The party starts at the Capulet's house

Hey 줄리엣

Minho felt dizzy. He felt difficulty in breathing. He looked around. Where were him? Probably at the Capulet's house, already. How did he entered? He couldn't feel his feet. God, he couldn't see nothing, but a blurry mess. Unidentified faces. He could hear people laughing (at him, he thought) besides the noisy music playing. Even though his sight was somewhat myopic and distorted, he was looking for her. That one person he came here only to...well, in the worst of all the cases, watch from behind. At least, he could see her live, in colours. But where's she? He passed through the people and still didn't find her. He started to look around, kind of desperately, but his head movement was faster than he calculated. He felt more dizzy, and dizzier, and dizzier. The world started to get black. He started to sweat coldly. The ambient pressure was going down, and down, and down... He looked to the right and saw a sofa, inside a random room. Without thinking twice, he staggered up there.

"Almost..." the sweat was going down his nape and back, and his body was falling, almost reaching the ground when he got to the sofa. "YES", he though. He laied on, and closed his eyes, breathing deeply to get his mind and body under control again. He could feel the sweat stopping going down, and the dizzy feeling slowly disappearing. He concetrated in what he was feeling that moment, his body wet thanks to the sweat and the cold temperature in the room, and then he though of Onew — that bastard! HE gave Minho that drug! It was because of him that Minho was feeling that way! And he said that it would be good... What a good friend... Where were him when Minho almost fainted? Moreover, where were him now? Oh, he was so dead when Minho find him... That motherer bastard! Minho could have stayed safe in his dark room, alone, without getting into trouble, but nooooo, he had to...

"...oh my God" suddenly Minho's head started to ache... Painfully ache... "Onew...I'll kill you..."

Minho closed his eyes again, and let the pain dominate his mind. Suddenly he felt a hand on his face, and heard a voice — a sweet voice — murmuring something he didn't understand. Like a kid that is awakened by the mother, he shooked softly his head a little bit, and slowly opened his eyes. He saw a blurry image of a girl, and got a shock — that girl has found him in that sad state of his. He blinked strongly to focus his vision. And then he saw.

It wasn't a girl; it was a boy, but with long hair. By far, the prettiest boy Minho had ever known. Almost as pretty as a girl.

"No," he thought, "prettier than a girl".

He had fair skin, beautiful brown eyes, full lips, and a cute nose. Just simply... beautiful. Minho got himself sighing at the view.

   — Yah! — the boy shouted, with his beautiful voice. — Stop staring at me!

And then Minho realized that he was, indeed, staring at the boy.

   — Pardon me — he said, while recomposing himself/blushing. — It's that I though that you were a girl. A very pretty one.

He heard the boy sigh impatiently. That was probably one thing that he had to listen often. Minho felt bad, somehow, for telling him something that someone (or everyone, without a doubt) has told him before.

   — I'm sorry, I'm very sorry. — he hurried up to say. He felt the boy's eyes on him. — I did not mean it. I... I mean, you're surely pretty... — he was stuttering. He felt the boy's face getting somewhat aggrieved, wroth, annoyed.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING???" he kept thinking to himself. But he just couldn't stop talking! It was like he hasn't the power to control his mouth anymore. That stupid drugs...

 — I really thought you were a girl... I, I was... surprised that you were in fact a boy... I... I don't know... What am I doing? — even Minho couldn't understand. He suddenly felt his palms sweating. Uh-oh. Bad signal, bad signal. He hurried to dry them in his jeans, but then he realized that it was the most obvious act that a person do to dry their sweat hands. Oh . He tryed to dry them in his hair, but then he realized it was the second most obvious spot. "What the hell I'll do?" he kept thinking while looking around, desperate.

He heard the boy gliggling. Ah, so he was having fun, after all? Minho bite his lower lip and looked at the boy's direction. And then, Minho saw his smile.

"OH MY GOD, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL SMILE!!! AND WHAT A BEAUTIFUL SOUND HE DOES WHEN GIGGLING!!!" Minho couldn't stop smiling. The boy was laughing! The beautiful boy was laughing beautifully thanks to him! He was feeling so... pleasured!


Then he heard someone coming from the salon where the party was being thrown. He didn't know who was, but the person kept saying "Taemin? Taemiiin?". Weird, Minho have heard that name before, but couldn't remember when, or where... Then, a blond guy with a pink jacket popped up in the doorway. "Oh, thank God you're here, Taemin!" he heard the blond guy say, while he rushed in the cute boy's direction. Oh, so the cute guy's name was Taemin? What a beautiful name to a beautiful boy! And it complemented so well with his face! But it was so weird that he'd heard that name before... He was sure he had heard that name before...

  — Hurry Taemin! Your father is waiting for you! — the blond guy grabbed Taemin's arm and pulled him in the salon's direction. Before lefting the room, he turned his head to Minho — and glanced him for a while. Minho wasn't sure why the blond guy did this, but suddenly he felt some kind of alarm inside of him telling that he should stay away from Taemin.

But, as the good Montague boy he was, he wouldn't stay away from him that easy.

  — How do you manage do run away like this from your own party, you brat?? — Taemin knew by Key's intonation that he was really pissed. Not that Key was a party person, but he was indeed a perfectionist. And loved a spot. As being very very close to the party's host, he expected the minimum amount of attention he could received, and he wouldn't let Taemin ruin everything.

  — Key, you know that I'm definitely not a party person, neither I enjoy crowd. Why you insisted with my mother throwing this big party with the awareness that I, the supposed "host", wouldn't enjoy?

  — Nah, stop you kid. This trick may have convinced me in the past, but know I know you as much as I know what I must definitely wear and definitely not wear. — Key bragged. Taemin sighed. Yep, Key already knew too much about him, including his ways of "convincing" people.

When they were already at the middle of everybody, Key released his hand and started talking lively with someone. Suddenly Taemin felt lonely. He started to look around, without recognising anyone's face. And then he saw, at the end of the salon, the tall, handsome boy that was sick on the living room.

Key couldn't believe that. He had lost Taemin.

Better: Taemin had ran away from him and his own party.

"That brat..."

And Taemin's father had told him to scout Taemin. But where in hell was that kid?

He started to look around, his eyes running traversing the big salon looking for the familiar hairstyle.

Nowhere to be seen.

"He must have gone upstairs, to his room." Key thought, and went up.

He opened Taemin's room's door and looked inside. Nothing. He tried his bathroom, nothing too. As he was on the second floor, he looked on the other rooms there. He found nothing, but a big mess in Jonghyun's room.

Key sighed and went downstairs. Checked the kitchen, no one could tell where was Taemin. Key took his hand to his mouth, worried till death. Where the hell was Taemin? He turned to the salon's direction. While getting there, he heard Taemin's laugh. "For God's sake, finally!"

He entered the room where Taemin's voice was coming, seeking for him. It was the little hall that conected the salon to one of the side doors of the big house. There was Taemin, showing a glorious smile, the red painting his cheeks.

"Awww..." Key thought "finally happy with someone! He's even blushing! But sorry someone, I have to pull him out here, he has a party to attend".

  — Hurry Taemin! Your father is waiting for you! — Key said and grabbed Taemin's arm and started to pull him out of that hall, and turned his head to the someone Taemin was with to sent him/her an apologizing look, to find out who was with Taemin in that hall, making him laugh:

None other than Minho Montague.

"How could he possibly be so beautiful?" Minho kept thinking while Taemin and the blond guy left the room. It took him some time to recover his senses. Then, he went after Taemin.

"No! He's gone!" Minho thought disappointed, when everything he saw was a crowd, and no signal of the pretty boy. He sighed.

Suddenly, as if it was meant to be, the crowd opened a "corridor" in between, revealing Taemin standing alone in the middle of the crowd. There, with everybody around him, he looked so... Minho couldn't describe. Taemin looked unique, and lonely — that made him want to hug him and say: "That's alright. I'm here with you."

"Even tough he's alone, he still has an aura with him... that makes him shinee brighter than a star! Impossible beauty he has, too rich for use, for earth too dear! The measure done, I'll watch his place of stand, and, touching his, making blessed my rude hands. Forsear it, sight! For I've never saw true beauty until this night!"

Minho shook his head with that thought. WHY ON EARTH he was feeling like that???

No, he loved another one, what was her name again? He couldn't remember...

"OH. ." Minho thought when noticed what was actually happening there. "OH NO. No no no no no......No?" He looked up in Taemin's direction.


FINALLY he had forgotten Naeun. That means that he wasn't loving her anymore. But that also means that he was loving someone else... the person that made him forget about her. And this person was Taemin.

"Incredible." He thought while giggling. "Did my heart love till now?"

credits to William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" (in gray, with adaptations)

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