A New Language -paula1988

Endless Seasons Oneshot Request Shop [Hiring&Closed;]

Pairing: Jung Yuri(OC) and Woo Kevin

Genre: Romance/Comedy/Fluff

Author: popgirl345543


"Today's the day that I'll be flyin' away~~" Yuri danced about her room happily, flipping her long hair from side to side, her eyes never leaving the moniter.

"St-top girl~ in the name of love~~" Her parents had left her, a twenty four year old who they thought could cook for herself, at home alone when they went out for "dinner." Who knew where they were going. Last time, they had sneaked off to an amusement park, her mother coming home with cotton candy and teddy bears. Yuri sighed. If only she could find someone who would buy cotton candy for her.

It's okay! I have Kevin Woo and he's all I'll ever need. Her fangirl heart was swelling with emotions as she listened to his beautiful voice. 

It had been hours since she had gotten back from work, so that meant it had been hours that she had been listening to "Stop Girl." Her growling stomach signaled dinner time and prompted her to pause the song and head downstairs.

"Hi there."

Yuri jumped almost a foot in the air, knocking over a flower vase in the process and letting out a loud yelp. "Who are you? S-s-stay back! I have pepper spray!" 

"Woah there tiger, you were just singing my lines a few minutes ago."


Out from the kitchen stepped Kevin Woo, clad in sweatpants and a black t-shirt. He is so attractive, even in those clothes. 

"Why are you here," asked a flabbergasted, albeit happy, Yuri.

The sandwich in his hand looked quite appetizing and the growling in her tummy was telling her to go for it. So before Kevin could answer her question, she had lunged for the sandwich, taken it in her hands and devoured half of it. 

"What are you doing?!? That's mine!" Kevin tackled her for the sandwich which he had worked really hard on. Yuri did not relent, instead running to the other side of the couch and finishing it. "That's not something to do to your babysitter, and definitely a no no with your tutor."

Yuri's eyes became the size of spoons. "T-t-tutor? For?? Last time I checked, your profile didn't say that you were the best student."

"Don't be silly, I'm here to teach you English. I tutor...lacking students in my spare time for some extra spending money. Since I befriended your parents at an amusement park, I felt like I should help their struggling daughter."

"But I'm not even a student."

"You need english in the real world too. So go make me another sandwich and I'll take out the materials."

Yuri groaned and shuffled to the kitchen, grumbling all the way. "Tutor....stupid..I. don't need tutoring."


"Here." Yuri slammed the plate onto the table with vehemence. But she quickly bent down and checked the surface, afraid that she might have damaged the glass. 

Kevin chuckled at her cuteness. 

"What are you laughing at?"

"You- duh- there isn't anyone else."

Yuri sighed. These would be long lessons that she would have to take. 


"G-geew-ood mow-mowning." Yuri pouted, frustrated. They had been studying greetings for days and she was still having trouble saying good morning. 

She had quickly found out that Kevin was a bit touchy in nature, easily irritated but generally bright and happy.However, the little platonic crush that she had before was starting to materialize itself, in a much more romantic form. She sometimes found herself gazing at her tutor rather than at her book. 

"You're cute."

"Thank you." Yuri would brush off nonsensical comments like those, filled with flattery. The first few times he had said those things, her heart had doubled in speed but she soon realized that they were just compliments that he gave to everyone, as a "reward." He used positive reinforcement, but many times it made her double guess his intentions. He can't be interested in anyone like me. 

But then his hand would brush against hers under the table, causing Yuri to jump from the electricity. She was getting antsy around him. 

Kevin placed his arm on the ground behind her, trapping Yuri between him and the small table. 

"Good morning," he said into her ear, sending shivers up her spine. 

She turned around to face him and in the process her lips were captured by his. Yuri froze, it was too early in the morning for this. He dexterously wrapped his arms around her waist when she didn't respond. 

Pushing away, Yuri glared, "Do you even like me?" 

"Isn't this an answer?" 


Kevin leaned forward again, placing his lips softly against hers. He murmured sweet words against her cheek, "You're beautiful. You're cute. You make me like you. You're my escape from the outside world."

"It's only been a week," she stated sharply.

"And isn't that saying something? That you've enraptured me so in just a few days?"

"Not really. You could just be the type who falls in and out of love easily."

"Yuri-ssi, you think too lowly of me."

"I have nothing to base off of. I don't know you. I may fangirl over you, but I for sure don't know you."

"You can get to know me," and with that he once again made her lips prisoner. Yuri caved, returning the kiss with all her pent up feelings.

They were stuck in that heated exchange for a long time, her books meeting the ground as he placed her onto the table. She wrapped her legs around his waist as she learned the landscape of his features, feathering kisses upon his nose and cheeks. 

"Jung Yuri, will you forever be my student, so that I can forever teach you the language of good morning kisses?"

"I'll think about that Mr. Woo. I'm already having enough trouble learning English."

"That's okay, good morning kisses are more important."


"The end." Yuri closed the book gently, setting it onto the night stand. "It's time to go to sleep now dear, Mommy will take Joonie to the park tomorrow neh?" Yuri kissed his little forehead and headed towards the door. 

"Wait mommy! Mommy!" Yuri turned back. 

"Yes dear?" 

"How did you and daddy fall in love? Did you meet in a park?" His little cheeks were a deep shade of red, and his fiddled with his fingers above the blanket. 

"A park? Why of all- Joonie, are you perhaps interested in a certain young lady?" His flustered expression said it all. 

"No...I'm not interested, I like her." Yuri chuckled.

"Well...let's just say daddy was really famous, and I was a bit more...unknown."

"Oh so daddy was the popular boy and you were a loser."

"Woo Joon!"

"Neh- sorry mommy. Go on?"

"Ehem. So, my english was just a tad bit lacking, until your grandparents hired your dad to be my tutor. I was for sure surprised but happy because I have always had a little crush on him. And in a single week, I had fallen in love."

"Awww that is so cute mommy." Joon's eyes were as round as saucers as he stared ahead dreamily. 

Yuri smiled at her son."Good night my angel."

Their love had blossomed beautifully. English really was important in the real world. 



A/n: popgirl345543- Hope you liked this :) I tried to make it a bit rated even though I'm not very good with this stuff. And I hope you didn't mind the title change. ^^ I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for but the story line seemed a bit unrealistic to have them kiss when she first finds him in her home, so I had to give them a few days at least. 

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Thank you!
[TES] Wow - I am so sorry for not keeping up with this shop. :/ been on a loong hiatus T.T I'll work hard to get the requests going again. Sorry to all.OTL


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BoiceKings #1
Chapter 11: Wiw!!!!
I really love it><
this story there are many meaningful<3

There are a lot if words that I want to say, but I can't tell all.

Thank you for a nice oneshot<3
seoshi #2
closed, just for a while right ? i'll be waiting ^^
Chapter 10: Awww. This is sweet >< Thanks so much for writing this oneshot!! :D I love it <3 Will request soon yay!
Chapter 9: Wahahaa~ I've read it and it was soo sweet XD thank you!!
BoiceKings #5
If so... How about my requesting?:(
Writer Request<3

Link to profile:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/268124
Speciality Genres:Angst,Sad and Happy
Link to my best oneshot:
Hello! c: Are you still hiring? I'd love to apply.
I hope the shop is open soon~, Cause I really wanna REQUEST!!!! (: (My cookie spasm)
Username: fairysone0913
Link to profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/286012
Author: Whoever wants to do it
Title: Snowflakes' Dance
Genre/Rating: fluff, romance. Rated G
Reason for rating: Because I don't want to read rated M
Characters: SNSD's Hyoyeon and Kim Hyungseok (Dancing With The Stars Season 2. They're friggin' cute together)
Point of View: Third person
Story Description: Prompt (there's no need for you to use it):

Look at the streets that have changed
The snowy roads are completely covered in white
I want to walk on them with you in your arms
On top of the first snow we saw together -SNSD's Snowy Wish

Extras: ILikeCookies <--- I seriously do.
Kairi_Rose #10

Username: Kairi_Rose
Link to profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/2019
Genre: Romance
Reason: I love romance stories~
Author: popgirl345543
Title: 'Into Your World'
Characters: Kim HyunAe (OC) and Byun BaekHyun (EXO)
POV: It's up to you~
Story Description: Can you base it off the lyrics to EXO's "Into Your World"? Here's the translations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bewParlnTQ&;feature=endscreen&NR=1

Extras: ILikeCookies
Thank you~