
Change of Identity

 I went to school the next day with my head held up high and I beamed when I saw Kris waiting for me at the school gates. I ran over and hugged him, giving him a kiss on the lips too. I finally am able to kiss him.. His lips were so plumpy yet soft. He chuckled and hugged me back too, giving me a kiss on the lips. We walked into the school together as he held my waist, pulling me closely to him. I am finally in his embrace. Kris is mine. Finally. He didn't noticed my height though and I was glad.

 Suddenly, I was yanked back and a slap went across my cheeks. I gasped and held onto my right cheek in shock. I turned back to the person who slapped me and saw Ha-____ there. "YAH! What are you doing?!" Kris yelled at her and held her other hand when she was about to slap me again. I pretended to cry and my lips trembled. I guess I was good at acting because Kris growled at her.

 "Let me go!" She screamed and Kris scoffed, throwing her hand away. "You ! What have you done to me! You changed my face! I want back my face! Give me back my face!" She went forward and started to grab at my face. Kris pushed her back and went in front of me, protecting me. How does it feel, ___? Is it pain? Is the pain excruciating? Feel how I felt. .

 "What are you talking about? I have no idea what you're talking about!" I whimpered and snuggled into Kris's back as he moved his arm backwards, making sure to make me feel protected.

 "Stop pretending you two-faced ! I didn't know you were this kind of person! Return me my face! I want my face back!" She continued screaming and fought against Kris to get to me. Finally frustrated, Kris pushed her and she landed on the floor. Her tears flowing non stop and her face were full of tears. She crawled towards Kris and tugged onto his leg. "Baby, baby. It's me, Hani. It's me. Why can't you see me?!" She cried and Kris kicked her away.

 "Stop being crazy, ___! What has gotten into you! Stop making a scene! Stop bothering us while I am still patient!" Kris shouted at her and turned around, asking me to walk away. He put a hand on my back and lead me on. I was yanked back again by the hair. I whimpered and hissed in pain as my hand went up to my hair.

 "GIVE ME BACK MY FACE!" She pulled and pulled and it was getting annoying for me. Kris was seeing red and he took big steps over to us. He pushed and slapped her on the face, she went flying to the floor.

 "I thought I told you to stop? You want to be out of this school? Fine! I'll ask my father to transfer schools for you." He said and turned to me. "Let's go." He took my hands and dragged me away.

  I turned to ___ and saw her as she kneeled on the floor, crying so badly. She looked up and glared when she saw me looking at her. I smirked and mouthed, 'Pain isn't it? Feel the pain, Kris is mine.' Before I turned around and disappeared behind the walls with Kris.


 Very soon, news got out that ____ was transferred into another school, in a remote village. So she wasn't here to bother me and my happiness with Kris anymore. No one suspected my identity and Kris was more loving than I expected. The sacrifice was worth it. He was getting sweeter and sweeter day by day.

 Three years later, me and Kris graduate with full scholarship. Thank Kai for passing on Hani's clever brain. Kris didn't want to continue studying though and wanted to take over his family's business. I decided not to continue with studies too and just start working at my parent's company. Then, after a year of venturing in the business area, Kris proposed to me and we were married a month later. I invited ____ to our wedding and I saw as she bit her lips in anger and her hands clenched into fist. Halfway through the wedding when me and Kris were exchanging our vows though, she ran out of the wedding hall in tears. I was so satisfied to see her in so much pain.

 Just a month after we got married, I was pregnant with Kris's child. And when I gave birth to a baby girl nine months later, Kris was shocked to find the baby looking so alike to ____. Of course the baby would looked like ____, it's because I am ____. However, I didn't tell him that of course. I shrugged it off with a joke saying that because ____ was haunting us. He did not care much about that though and treated our baby with love.

 Twenty years later, my time to return to Kai was here. I am lying on the hospital bed as Kris and my daughter held my hands. "Shinhye, can you wait outside a little?" I asked and she nodded. Once she left the room, I turned to Kris and took my hand out from his. He looked at me, shocked and hurt. "Kris, you deserve to know the truth." I said and he tilted his head in confusion.

 "What truth?" He asked.

 "I am not the Hani you know." I started and he looked confused.

 "What are you talking about?"

 "I said, I am not the Hani you know. I am ____ by nature and Hani is ____. I did a switch with our faces. I love you that much so I switched our faces. I wanted to be with you. I wanted her to feel the pain I felt whenever I saw the two of you together. I did a surgery on the two of us to switch our faces. So, I am not Hani." I looked as he shook his head in disbelief.

 "Stop play around with me, Hani. You're lying. This can't be true." He said and I shook my head.

 "Doesn't it all makes sense? I am a size bigger than Hani, I am taller than Hani, our baby looks like ____ and the day ___ came into school claiming she was Hani and demanded I returned her face to her." I guess he was trying to fit the pieces together and he gasped, his eyes widening.

 "No.. this can't be..."

 "It can, Kris. If you need more proof, Kai, come on out." I called for Kai and he appeared from the walls, walking towards me. "This is Kai. He is the devil king from hell. I signed a contract with him twenty-five years ago. I was supposed to be dead after being and killed by a bunch of bastards twenty-five years ago but Kai offered me a chance to live again. Only, I had to give him my soul. He was the one who helped with the surgery." I looked at Kai then over to Kris. Kris looked over at Kai, I guess he was asking if it was true and Kai nodded.

 "This means.. I had been wrong all the time.. I pushed Hani away.." I nodded and he cried out in anger.

 "Kai, can you leave us alone for a while?" I asked and he disappeared. "Kris," I took his hands and I was glad he didn't push me away. "It isn't too late to find her now. She lives in Busan. Find her. And please, don't hate our child. It isn't her fault. Also, can I ask you something?" I knew that my time was drawing closer and closer. He nodded as he looked into my eyes. I didn't know how he feel, was he angry? Or was he confused? Or maybe, sad?

 "Tell me. Take it as me alone. Tell me, throughout all these years, have you noticed anything suspicious about me?" I asked.

 "I did.. Hani doesn't eat beef.. but you did." He said and I smiled sadly.

 "Did your love for me changed after that? Or at any time?" I asked and he shook his head. "Did you.. truly loved me?" I asked and he hesitated. "I guess you did-"

 "I did." This shocked me. He did love me? Kris did love me? Not because I was Hani but because of me?

 "Although you were a little different from Hani, you still managed to keep my heart beating fast whenever I'm with you. I never regret any moments with you, even now that I know you're not Hani. I do love you, _____. Maybe more than I did with Hani."

 "Don't you.. hate me for doing any of this?" He shook his head.

 "My love for you, is enough to cover up for the sins you've done." He said and I cried, this time, tears of joy and it was genuine.

 "Kris, can you give me a kiss and a hug?" I asked and he nodded, he bend down and took me into his arms. I breathed in his muscular minty scent and closed my eyes. His soft yet plumpy lips kiss my lips and I deepened it before pulling away, our nose still touching.

 "I'm sorry for everything. Take our child and look for Hani. Tell her I am sorry for everything. I am sorry for everything but if given the chance again, I would do everything again with no regrets because I have to have you. Tell her she can hate me but not my child. Begin a new story with her, Kris. Along with our child. I wish the two of you happiness. This time, I permit you and her to be together. Goodbye, Kris." He pulled away and looked at me horrifyingly.

 "What are you talking about?" Kris asked. I guess he was not sure why I was talking about this.

 "I have to go now, Kris. My twenty-five years is up. I have to go with Kai now. Goodbye, I love you Kris." I said and saw Kai, smiling softly as he came into the room and transferred my memories into my soul. I stood next to Kai as we looked down to my body. The life monitor beeped a straight line and I turned to Kai. Nodding and taking his hand.

 "Thank you for waiting, Kai. I will begin my new life with you from now on." I said and walked hand in hand into the depths of hell with Kai.


Author's Note:

So after all, I couldn't make ____ the bad character:/ Not really but she was a little kind hearted before she died O:

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1301 streak #1
Chapter 5: I feel bad for Hani who suffered from "her friend" but I do wonder if she will at least except Kris but she might not except the child he had with her friend. At least Kris finally knows the truth about the Hani he married and loved. Although I hated the OC/reader (who is me if I put my name in that space) I like that her dying got her to admit the truth to Kris. Did she at least regret what she did to Hani?
I wonder if that fact is true about surgery is true, I always imagined that if someone had surgery would their child look like their new face or their old face. Your story reminded me of a Jdrama called "Face Maker" where one of the themes involve surgery (for many different reasons depending on the character in that story) and how their old face could be given to anyone which will be troublesome or make them question their desire for a new face.
1301 streak #2
Chapter 2: The way she handled her parents kind of reminded me of one episode of Tales from the Crypt where a restaurant serves human flesh as steak. It is a bit disturbing how she acts, wonder if there is a reason for her behavior.
PiKai_chu #3
Chapter 5: Ohhhh wow o_O Although it's just short, it is really3 good.. uhuhuhujjj.. It's a little bit scary though when she did the surgery.. Uhhhhh..
Chapter 5: ok I couldn't hate her but I still pity hani tho haha. nice story
Chapter 5: Wow amazing! I really love it!
Chapter 5: Read it again for the second time. Kinda forget the little detail orz. And, author-nim, have you read my PM?? xD
kdramalover1 #7
Chapter 5: That was so creepy.. But so awesome at the same time!!!
luvGd101 #8
Chapter 5: Even tho time passed, this story keeps being my fav, even if its a lil creepy, i love itQQ
Chapter 5: This story is so amazing and alittle freaky. This is now one of my favourites.