Chapter 1.

Change of Identity

  I have always like this one guy from my school. Ever since the day I transferred over from my old school. It all started when I was walking into the school gates and was walking towards the general office to pick up my schedule for the classes I had that day. While I was walking, I wasn't looking at where I was walking to and bumped into something hard. I fell right on my and palmed my forehead when I heard a groan. My eyes went wide opened and I snapped my head upwards. Right then and there, I felt as if the cupid had shot it's love arrow right through my heart because it was as if time had stopped. Standing right in front of me, was this guy with blonde hair, his fringe swiped to a side, his eyes not very big yet not small, just the right size. Although those eyes seem cold, I could see the warmth in them. His eyes, were what drawn me in. Then, the wind blew and his muscular minty scent filled my nose. If only there was a perfume brand for that, I would have bought it and spray it everyday.

 I snapped out of my daze when a hand started waving in front of my face and a horse voice spoke, "Hey, hey." That was when I realised, he was right in front of my face, kneeling with one knee and his one arm resting on his propped leg.

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered as I felt my blood rose to my cheeks.

  He searched my face and finally looked into my eyes. "You okay?" He asked and I dared not looked straight at him. Instead, I looked down to the floor.

  "Yeah." I mumbled and suddenly, a hand was offered to me. I looked at the hand and up to it's owner once again. When I just stared and gave no response, he pushed his hand towards me and nodded at his hand. I was confused so I tilted my head.

  "Take my hand." He said and slowly, I put my left hand in his. He smiled and stood up, pulling me along with him. His smile, so hot and y it melted my heart.

  When he pulled me up along with him, I stumbled a little as I couldn't quite find my balance. He steadied me on my feet and patted my head. If I could die from how fluttery I felt around him, I would have died a thousand times or more.

  "There." He spoke and looked down at his wrist watch. "Oh! I got to go!" He looked back at me and said, "Take care, little girl. Don't fall again." He flashed a smile that showed his teeth and ran away, leaving me there stunned.

  It was only after he left did I realised in what state I was in just a few moments ago. "What was that?" I asked myself, holding my chest as I walked into the general office.


 My schedule was handed over and I was about to leave the office when a girl came in. She had thick brown hair that runs all the way down to her hip, her bangs just right above her eyebrows. I had to admit, she looks cute. She ran all the way to the counter and rested her arms on the counter, calling for the receptionist. I was about to continue with my routine when I overheard something that could possibly involved me.

 "Where's Kris?" The lady at the counter asked lovingly. I guess this girl over here must be a sweetheart.

 The girl blushed as she pretended to beat the air. "Aye, he's busy at the moment with homeworks. He told me he knocked into a girl just now though. He was worried if she hurt herself somewhere but wasn't able to bring her to the nursing room as he had to rush to class. He told me to find her, do you know where she is?" She asked and at that moment, I knew that the girl she was looking for was me.

 So, I walked over and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned and looked at me, "Can I help you?" She asked and I nodded.

 "Not here though." I said, glancing at the lady who was scowling at me. I wonder why. The girl nodded and bid the lady farewell before walking out the general office with me.

 When we were out, she turned to me and we stopped walking. "So, what was it that you needed?" She asked.

 "I think you were looking for me? Your..."

 "Friend." Oh, so they're just friends? From the way the lady was saying Kris's name to her just now was as if they were an item.

 "Yeah, your friend. He bumped into me. You were.. searching for me, if I'm not wrong." I said and she nodded, taking my hands.

 "Yep. He told me to find you. He said you looked new here and that you had no friends. He asked me to take care of you." She beamed cheerfully. He was concerned over whether I had friends?

 "That means, we can be friends, right? I'm new here and I don't have any-"

 "Sure!" She jumped and hugged me. It was still awkward for me and I just lightly hugged her back. She pulled away and took the schedule away from my hands.

 "Hey! What are you doing?" I exclaimed.

 "Oh! You're in the same class as me and Kris! Great! Let's go! The teacher is coming in soon!" She chirped and pulled my hand along.


 Along the way to class, I couldn't help myself but be curious as to how long Kris and her knew each other so I asked, "Hey, I still don't know your name." She nodded and turned to me,

  "My name is Hani, Kim Hani." She said and I nodded.

  I asked again, this time, more directly. "Hani-ssi, how long have you met Kris?" She didn't stopped in her steps and just continued walking and answered,

 "It's been 15 years. And you can just call me Hani."

 "15 years? That's so long comparing that we're 17 years old now." She nodded.

 "Yeah. We are neighbours, which explains."

 "So.. you two aren't an item?" She choked on her saliva as she looked at me, laughing.

 "What?! Couple?! With that angry bird?! No way! It's ridiculous!" Seeing as to how she has a big reaction to this, I guess it's safe. Maybe, I can be good friends with her to get close to Kris. Maybe, I will be Kris's girlfriend in future!

 "Why not?" I asked, confirming that it was safe for me to continue pursuing Kris.

 "He's far too childish. I won't like him. We won't be a couple, ever!" She exclaimed and by the time she was finished, we were right in front of the classroom.

 "Okay.. Anyway, we're friends now, right?" I asked and she nodded, walking in the classroom and asking me to take a seat next to hers.

 When we just took our seats, someone scared Hani from the back and she jumped, screaming. We looked back and saw Kris grinning. Oh , he's so near to me. I could feel myself blushing once again. However, I tried my best hiding it.

 "Yah! Kris Wu Yi Fan!" Hani scolded and stood up, smacking Kris on the head.

 He dodge and stuck his tongue out at her. "Missed." He playfully said and held her wrist pulling her in so close that their noses were touching. "Now you're close enough, babe." He whispered huskily to her and I felt myself being so angry I left crescents nail marks on my thighs. He was only teasing her, right? Everyone 'woo-ed' and 'aww-ed' at the scene and Hani scoffed, pushing him away.

 "Stop it, Kris. You're always teasing me." She pouted and Kris laughed.

 "Glad I got you." Oh, so he was only playing around? That's fine.. My hand went back up to the desk.

 "Teacher is coming!" A boy shouted and everyone scrambled back to their seats. That was when I noticed, Kris was seated right in front of Hani's table. Great, he is so close to me!

 Before the teacher started the class, Kris turned around to look at me. "Hey," He whispered and I looked up. "Come with us for lunch break." He said and turned back around. I nodded and focused back on the Teacher.

 So that was how I made friends with Kris and Hani. And how I fell for Kris insanely at first sight. I thought he was going to be mine soon. However, boy was I so wrong. What happened the next day angered me to the brim. And I was actually considering to be best friends with Hani.

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1301 streak #1
Chapter 5: I feel bad for Hani who suffered from "her friend" but I do wonder if she will at least except Kris but she might not except the child he had with her friend. At least Kris finally knows the truth about the Hani he married and loved. Although I hated the OC/reader (who is me if I put my name in that space) I like that her dying got her to admit the truth to Kris. Did she at least regret what she did to Hani?
I wonder if that fact is true about surgery is true, I always imagined that if someone had surgery would their child look like their new face or their old face. Your story reminded me of a Jdrama called "Face Maker" where one of the themes involve surgery (for many different reasons depending on the character in that story) and how their old face could be given to anyone which will be troublesome or make them question their desire for a new face.
1301 streak #2
Chapter 2: The way she handled her parents kind of reminded me of one episode of Tales from the Crypt where a restaurant serves human flesh as steak. It is a bit disturbing how she acts, wonder if there is a reason for her behavior.
PiKai_chu #3
Chapter 5: Ohhhh wow o_O Although it's just short, it is really3 good.. uhuhuhujjj.. It's a little bit scary though when she did the surgery.. Uhhhhh..
Chapter 5: ok I couldn't hate her but I still pity hani tho haha. nice story
Chapter 5: Wow amazing! I really love it!
Chapter 5: Read it again for the second time. Kinda forget the little detail orz. And, author-nim, have you read my PM?? xD
kdramalover1 #7
Chapter 5: That was so creepy.. But so awesome at the same time!!!
luvGd101 #8
Chapter 5: Even tho time passed, this story keeps being my fav, even if its a lil creepy, i love itQQ
Chapter 5: This story is so amazing and alittle freaky. This is now one of my favourites.