Seoul. A public place.

Hey 줄리엣

There were two friends of Jonghyun, going to a café, and, as usual, talking badly about Montague's boys. What they didn't count is that two friends of Onew would be there. Soon, a fight started.

Onew was at the bathroom washing his hands and heard when his friends started to speak loudly towards somebody. Then he heard Capulet's boys voice, arguing as loud as the others. The he heard a punch and a table being flipped. Some glasses breaking. That was enough.

He abruptly opened the toilet's door and shouted:

  — What the hell is happening here? — his shout made the four boys stop for a while. Lay, one of his friends, said:

  — It was THEY who started — and pointed to the Capulet's boys. They looked a bit scared at Onew's direction, but Suho, the oldest, said, with a brief smirk:

  — You know you can't beat him. His coming right this moment. — and shoot a malicious glance at Onew. Then he heard someone coming in the café's door. Suho was right: Jonghyun had just entered the café.

  — Haha, Onew Onew, trying to apart their fight? Well, as I see, that's not what a Montague boy would do... — Jonghyun said with a chuckle. — Tell me, you're only doing this because that little boy friend of yours is not here with you, right? Tell me! If he were here, you wouldn't mind proceed the fight. You're a coward. You only fight when you're accompanied by him, because you know he fights better than you. Tell me! — Jonghyun provoked. — Tell me you're a coward! — he almost shouted.

That was enough. Not only Jonghyun called him coward, he also mentioned Minho's absence. Onew knew why Minho was absent, and that, he thought, wasn't a thing to make fun of. He got really pissed off, and started to walk in Jonghyun's direction.

  — I won't tell you any lie. I'm not a coward — and raised his right hand to punch Jonghyn in the face. He narrowly miss it. Jonghyun held both Onew's fists with his hands, but the strenght Onew exerted over him made he fall. — And, unlike you, I'm strong enough to get up. — this made Montague's boys laugh. Jonghyun looked at Onew angry, and started to roll over with him, punching him.

The café's attendant called the police to apart the fight. Not so later, the police came. It was necessary nearly 6 cops to apart them.


At the police station, they had to heard what the police officer said.

  — This is not the first time you two end up here because of a street fight. — He looked at them with a serious expression. — Can someone explain what happened?

  — His friends started everything — Jonghyun said, pointing to Onew with his head — I saw that. They entered the place where my friends were waiting for me and started to provoke them.

  — And then I tried to depart the fray — Onew interrupted. He had his arms crossed and a boredom expression — but then this son of a came in and started to disturb me — he said, turning his head while saying "son of a ". This made Jonghyun get up abruptly and threaten him, but the police officer order Jonghyun to sit.

  — If I heard about more fights between you two, or your friends, I'll have to take extreme measures — he looked from Jonghyun to Onew, with austere eyes — Am I understood?

  — Yes — both said. Then the police officer released them.


  — I can't believe you've done such thing. Again. — Onew's uncle walked in circles around his office. He had his head down and both hands in his back due to disappointment. As if the police officer's ultimatum wasn't enough, Onew had to be scolded by his uncle. — I know our hate towards the Capulets are ancient, but it has never reached this violent point before. — he stopped behind his chair, hold it's leather backboard with both hands, and looked into Onew's eyes. — Do you want me to be ashamed of you? Is that what you want? — he almost shouted. Onew closed his eyes and exhaled through the mouth, trying to find an apologize.

  — No, sir. — he answered when he didn't found anything to say.

  — Onew, you know I run a multi-million business, if you keep getting bad press to me, I'll probably go bankrupt. Is that what you want? We all go bankrupt because we have a delinquent in our family? — Onew didn't answer. An uncomfortable silent fell on them.

They remained in silence for about 2 minutes, but looked like 4 hours to Onew.

  — Do you know... — his uncle suddenly started as he sat on the chair — ...what has been happening to Minho?

This question made Onew raise his had surprised. He wasn't being scolded anymore, at last. But, as they now started to talk about Minho, he kept a poker face on. Not that he didn't like Minho or anything — actually, he was the only person in the world that Minho could totally trust.

But he knew. He knew what was happening to Minho. And why he didn't let anyone else know.

Minho had fallen in love. And the love wasn't reciprocal. Thanks to this, Minho had been in a depressive state for a long time. He hadn't eaten, he hadn't slept, he hadn't gone outside, not even to do exercises. He had spent his days in the dark security of his room. But, he had written - songs, mostly. Songs about love, songs about sadness, songs about her...songs to her. Since they were kids, Minho always showed talent for singing and songwriting, but, as they grew up, this hability started to get neglected as his father didn't aprove his son Minho to be a singer. That's why he didn't tell anyone - only Onew - that he had composed.

But, for Minho, there was also another thing that prevented him to show his songs to anyone. Somehow, he felt like they were lacking something - something that he didn't know what was. But he had everything: rhymes, rhythm, feelings expressed...but there was still something...and he wanted to know what that was.

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