from his thoughts. He didn't noticed he was panting. Oh God, how embarassing. He felt his cheeks becoming that ridiculous shade of red and looked down, hoping the red face would disappear soon.

   — Hey, what's going on? — He heard the worry in the other boy's voice. Oh Lord, why? Now Taemin started to pant even more. Worse, he had completely lost the control of his mouth and was babbling gibberish. He really wanted to shut up, but he couldn't. "Great Taemin. Now you look like a master idiot in front of him, you ridiculous bastard." he thought. Suddenly he felt the soft touch of fingers on his left cheek and looked up, atonished.

  — Did you just called me "handsome"? — the other boy had a confused expression on. "HOLY , DID I SAID THAT??" Taemin eyes were widened in shock and confusion. — I... heard you saying... "handsome frog-boy" — this came out with a giggleTaemin rushed and throw his head on his hands, in shame. "HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY SAY THINGS LIKE THAT, YOU STUPID??? FROG-BOY, SERIOUSLY???"

   — Hey, it's okay, no need to feel embarassed. — The older boy was laughing. — I found it pretty... cute.

Taemin looked up.

   — What?

   — Yeah, I found it cute.


   — I mean, you are cute...

*Double gulp*

   — And you look so... fluffy with rosy cheeks...

Oh .

  — I'm sorry if you don't like being called "fluffy", but...

Oh God, the boy's getting closer...

  — I honestly think you are the most cute...

Oh my, I can't see it anymore

  — ...pretty...


   — ...and beautiful boy I've had ever known.

Ok, that's it!

Taemin open his eyes to confront the boy, but as soon as he opened them, the other boy already pressed his lips against Taemin's.

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