"Our Playful Son" -YourReminisce

Endless Seasons Oneshot Request Shop [Hiring&Closed;]

Title: Our Playful Son

Written By: Akane_Angel

Pairing: Myungyeon <3 Myungsoo from Infinite and Jiyeon from T-ara

Genre: Romance/ Fluff

Word count: 1639


Ji Soo; the name brings pride and joy to my face. My lips take the form of a wide grin and my eyes sparkle when the name reaches my ears.

Well, what mother doesn’t love her child?

Plus, I’m sure each mother will boast about how perfect her child is, how wonderful and how gorgeous he or she is. And I am no different.

Relatives and close friends have told me how Ji Soo has inherited my wide doe-like eyes, coloured a sweet chestnut brown. He has my long eyelashes too. On the other hand, Ji Soo also attained his father’s straight, jet black hair. Personally, I prefer it that way; he looks more dashing.

But what Myungsoo and I didn’t expect was how Ji Soo developed into such a playful boy. We were caught off guard, unprepared since Ji Soo was our first child and we were still learning how to properly take care of him. Though, we managed fine during his early days as a newborn baby.

Unlike normal husbands, Myungsoo never whined or complained to me when little Ji Soo cried in the middle of the night.

“You and I, we’ll care for our baby together. I promise,”I recall him saying as I laid in my hospital bed.

“We’ll shower him with love and make the sweetest memories with him, all three of us,” He continued as he my cheek. I remember the waterworks were impossible to stop afterwards, since I felt so touched…

And so loved.

That’s the way we were, Myungsoo and I. We wanted a perfect life for our child. A happy fairytale for the one we loved even before he was born.

So to accomplish that when we realized how… active he was, we obviously knew we had to try harder.

We had to be more patient.

“Umma!Umma!Umma!”Ji Soo yelled as he jumped up and down on the spot. I sighed exhaustedly; knowing that this would be one of the days when Ji Soo had had too much sugar-without me knowing.

“The Red Ranger then shoot the bad guy and then Godzilla come and then he spit fire at Red Ranger, but Red Ranger took out his sword and then they fight fight fight!”

I didn’t bother to listen to what else he had to say. I was already in the kitchen, trying to dig out a certain something I hid in the lower cupboard.

“Ji Soo? Ji Soo,”I called out, ignoring his rambling about the Red Ranger again. His rambling only died down when I re-appeared in the living room again.

Waving the now empty box of what used to hold chocolate chip cookies, I asked him, “Where are the cookies?”

“In my tummy.”


We had to be more understanding.

Ji Soo! Can’t you be more careful?!”

Hearing Myungsoo yell out our son’s name furiously, I instantly rushed out to the living room.

“Myungsoo, what happened?”I asked in a worried tone as my eyebrows furrowed together. I gasped when I saw the mess on top of the table; a pile of papers with coffee spilled all over.

I glanced at Ji Soo who was cowering in fear, his head hanging. I could hear his sobs and almost instantly, my heart broke. I shot a glance at Myungsoo afterwards, and immediately got the hint that the pile of papers was probably music sheets for work.

“I’m sorry,”Ji Soo whispered as I heard him sniffle once again.

“Ji Soo, stay here okay? It’s alright, everything’s going to be fine,”I told my poor boy before dragging an upset Myungsoo out of the house.

The sky had already turned dark and the streets were deserted. It was cold outside but I appreciated the fact that there was no one to witness our private conversation. I prayed to god that it wouldn’t turn out to be a fight.

Gently cupping Myungsoo’s face, I whispered softly, “Myungsoo, don’t get mad at him please?”

“It was for work!”He almost yelled at me causing me to frown, “It’s due this weekend.”

 “Then, it would be a waste of time to scold him again right?”I told him, “You have four days left, and I don’t want Ji Soo to cry.”

At the mention of Ji Soo’s tears, Myungsoo expression immediately softened. I too, was close to tears.

“Another promise?”I asked, holding out my pinky. “Don’t hurt Ji Soo.”

Myungsoo nodded before linking his pinky with mine, “I promise.”


We had to be more optimistic.

I laughed along with Aunt May, who was currently telling me about the time Uncle proposed to her.

“Can you imagine?!”she exclaimed, “The wedding ring in my wine glass. I could’ve choked on it.”

I lightly chuckled before saying, “But it’s romantic Aunt May. I’m surprised Uncle came up with such a creative way to propose to you.”

Suddenly, we were interrupted when Ji Soo came running into Aunt May’s living room as he called out my name.

“Yes Ji Soo?”I replied before he presented to me a bouquet of tiny wild flowers. Aunt May and I instantly laughed at the pink flush on Ji Soo’s adorable cheeks.

“Are these for me?”I asked him to which Ji Soo nodded.

“How sweet,”Aunt May cooed at him, “Did you buy these with your father Ji Soo?”

“No. I got them from the garden.”Ji Soo innocently replied.

My face immediately paled when I realized he was referring to Aunt May’s beloved garden, probably completely barren now.


All in all, I believe Myungsoo and I did our best to care for our son. And even though people might say he’s just a tad too playful, I will never link the word ‘mischievous’ towards our son. He’s our pride and joy and even though he has made some mistakes, I am relieved that these mistakes are not too serious.

I decided to hide the cookies in my bedroom drawer, locked up safely. Myungsoo decided to use the rhythm of the lullaby I hummed to Ji Soo every night for his new composition.  Aunt May fortunately forgave Ji Soo and I was thankful for her kindness.

But during my conversation with Aunt May, she told me something that I will never forget.

Ji Soo is a very nice boy Jiyeon. Despite his young age, he wants to show you how much he loves you.”


I realized then that Ji Soo had always done remarkable things, with the most pure intentions to care for the ones he loves.


“Umma, who is she?”Ji Soo asked me as he pointed towards a little girl seated on our neighbor’s front porch.

I blinked owlishly, noting that the girl Ji Soo mentioned looked quite sad. I couldn’t see her face, but she was hanging her head with her long auburn hair falling against her shoulders.

“I don’t know sweetie. I think they just moved in.”

“Umma, can I have a cookie?”Ji Soo then asked.

“Ji Soo! I told you, no more cookies!”I reprimanded him, frowning at his request.

“Please?”he begged with an adorable pout on his face. I huffed as I crossed my arms. How in the world did this boy know my weak spot?

“Only one. No more for the rest of the week.”I told him as he nodded merrily at me.

After placing one single cookie in his hand, Ji Soo rushed out of the house with an exceptionally wide grin on his face. Curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to follow Ji Soo.

The little boy ran out of the house swiftly and I was taken aback when he made his way to our new neighbor’s house. But what surprised me more, was when he offered the cookie to her.

I instantly scrambled towards the gate, craning my neck to look at the two children.

“Thank you,”the girl whispered as she took the cookie from Ji Soo.

“You’re welcome,”Ji Soo answered and I noticed that my dear boy was shyly shuffling on the spot. I watched as the auburn-haired girl told him to sit down beside her and Ji Soo obeyed, revealing his dimples as he brightfully smiled.

“You look sad,”Ji Soo suddenly told her and the girl stopped nibbling on the cookie.

After a moment’s pause, she said, “I don’t have any friends here. I want to go back home.”

After a moment’s pause, Ji Soo spoke again, “I can be your friend,”


That night, I told Myungsoo about Ji Soo’s new friend. My husband was as thrilled as I was and we evolved into secret spies just to watch how Ji Soo befriended the girl.

I’m proud of him, my dear little Ji Soo.  He is playful, but he is my dear son who will continuously show affection for the people he cares about.

One night, I told him that friends are little kisses blown to us by angels. The same thing my mother told me when I was younger.

“So Mi Young is a kiss for me?”He asked and I laughed joyfully.

“Yes, my little Ji Soo. Mi Young, your friend is that one lovely kiss.”I replied with a blissful smile on my face.

“You know she’s going to be more than just a friend,”Myungsoo whispered in my ear in a sing-song voice.

“Well, you never know?”I laughed in reply before snuggling together with Ji Soo on the bed. Fortunately, Ji Soo didn’t hear anything since he was fast asleep. I glanced at Myungsoo who laid on the opposite side of the bed, so that Ji Soo was sandwiched in between the both of us.

After pecking a kiss on my husband’s cheek and then on Ji Soo’s, I whispered “Good night Ji Soo.”

I want a perfect life for the three of us, my family. But something tells me that it’s perfect just the way it is.

Especially when we have our playful son, Kim Ji Soo.



Akane's Note:

I really enjoyed writing this, I discovered how wonderful it is to write a fluff story. I hope this christmas present is good enough for you. :) I also hope my writing skills haven't failed me again.. :(

Anyway, you my dear friend, successfully made me ship Myungyeon. I have no idea why... But they seem so adorable together. I love your DP btw. XDXDXD

oh and I tweaked the part about Ji Soo being a three year-old.. hehehe. I thought it would be better to have him abit older.. say 6/7?

Merry Christmas~! <3


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[TES] Wow - I am so sorry for not keeping up with this shop. :/ been on a loong hiatus T.T I'll work hard to get the requests going again. Sorry to all.OTL


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BoiceKings #1
Chapter 11: Wiw!!!!
I really love it><
this story there are many meaningful<3

There are a lot if words that I want to say, but I can't tell all.

Thank you for a nice oneshot<3
seoshi #2
closed, just for a while right ? i'll be waiting ^^
Chapter 10: Awww. This is sweet >< Thanks so much for writing this oneshot!! :D I love it <3 Will request soon yay!
Chapter 9: Wahahaa~ I've read it and it was soo sweet XD thank you!!
BoiceKings #5
If so... How about my requesting?:(
Writer Request<3

Link to profile:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/268124
Speciality Genres:Angst,Sad and Happy
Link to my best oneshot:
Hello! c: Are you still hiring? I'd love to apply.
I hope the shop is open soon~, Cause I really wanna REQUEST!!!! (: (My cookie spasm)
Username: fairysone0913
Link to profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/286012
Author: Whoever wants to do it
Title: Snowflakes' Dance
Genre/Rating: fluff, romance. Rated G
Reason for rating: Because I don't want to read rated M
Characters: SNSD's Hyoyeon and Kim Hyungseok (Dancing With The Stars Season 2. They're friggin' cute together)
Point of View: Third person
Story Description: Prompt (there's no need for you to use it):

Look at the streets that have changed
The snowy roads are completely covered in white
I want to walk on them with you in your arms
On top of the first snow we saw together -SNSD's Snowy Wish

Extras: ILikeCookies <--- I seriously do.
Kairi_Rose #10

Username: Kairi_Rose
Link to profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/2019
Genre: Romance
Reason: I love romance stories~
Author: popgirl345543
Title: 'Into Your World'
Characters: Kim HyunAe (OC) and Byun BaekHyun (EXO)
POV: It's up to you~
Story Description: Can you base it off the lyrics to EXO's "Into Your World"? Here's the translations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bewParlnTQ&;feature=endscreen&NR=1

Extras: ILikeCookies
Thank you~