Chapter 2.

Change of Identity

 What made me insane and sick to the stomach the next day was that Kris and Hani were an item. It was everywhere. Everyone were talking about how perfect they were together. Perfect? Perfect my . I look more perfect with Kris. Apparently, Kris confessed to Hani. I finally knew why Kris was so touchy with her yesterday, well not just yesterday but any other day too. He had feelings for her. I must find out why and how he confessed. When did he start having feelings for her? What are their views on this relationship? I knew some time alone with one of them, individually. Now.

 "Hani!" I called in my sweetest voice and she turned to me.

 "Yeah?" She asked and I blinked innocently.

 "Can I talk to you, alone, now?" I asked again while glancing at Kris. He was holding onto her hands very tightly, not wanting to let go.

 "Sure." She said and stood up from her seat. She tried pulling her hands out from Kris's but he didn't let go. "Baby, let go." She said. Baby? Baby?! My blood was boiling. Damn this girl. Who does she think she is? Yeah, right. She is Kris's girlfriend. Well, for now. I will be his girlfriend soon!

 Kris shook his head and pouted. It was so cute! "No!" He childishly shrieked and Hani sighed.

 "Kris." She said lowly and Kris let go of her hands.

 "Fine." He said and crossed his arms.

 "Aww! Don't be sad, I'll be right back okay!" Hani patted his head and looked at me, nodding at the door. I stood up too and followed her out. It was break time now so it was alright to be out of the class. We walked towards the bench out at the field and took our seats.

 Hani played with her nails and she looked at me. "What is it?" She asked nicely and I was gripping onto my thighs, preventing myself from jumping over to ball out her eyes and pull at her hair. Did I tell you how much I hate her right now? I'm just pretending to be friends with her. This is the only way I can be close to Kris.

 "You and Kris are together now.. right?" I asked and she nodded. Obviously, why would I even ask? "However, just yesterday, you said the idea of you two being together was ridiculous. What made you change your mind?" I asked.

 "Well.. I figured out that I had feelings for him too. I just didn't realised sooner and was blinded by the fact that we grew up together and that we are practically childhood friends. But when he confessed, I was overwhelmed with many other emotions, I saw my love for him. So I agreed." She explained. What a joke. Can feelings be hidden? Well, for sure it won't be working for me.

 "Okay then. Just wanted to ask, you know, bestie." I laughed falsely, of course. I had other intentions. "I wish you happiness." I beamed. Again, I was faking. How can I wish them happiness? Over my dead body. Scratch that, as long as I am still aware of things, I will not allow them to be together. There is no way in hell am I going to let this off so easily. I stretched out my hand and shook hers.

 We then went back to class for our lessons. During lunch break, I asked if I could borrow Kris for a while and pulled him to a side. This time, I acted like the clueless girl and asked questions.

 "Kris," I called and he looked at me. We were at the same place where I spoke to Hani during the class break.

 "Hmm?" He hummed in response.

 "How long have you like Hani?" I asked, pretending to be the 'in between' for the two.

 "You're honestly going to ask that?" I nodded my head. "I like her since we were 5. She however doesn't know. But it wasn't like I hadn't hinted her though. I did, multiple times" Obviously, I have eyes. "... she doesn't realised. So I took up courage and confessed after seeing she was in such a good mood yesterday. It so happened that she returned my feelings too. I just feel so, so, so, so happy to have her as my girlfriend now. I want to shower her with lots of love. I even think as far as to having her as my wife. I love her a lot... I don't think I'll be able to see her die before me." He smiled at the thought of having Hani as his wife. Which is ridiculous. Me! Me! I will become his wife! Not Hani! Not that sarcastic, irritating brat! Me!

  I chuckled and looked at him. "I'm sure you two would make beautiful" Ugly "...babies." I said. As if. Will a creature that came out from a brat's hole be beautiful? I doubt that. My babies with Kris would look better, a whole lot better.

 "Thank you." He patted my head and smile at me. We went back to the cafeteria and ate up our food before going back to class.


 When I went back home, I decided. It was time for me to start doing something. I had to separate the two. I won't allow the two of them to get married. No. Never! And I wouldn't want Kris to be upset over losing his love. I'll do it in a way so that he won't be sad. And so, I went into my room and took out a big white blank paper. I took a black marker and started writing down my plan and how it was to be proceeded with. I wrote down Hani's daily walking route too. When I was done, it was already midnight. I slammed the marker down on the table and paced towards my bed with sleepy eyes. My mind was firing up at the image of Kris and Hani kissing.

 I plopped down in the center of my bed as the two other sides were occupied. By who? My parents. Oh yeah, did I mention my parents? I didn't? They're dead. Well, not really dead. They were alive to others but to others, they were missing for about six months now. I killed them so I am the only one who knows that they are dead. Why I killed them? The old hag was annoying. Always stressing me over my results. She wanted me to be the top in class. I couldn't and she beat me up. Of course, I didn't sit back and do nothing. I went to the kitchen and took the chopper out. She was walking to me when I flashed the chopper in her face. She gasped but my poor mummy, she was so slow to react. She was about to run when I grabbed onto her hair and yanked her back.

 I slashed her neck with the sharp edge of the chopper and blood started oozing out from the slit at her neck. It was so satisfying to see the blood drip out from her neck. She was holding onto her neck, breathing for air. I didn't let her shout. I couldn't. I also was kind enough to finish it for her fast and swift. I took the chopper and held her in my arms as I drew the chopper a straight line down her spine. When there was a big opening there, she was already dead. I pulled the spine out from her back and stitched up her back; not before stuffing cotton into her back though. I then brought her up to my room and set her down on my bed. I slept with her every night. It felt so good to have my mother beside me, caressing me to sleep.

 My father? The day I killed my mother, I cooked her spine bone for soup and served it to my father. He said it was so delicious and asked if there was more. I told him I did. However, I needed to take more bones out and I needed his help. He was more than happy to help until, I asked him into my room and pointed at my mother. He shouted in shocked and was about to kill me for his wife as a revenge. Of course again, I didn't let him do so. I killed him the same way I did to my mother. The only difference was that the soup I boiled, was given to my neighbour. I didn't want to drink a soup filled with smoky bones. Oh! And I chopped off his friend in between his legs and his balls and gave them to the dog in the house next to mine. The dog loved it so much it was begging for more. Unfortunately, I couldn't give that poor dog more.

 My father too, slept next to me. I now have both my parents next to me. And they weren't scolding nor were they talking! They fit so much more as parents when they're in this state. "Good night, Appa, Omma." I kiss their rotten faces and slept with a smile plastered on my face. From tomorrow onwards, Kim Hani would be me and the name '___'(Your name) will not exist anymore! Like I could care less. I had no penny under my name whereas, Hani is rich as hell! And I would have Kris! Which is a double bonus for me.

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1301 streak #1
Chapter 5: I feel bad for Hani who suffered from "her friend" but I do wonder if she will at least except Kris but she might not except the child he had with her friend. At least Kris finally knows the truth about the Hani he married and loved. Although I hated the OC/reader (who is me if I put my name in that space) I like that her dying got her to admit the truth to Kris. Did she at least regret what she did to Hani?
I wonder if that fact is true about surgery is true, I always imagined that if someone had surgery would their child look like their new face or their old face. Your story reminded me of a Jdrama called "Face Maker" where one of the themes involve surgery (for many different reasons depending on the character in that story) and how their old face could be given to anyone which will be troublesome or make them question their desire for a new face.
1301 streak #2
Chapter 2: The way she handled her parents kind of reminded me of one episode of Tales from the Crypt where a restaurant serves human flesh as steak. It is a bit disturbing how she acts, wonder if there is a reason for her behavior.
PiKai_chu #3
Chapter 5: Ohhhh wow o_O Although it's just short, it is really3 good.. uhuhuhujjj.. It's a little bit scary though when she did the surgery.. Uhhhhh..
Chapter 5: ok I couldn't hate her but I still pity hani tho haha. nice story
Chapter 5: Wow amazing! I really love it!
Chapter 5: Read it again for the second time. Kinda forget the little detail orz. And, author-nim, have you read my PM?? xD
kdramalover1 #7
Chapter 5: That was so creepy.. But so awesome at the same time!!!
luvGd101 #8
Chapter 5: Even tho time passed, this story keeps being my fav, even if its a lil creepy, i love itQQ
Chapter 5: This story is so amazing and alittle freaky. This is now one of my favourites.