You're My World- CNBlue-Lee-Jungshin-

Endless Seasons Oneshot Request Shop [Hiring&Closed;]

Written By: Akane_Angel 

Pairing: CN Blue's Jungshin and SNSD's Jessica

Genre: Rom-com/ Fluff



She wondered if he heard her heart break in that moment; it was a small clean sound like the breaking of a flower’s stem. He left her, for another woman more charming, more elegant.

More perfect.

And all she could do was watch him walk away, right in front of her eyes as her vision blurred.

At that moment, the last thing she asked him was“What can I do to make it better? Yonghwa please…”

Yonghwa didn’t answer, he just left. And the bloody bastard did so with ease, shamelessly with no guilt weighing upon him.

Jessica was left alone to pick up the withering petals that once symbolized her love for him and mourn for her loss. Tears and red eyes defined her life afterwards, as she stumbled back to Korea for comfort.

Her only ray of comfort of course, was her mother. Her dear beautiful mother was speechless when Jessica told her of what had happened between her and Yonghwa. The old lady thought that the couple’s engagement sealed their love, proving that they were unbreakable. That was what Jessica thought as well.

But it seemed otherwise since Yonghwa left.

Add a few months after that and Jessica had buried her love deep inside and locked it in a drawer. She chained it solid, with months of grief and pain as reassurance that she will never fall for him again.

Time had healed her heart well and she wanted to do something for herself, for once. The brunette girl in her mid-twenties looked back onto her life, the one she previously lived with him. Sadly, realization finally surfaced and Jessica discovered how pathetic she really was.

She never did anything for herself. Everything was for him in one way or another. Jessica hated herself for that.

However, she decided to leave it in the past. She convinced herself that Yonghwa was merely a process of falling in and out of love. The girl took a deep breath before deciding to live a peaceful life on her own.

Unfortunately, her plans were disrupted when she ran into him.

Their meeting was rather odd.

Jessica was out shopping, walking through the streets of Seoul with a blissful smile on her face. She felt comforted that she was alone, with shopping bags as her only acquaintances.

Then, out of the blue a cheerful voice greeted her.

“Hi miss! Care to stop by for a snack? We’re having lots of discounts this holiday!”

Jessica blinked owlishly as she took a step back from the stranger, out of surprise and slight shock. The first thing she noticed about the voice was his height; he was clearly a man and towered over her easily. The next thing she noticed was that it was a man dressed in a huge teddy bear suit.

Jessica blinked at him again; momentarily confused before she finally registered that he was probably a mascot, promoting a fast-food restaurant. The brunette muttered a small thank you as she took the pamphlet from him before casually walking away.

On the other hand, the teddy bear man was entranced. Being a youth at heart, his eyes were fixed onto Jessica’s long legs as she stepped gracefully away. Her hair that cascaded in waves down her back was blowing against the wind and her natural lilac scent wafted in the air.

This young man was none other than Lee Jungshin. And he was entranced by a woman he barely met.

A few days passed, and Jungshin could not-for the life of him!-, forget the mysterious yet enchanting goddess. All he could think of was her glittering doe-like eyes and the small smile she casted him with her strawberry-tinted lips.

A beautiful stranger he barely met.

Jungshin knew that the chances of them meeting again were close to impossible. However, fate had other ideas in mind and brought the two together again. Unfortunately, under its own conditions which were quite bad to say the least.

Lee Jungshin seemed a harmless kid at first sight, but this youth was as mischievous as could be. Racing was his drug, and curses and gang fights were the norm. However, Jungshin had his own perceptions of life and own morals to hold onto; these being the only reasons that hindered him from theft and murder.

“Yah! Jungshin! Got that piece of trash ready or not?!”A voice yelled mockingly to him, before he and his mates broke out into another round of laughter.

Jungshin narrowed his eyes on his opponent, with a deadly smirk on his face. He shifted gear and the metal monster he now straddled came to life, roaring ferociously.

The only reason he worked was to patch up his motorcycle that got damaged badly during the last race. Jungshin hated the thought of depending on his parents for money. He was still young, but he wanted to depend on nobody but himself. Thus, the reason to work.

The race ended as quickly as it started, with Jungshin winning the race victoriously as well as the bets amounting to nearly a fortune. His opponents were made to bow to him in shame, as part of the rules stated in the race.

Jungshin personally loved that; making petty people bow down to him.

After chugging down a few rounds of beer with his friends as celebration, Jungshin made his way for home knowing that it was best to be back before sunrise.

And there on his street, a petite-looking girl came into sight.

Jessica was lazily stretching outside her house, planning to take a walk afterwards. She couldn’t sleep at all the previous night; memories of Yonghwa were haunting her once again.

Jungshin grinned when he spotted Jessica alone, standing in the middle of the street. Although, he failed to properly identify Jessica since he was still some miles away.

‘Looks like another hot chick,’ the boy thought to himself as his eyes sparkled with mischief. He revved up his bike, increasing its speed a notch before circling a dazed Jessica.

“Yo baby! Wanna go for a round?”Jungshin yelled over the loud screeching noise of burning rubber against concrete.

Jessica’s eyes widened in shock immediately, hugging herself as Jungshin circled her in the middle of the street. The motorcycle eventually came to a stop and now that Jungshin was close to Jessica, he immediately recognized her.

‘! It’s Bambi!’Jungshin thought as his eyes widened behind the black-tinted helmet he wore. Panic quickly rose in his gut, and it only doubled when he noticed Jessica’s sharp eyes narrowed down at him.

Jungshin tried desperately to collect himself. He lifted up his visor before saying proudly, “I asked you for a round, what’re you waiting for?”

Jessica gritted her teeth, outraged at the helmet-clad teen inviting her ever so kindly for a ride. The brunette girl bravely reached her hands out to unclasp Jungshin’s helmet. She lifted it up before angrily throwing it on the ground, causing a loud crash. Jungshin, on the other hand couldn’t even move an inch, his heart pounding against his chest. The poor boy was too surprised of Jessica’s presence, to even realize what was going on.

“If you think I’m actually complying, then you better get out of my sight!”Jessica yelled fiercely at him, hands on her hips.

“And you smell disgusting! Drinking? Aren’t you underage?!”She added after briefly sniffing the scent that reeked from Jungshin.

Jungshin didn’t say anything in reply, and dumbly stared at her instead. Jessica groaned in distaste, before side-stepping Jungshin’s motorbike. Realizing that she was leaving, Jungshin hurriedly got off his bike.

“Yah! Sto-“Jungshin yelled at her, intending to somehow apologize to Jessica and make amends, considering that she was the girl he’d been crushing on for weeks.

But as his hand reached out on instinct, it brushed ever so slightly over Jessica’s bottom and unfortunately, nestled there as if it was its home.

Jessica shrieked in horror, immediately scrambling away from Jungshin.

The next thing Jungshin got was a strong slap to the face.

The boy ended up lying down on the concrete road as Jessica escaped into her home. And despite knowing that he got hit by a girl, Jungshin smiled.

Now that he knew, Jessica was his neighbor.

The next day, Jungshin left a bouquet of lilies outside Jessica’s house, hoping it would serve as an apology. He secretly watched Jessica as she stepped outside to pick up the present.

Jungshin pursed his lips together nervously as he squinted through his binoculars. Jessica was holding up the purple lilies with a doubtful frown on her face. The frown turned to a scowl instead when she read the note attached to the bouquet.

Dear Bambi,

Sorry bout yesterday. It was an accident! –Lee Jungshin, your hot neighbor.

Jessica couldn’t believe it. Her harasser had sent her flowers!  She had hoped that he would leave her alone, and everything that happened yesterday would eventually be forgotten. But god had decided to be cruel to her again and made him her neighbor.

‘And look! He calls himself hot?!’Jessica fumed to herself.

Then, she looked around her and noticed a particular teenage boy waving cheerfully at her from the house next to hers. He was clad in a school uniform, and had his hair tied up in a ponytail.

He was none other than Lee Jungshin, Jessica’s harasser; a teenage high-school student.

Jessica couldn’t contain her anger and flipped him the bird before stomping inside.

As the days passed, Jungshin continuously sent gifts to Jessica always with a short note expressing his regret and want to make amends.

A bouquet of sunflowers.

Dear Bambi,

I’m really sorry. Can we be friends? –Lee Jungshin

A heart-shaped pillow.

Dear Bambi,

Sorry. My hand slipped, swear to god! – Lee Jungshin

And even chocolates.

Dear Bambi,

Sorry… Can I have your name at least? –Lee Jungshin

To be frank, Jessica wanted so badly to burn all of those useless gifts. However, her mother stopped her, squealing,“You should just forgive the boy. And Bambi, oh my god! The nickname is so cute!”

Jessica was horrified that her own mother didn’t much less care about the fact that he was an under aged drinker.

“You were one as well!”Jessica’s mother had yelled back at her.

But as a week passed and the gifts kept arriving, Jessica knew she had to stop this madness. The brunette stomped her way to her neighbor’s house before pounding angrily on the door.

Jungshin opened the door to reveal a very upset Bambi.

“I’m prepared to propose a peace treaty,” Jessica spoke as her eyes turned to slits, “You do something for me, and I’ll do something for you.”

Jungshin’s eyes lit up before mumbling a small ‘okay’ for Jessica to continue.

“Stop sending me these gifts, it’s annoying me.”Jessica told the younger, which undoubtedly made him frown.

“In exchange, I’ll tell you my name,” She added through gritted teeth.

But to her horror, Jungshin cracked a grin before clicking his tongue.

“Nope, no way noona. I know everything about you already,”Jungshin informed her before elaborating that her name, age and her two years living in San Francisco were all made known to him just that morning.

“Who told you that?”Jessica questioned to which Jungshin committed that her own mother was the culprit.

‘That sly…’Jessica thought, trailing off as her tiny fists clenched and unclenched.

“A date then Bambi? Since you can’t really choose, then I will,”Jungshin suggested which caused Jessica’s mouth to fall open.

“Of course she will!”A voice yelled from nowhere and Jessica shot a death glare towards her own mother standing on the Lee’s driveway.

Mrs Jung skipped happily towards the pair as she told the boy, “I’ll make sure of it.”

Jessica was in an utter state of shock, gaping wide. Jungshin was grinning however, before he bowed respectfully towards his elder.

“Is your mother home Jungshin?”Mrs Lee asked and Jungshin nodded in reply.

“Then let me get Jess ready before you two go out later okay?”Mrs Jung told them.

“Today?!”the two exclaimed and the aged lady in her forties took a step back.

“Yes today!  And tell your mother I want that cup of coffee,”Mrs Jung yelled in reply before tugging an upset Jessica away from the Lee’s house.

Once he was sure the two ladies were gone, Jungshin held a mini-celebratory dance on his front porch, finally victorious.


The night that followed was one that Jessica would dread forever. The younger boy by her side was desperately trying to entertain her, buying her Korean traditional street food and ice-cream. His mouth was also impossible to shut, to her dismay.

But he wasn’t that bad as Jessica thought. The younger teen knew how to treat girls properly, and was almost like a ball of sunshine, its jovial rays impossible to block out.

After going around the park for a stroll and the malls nearby, Jungshin and Jessica found themselves at a rather exquisite Spanish restaurant.

“Are you sure you can afford this?”Jessica whispered to the younger, knowing that he was still a high school student and probably didn’t have much money.

Jungshin smiled, “Yup. It’s okay Bambi, I got this.” Jessica rolled her eyes as the waiter led them inside.

Dinner was eaten in silence, and Jungshin watched happily as his noona finished her whole plate of pasta. When the waiter came with the bill, Jessica ushered the waiter to her side of the table. And despite Jungshin’s protests, Jessica had already placed her credit card in the waiter’s hand before he walked away.

“Bambi-ah! I could’ve paid, I’m the man here!”Jungshin whined childishly. Jessica had to bite her lip to stifle a giggle.

“You’re still young you brat! Save the money for your girlfriend in future,”Jessica snapped.

Jungshin frowned before whining again, “But my girlfriend is right in front of me,”

This earned him another painful hit on the head.

“Listen brat, you have no idea what’s going to happen in the future. But now since you’re a student, college is the first utmost priority,”Jessica told the younger with a distasteful frown on her face as well.

“I got retained twice, you still think I can even get into college? ”Jungshin spoke, which earned him yet another hit on the head.

Jessica folded her arms in front of herself, cross and fuming.

“At least try,”Jessica told him. The conversation ended and silence quickly passed through the two, with Jessica avoiding the younger’s gaze. It was then that Jungshin sensed something was definitely wrong.

“Noona, I’m sorry. Did I say something wrong again?”Jungshin asked as he knelt by her seat. The boy gently reached his hand out to gently curl Jessica’s hair behind her ear affectionately.

“Okay, I promise I’ll try harder for the exams…”Jungshin trailed off, “Really!”

Suddenly, there was a tap on Jungshin’s shoulder.  Jungshin turned around, only to see another couple behind him; a redhead teen standing beside a man Jessica has spent two years with.

 “Can I help you?”Jungshin asked them with an eyebrow raised. He looked back at Jessica, who was mysteriously silent.

The redhead, who seemed to be Jungshin’s age, held out an invitation card.

“We were just passing by, and I saw you here Jess. So I thought I’d give you this,”the girl told Jungshin even though it was meant for Jessica.

“We’re getting married this summer.”

Jessica weakly stood up on her feet, as her vision blurred and her fists clenched by her sides. Jungshin could only watch.

Jessica turned to face Yonghwa instead, ignoring the young redhead who knew her name even though they had never met.

“I made you promise you’d find a girl…”Jessica paused to wipe away her tears, “Who’d love you as twice as I did, and devote herself to you more than I ever could.”

She was desperately trying to contain her anger, not wanting to make a scene in the middle of a crowded restaurant.

“I should’ve known you’d never keep that promise. You never did.”

Jessica fled from the restaurant as she sobbed helplessly, the feelings of despair and torture unleashed from the depths of her heart.


The raven-haired boy set off hastily to find Jessica, who had suddenly taken flight after their unexpected meeting with Yonghwa and his new fiancé. Jungshin gritted his teeth angrily as the innocent little girl’s words replayed in his mind.
We’re getting married this summer, Jess. Isn’t it wonderful?
Though, his fury towards the couple quickly faded when Jessica’s voice overpowered his thoughts.
I made you promise you’d find a girl who’d love you as twice as I did, and devote herself to you more than I ever could.
I should’ve known you’d never keep that promise. You never did.
It all finally clicked into place when Jungshin realized that the man was probably Jessica’s ex-boyfriend. However, Jungshin was more worried about the part where Jessica’s strong love for the suspicious man was said through her trembling lips.
Jungshin felt distraught and even more jittery when he couldn’t find his maiden anywhere. He looked around the mall and couldn’t spot the blonde head no matter where he looked. Eventually, Jungshin wandered outside the mall instead, hoping that maybe Jessica had decided to visit the nearby park for some fresh air, considering the situation that had happened earlier.
The tall boy craned his neck a tad bit and finally spotted the blonde sitting on a park bench. He instantly began to rush to his side but stopped mid-way in his tracks when he saw another boy his age approaching her.
Jungshin’s eyes widened as one by one, a group of boys had started to huddle around the naïve girl, still a crying mess.
“YAH! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!”Jungshin suddenly yelled, pure fury laced into his voice. The group of boys turned around, frightened but one particular guy merely smirked at him.
“Hah, Lee Jungshin. The ’s your girl huh?”Jonghyun smirked, cocking his head to the side with a raised eyebrow. It was only then that Jessica lifted her head up to see the commotion taking place right before her eyes.
The other boys began to shoot dirty looks at Jungshin, immediately recognizing him as the one who defeated their leader in the last race. It was time for revenge.
Jonghyun continued, “Mind if I borrow her?” That was all it took for Jungshin’s barrier of self-control to break, and he immediately threw a deadly punch towards the cocky guy. Jessica shrieked fearfully, quickly retreating a few meters away as she watched Jungshin beat up the boys.
Jungshin hissed in pain as Jessica dabbed his upper lip with a cotton , causing Jessica flinched as well.
“Our first date really ended well didn’t it?”Jessica suddenly mumbled sarcastically, breaking the silence. Jungshin chuckled lightly in return but groaned when the pain shot through his bruised cheek.
Jessica resumed talking, not bearing the silence since it made her thoughts wander to Yonghwa again. “Why’d you do that?There were like… seven guys down there,”
Jungshin cracked a smile, “You’re my date, of course I’ve to protect you.”
Jessica only rolled her eyes, “We could’ve just made a run for it you know. 1 versus 7 isn’t really a good choice.”
“But I couldn’t find you! You just ran out of the restaurant after that guy…”
Jessica instantly averted her gaze towards the cold marble floor, staring at her feet. Jungshin shifted uncomfortably by her side, frowning in disappointment.
“Whoever that guy is, to you…”Jungshin suddenly began, “I’ll be better for you.”
Jessica blinked as shock overwhelmed her instantly at his words.
“I-I’ll take better care of you. I’ll care for you. I’ll love you more than he ever did," Jungshin stated out quietly almost like a whisper.
“I won’t break my promises with you Jessica. I’ll do anything for you.”
Jessica gulped an invisible lump in , as she straightened her back awkwardly. She finally turned around to face Jungshin and almost melted when she saw the smoldering gaze in his brown eyes.
“Anything?”Jessica asked questioningly, to which Jungshin nodded cheerfully. The blonde suddenly picked herself up from her chair and moved to the front porch. She gestured Jungshin to follow and the younger quickly obeyed.
Jessica placed her hands on the railings as she looked around. There were plenty of passersby walking nearby and most of Jessica’s neighbors were at home too.
“Tell the whole world you love me,” was the strict order mouthed from Jessica’s lips. Jungshin stood there, stunned in a matter of seconds.
Though, luck and fate was on his side again when the cheeky boy thought of an answer.
Jungshin leant in close towards Jessica’s ear and whispered softly, “I love you.”
Jessica on the other hand frowned, “You have to tell the whole world you fool!”
“You are my world.”Jungshin replied bashfully, with a cheeky smile on his face.




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[TES] Wow - I am so sorry for not keeping up with this shop. :/ been on a loong hiatus T.T I'll work hard to get the requests going again. Sorry to all.OTL


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BoiceKings #1
Chapter 11: Wiw!!!!
I really love it><
this story there are many meaningful<3

There are a lot if words that I want to say, but I can't tell all.

Thank you for a nice oneshot<3
seoshi #2
closed, just for a while right ? i'll be waiting ^^
Chapter 10: Awww. This is sweet >< Thanks so much for writing this oneshot!! :D I love it <3 Will request soon yay!
Chapter 9: Wahahaa~ I've read it and it was soo sweet XD thank you!!
BoiceKings #5
If so... How about my requesting?:(
Writer Request<3

Link to profile:
Speciality Genres:Angst,Sad and Happy
Link to my best oneshot:
Hello! c: Are you still hiring? I'd love to apply.
I hope the shop is open soon~, Cause I really wanna REQUEST!!!! (: (My cookie spasm)
Username: fairysone0913
Link to profile:
Author: Whoever wants to do it
Title: Snowflakes' Dance
Genre/Rating: fluff, romance. Rated G
Reason for rating: Because I don't want to read rated M
Characters: SNSD's Hyoyeon and Kim Hyungseok (Dancing With The Stars Season 2. They're friggin' cute together)
Point of View: Third person
Story Description: Prompt (there's no need for you to use it):

Look at the streets that have changed
The snowy roads are completely covered in white
I want to walk on them with you in your arms
On top of the first snow we saw together -SNSD's Snowy Wish

Extras: ILikeCookies <--- I seriously do.
Kairi_Rose #10

Username: Kairi_Rose
Link to profile:
Genre: Romance
Reason: I love romance stories~
Author: popgirl345543
Title: 'Into Your World'
Characters: Kim HyunAe (OC) and Byun BaekHyun (EXO)
POV: It's up to you~
Story Description: Can you base it off the lyrics to EXO's "Into Your World"? Here's the translations:;feature=endscreen&NR=1

Extras: ILikeCookies
Thank you~