Chapter 4 .

Beauty and the Briefcase
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Some of the lessons I’m learning for my article are more obvious than others. Like it is impossible to imagine wearing y lingerie for an accountant.

“Accounting is like math combined with-“ What the hell is this guy rambling seriously?

“So Jonghyun, where’s the iest place you will bring your girlfriend to?” I asked, cutting him from continuing his ramble.

Jonghyun was shocked with my sudden questions I think. How do I know? Well, aside from his open mouth, his shock face I guess.

“Um, I think I’ll bring her to Antartica. The place is so cold. And the temperature is negative! We can cuddle all day!” Jonghyun excitedly explained. Seriously dude?

“You know what Jonghyun, I think you’re way too y for me.” I smiled and grab my handbag to leave.

“Well, I am y.” I heard Jonghyun said. SERIOUSLY DUDE?






[Lee Co.]






“Jessica Jung Sooyeon.”


Uh oh. Oops.

“This is the document we’re sending to Paris. You don’t speak French, do you?” I look up and see Donghae serious face looking at me. Um, someone is mad.

“Err, it depends on how you define ‘speak’.” I stutter. Well, ‘Je t’aime’ is French right?

Donghae shake his head and sigh. Uh oh. “I’m really disappointed in you, Jess. This would have been disastrous if I’d sent this out.” Donghae slammed the paperwork I gave him this morning on my table. Ouch.

“I-I’m sorry.” I look down. A little tears at the edge of my eyes. Don’t cry Jessica Jung. You’re a strong woman. Plus, that’s what you get for doing your works using Google translate. Serve you right.

“Err, I’ve gotta send an email.” Wow Onew. So much for being fearless in the face of danger huh.

Donghae let out a heavy sigh again. “Your resume was riddled with exaggerations, Jess. You don’t type 120 words a minute, you don’t have a photographic memory, and you keep dropping name off my call sheet.” Okay, maybe I exaggerated a bit when making the resume. But isn’t resume is all about lying?

Eh, wait. This sounds weird. “Oh, my god. Are you firing me?” I look at Donghae shocked. This isn’t happening right? I still haven’t met my magic man!

Donghae let out another sigh. “I’

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tennisj #1
Chapter 10: Wow, I really like this fanfic of you, it's fresh and chic, it's actually not bad at all. It got some feels of chick lit added with your own touch. I like jessie's character here and how Donghae is her zero out of zero but that's just how things work. Great one, author nim :D
gorjesshend #2
great job author ! ^ ^
and yess i love the way jessica talk in here just like other reader
Chapter 3: Lol screw that I'm in love.
Chapter 10: Cool!!! I love the way sica's talk in here! This is daebak!^^
Novemberfest #5
Chapter 10: daebak!!! ^^
linaaak3 #6
Chapter 10: Wah it's finish. Yay happy ending ^^
Chapter 10: This was AMAZING.......can't wait to read your future Haesica stories now......
Chapter 9: I think Taeyeon loves Jessica article. And Jessica might be dating Donghae for REAL!!!
Chapter 9: More more more! Chapter 10 is the last chapter right?