Worth It- YasTheSone

Endless Seasons Oneshot Request Shop [Hiring&Closed;]

Pairing: Baekyeon

Genre: Family/Fluff

Author: --xdaydreamer


Baekhyun caressed her cheek gently, embedding the way her skin felt soft and smooth against his fingertips. She had her eyes shut tightly, her breaths sounding heavy. 

"Isn't she beautiful?" Taeyeon spoke, looking down lovingly at her daughter. Baekhyun smiled, kissing the baby's head.
"Of course," Baekhyun, her husband, agreed. "She has your genes."
The first days were wonderful. They'd spend every second they could with her, cherishing her like she was a gift. And she was; the best gift they could have ever hoped for. Sun Hee, that was the name they decided to give her. She was relatively new to the new atmosphere of their home, and kept quiet most of the time, her thumb in . It was perfect.
Well, until their friends came.
"She's adorable!" Sooyoung, one of Taeyeon's friends gushed. The couple decided to have a party to celebrate the birth of Sun Hee, inviting all their close friends, which happened to be a lot. 
Taeyeon sighed, watching as her friend pinched Sun Hee's cheeks and made silly faces at her. 
Sunny skipped over, a smile on her face. "Her name is like mine, Sun Hee! You'll grow up to be cute like me!" she spoke to the infant, who stared blankly at her.
"Well, you finally did it," Kai walked over to Baekhyun, slapping him on the back. He turned around, raising an eyebrow at him. 
"You got laid!" he exclaimed loudly, earning a flick on the forehead from the latter. Sehun, hearing what he said, ran over excitedly.
"Hyung got laid?" 
Lay walked over, grinning sheepishly. "So, how was it? Was she good?" Baekhyun responded with a sigh, facepalming at his immature members.
"It's so peaceful here," Taeyeon spoke wistfully, admiring the park. Baekhyun turned to look at her, his lips tugging up into a smile as he pushed the stroller.
The couple decided to take Sun Hee out for a day at the park, to introduce her to the new world she was living in. Birds chirped, flying high in the sky to who knows where. The sun shone brightly, engulfing everything in a warm glow. Flowers bloomed on the lush green grass, butterflies of vibrant colors fluttering their wings. The pathway they were on stretched around the park, aged trees providing shade. They felt content; it was just them and their baby.
"Sure is," he agreed, peering down and pinching the younger's cheeks slightly. "I think Sun Hee is enjoying it, too." Baekhyun added as she let out a childish giggle. 
Suddenly, Taeyeon gave Baekhyun a quick peck on the cheek, surprising him.
"What was that for?" he asked, chuckling. 
She shrugged, "Just a thank you for agreeing to come here. I think it's really doing us good,"
Smiling, he wrapped his arm around her waist. "Let's sit here, it's not too sunny,"
Both of them set out a blanket and took out a picnic basket underneath an old oak tree. Sun Hee sat on the blanket, playing with the grass and the little bugs crawling in the ground, giggling often.
"Sun Hee!" her father called out, scooping her in his arms. Loud laughter escaped her lips as he twirled her around. Taeyeon looked at the two, smiling genuinely. Quickly, she took out her camera and snapped a photo.
"Having fun?" she asked once he put her down, kissing Sun Hee's nose, earning another laugh. Baekhyun sighed, collapsing on his back beside her.
"I'm exhausted," he panted, causing the latter to grin. 
"Then you should work out more," Taeyeon said playfully, poking him in the stomach. "Look at all that fat!"
"For your information," Baekhyun retorted, slapping her hand away. "I work out a lot! Want to see my chocolate abs?"
She looked away, taking out the sandwiches. "No thanks, I'm alright," she said, a light blush rising to her cheeks, imagining them.
Weeks passed, and they were starting to get used to having another member of the family in the house. One thing they weren't getting used to was the crying.
Taeyeon let a sigh escape her lips. "Sun Hee, stop crying, please?" she pleaded, picking her up and slowly rocking the crying baby in her arms. "Mommy's here now, shh."
"Another sleepless night?" Baekhyun suddenly said, walking down the steps. His wife looked back at him, nodding. You could see the bags under her eyes, indicating she was tired -- too tired. This had been going on for countless nights, leaving less time for the mother to sleep. But, she knew this is what she wanted, and wasn't planning to give up.
"Baby, it's alright," he walked up to them, planting a kiss on her cheek. "Just fall asleep, okay?" 
Eventually, the cries and wails subsided, leaving them in a peaceful silence. Taeyeon rested her head on Baekhyun's shoulder, smiling contently.
"Who knew a dork like you could calm down a child?" she teased. Baekhyun scoffed in response.
"Excuse me, but I'm not a dork!" The two of them sat there laughing, before making sure that Sun Hee was safely placed in her bed, returning to some much needed sleep.
Eventually, things started to get harder. The sleepless nights continued, almost constantly, neither of them being able to get a decent amount of shut-eye. Fighting eventually started. 
"You don't know how hard it is to be a mother!" Taeyeon yelled, anger welling up inside of her. She was sick of Baekhyun complaining all the time about how he was so tired.
Her husband scoffed, infuriating Taeyeon even more. "Well," he started, throwing his arms up in the air. "maybe you could take care of her better!"
"I'm trying!" she shouted, throwing a pillow on the ground. "I'm trying so hard, Baek."
He sighed, taking a seat on the bed. "I'm trying, too,"
She sat down beside him, resting her head in the crook of his neck. "We can do this," she reassured. "I love her more than anything, and I know you do too. We'll take care of her like mature parents, and our family will be full of love again, alright?"
Gently, he gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. "Alright,"
"Happy birthday, Sun Hee!" 
"You're finally one!"
"Does it feel any different, sweetheart?"
"I want cake!"
Baekhyun chuckled, looking at how their friends were celebrating. It felt like the first days, when they first brought her home and they were all kissing up to her. Seohyun walked up to him, grinning.
"So, how's the family life?" she asked, taking a sip of the water in her hand. "Difficult?"
He heaved a sigh, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Yeah, but in the end, it's all worth it,"
"Yah!" Chen's voice called out, capturing the attention of everyone in the room. "Sun Hee put icing all over my face!" he exclaimed, wiping off the cream from his cheek.
Seohyun giggled as Baekhyun rushed over to the whining member. "Yeah, totally worth it."
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[TES] Wow - I am so sorry for not keeping up with this shop. :/ been on a loong hiatus T.T I'll work hard to get the requests going again. Sorry to all.OTL


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BoiceKings #1
Chapter 11: Wiw!!!!
I really love it><
this story there are many meaningful<3

There are a lot if words that I want to say, but I can't tell all.

Thank you for a nice oneshot<3
seoshi #2
closed, just for a while right ? i'll be waiting ^^
Chapter 10: Awww. This is sweet >< Thanks so much for writing this oneshot!! :D I love it <3 Will request soon yay!
Chapter 9: Wahahaa~ I've read it and it was soo sweet XD thank you!!
BoiceKings #5
If so... How about my requesting?:(
Writer Request<3

Link to profile:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/268124
Speciality Genres:Angst,Sad and Happy
Link to my best oneshot:
Hello! c: Are you still hiring? I'd love to apply.
I hope the shop is open soon~, Cause I really wanna REQUEST!!!! (: (My cookie spasm)
Username: fairysone0913
Link to profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/286012
Author: Whoever wants to do it
Title: Snowflakes' Dance
Genre/Rating: fluff, romance. Rated G
Reason for rating: Because I don't want to read rated M
Characters: SNSD's Hyoyeon and Kim Hyungseok (Dancing With The Stars Season 2. They're friggin' cute together)
Point of View: Third person
Story Description: Prompt (there's no need for you to use it):

Look at the streets that have changed
The snowy roads are completely covered in white
I want to walk on them with you in your arms
On top of the first snow we saw together -SNSD's Snowy Wish

Extras: ILikeCookies <--- I seriously do.
Kairi_Rose #10

Username: Kairi_Rose
Link to profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/2019
Genre: Romance
Reason: I love romance stories~
Author: popgirl345543
Title: 'Into Your World'
Characters: Kim HyunAe (OC) and Byun BaekHyun (EXO)
POV: It's up to you~
Story Description: Can you base it off the lyrics to EXO's "Into Your World"? Here's the translations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bewParlnTQ&;feature=endscreen&NR=1

Extras: ILikeCookies
Thank you~