That Escalated Rather Quickly

Do You Remember?

Your P.O.V

"I need three beers and a bowl of chips for table 4." you said. You had just taken your nth order of the day and it was getting to be tiring. The men all around you were grabbing your or offering to take you to their home. You were disgusted at all of this but you decided to give them the cold shoulder and continue on with your day. At this point, you were just in desperate need to go home, but it was only 8:30 p.m and work wasn't over until twelve.

You hear the doorbell jingle and you sigh, 'Even more men to handle, great'  You slowly turn around and your eyes immediately connect with one certain man. You felt shivers running down your body as you felt something you've never felt before.

He had the same bright red hair as you and a weary face. His body was just perfectly toned, not too muscley and not too scrawny. He had on a black leather jacket with a black wifebeater on the inside and black jeans. His appearance looked extremely scary and tough but you sensed something else.

He seemed to reflect you in a certain way, a cold exterior but a weak and fragile interior. It made you yearn for him, to see what made him this way. You wanted to connect with him, to be with him, to touch him. 'Yah! Suyeon, what are you thinking? Hurry and go serve them before they think you're crazy.'

You walked over to the rather scary looking group of men. They were all staring at you and your body but you didn't mind that much. Maybe because you only had your eyes on one man or maybe because, well, they were all rather attractive.

"Welcome to Dragon's Den. Table for six?" you asked. "Yes please!" said a cute boy with pink hair. You were slightly disappointed that he hadn't responded but you led them to their table anyways.

"My name is Suyeon and I will be your server for today." you said, "What would you guys like for drinks?" "I want beeer!" yelled the boy with the pink hair. "Yah! What are you saying!? You're still under age you punk." this time a man with short black hair had screamed. "That is true, you still have to wait a few more years tbe able to induce any kind of alcohol legally." said a boy with spiky blonde hair. "Youngjae stop sounding so nerdy, you're boring the beautiful waitress." a boy with dark caramel brown hair said. "It's true, Zelo, you and I should just get sprite. Sound good?" asked a boy with brown hair. "Fine.." said the boy that you now knew was Zelo. At that moment, that man, your  man decided to speak up. "Then we'll have four beers and two sprites." His surprisingly deep voice seemed to resonate inside of you. "Coming right up." you said airily. You and him shared a quick glance and, once again, it made you tingle.

You walked away from his table slightly confused but more curious. You wanted to further this connection that you just had with him, to find out what those tingles really meant. Was it love? or was it just because he was good looking. Well, there were other boys with him, and to be honest some were better looking than him. Yet, he exuded a sense of charisma and charm that you couldn't resist. 'I want him, no, I need him.'

You, somehow, safely got across the room while you were pondering over this new occurrence. "Four beers and two sprites." you yelled over the counter. You were still evaluating this event, when you looked up for no reason. As soon as you did, you saw him staring at you. Even though he knew you saw him, he still didn't look away and kept staring without shame. You responded by doing the same, you also stared unabashedly at him. Everything around the two of you seemed to disappear and leave just you two in the room. The air was bouncing with electricity and sparks.

"Four beers and two sprites!" the bartender yelled, interrupting the moment. You grabbed the tray of drinks and made your way back over to the table.

"I have your drinks" you said calmly. "One beer for you, you, and you. A sprite for you two, and the last beer for you." you had deliberately given his drink last so that you could look at him up close. You looked at his eyes and saw something that was different from you. You saw a glimmer in his eyes, a look of purpose and fulfillment. He had the one thing that you only dreamed of having. He had a purpose in life and freedom. You quickly looked away, scared that he would see your dull and empty eyes. You walked away and tried to not look back at that table for the rest of the day.

By the time it was 11:40 p.m., most of the customers left or were about to leave. Your man's table was just about ready to leave so you had hastily put their receipt on their table and basically ran away. They all got up and was soon out the doors. You were already starting to regret not being able to grab onto that man and at least ask him for his name. You sulkily treaded over to their table to grab the money and tip when you saw they had left the receipt. You were about to run out the doors to give it back when you saw writing on it. It read simply 'Yongguk 010-4526-8098'

You froze as you looked at the sheet of paper. 'His name is Yongguk...Yongguk' you were already blushing from just thinking about him and his name. You looked down again at the number that was on there. 'It's his phone number. Omona, does he want me to call him?' You were practically trembling with nervousness already, but you knew you had to. There was a bond between you two that was undeniable. You knew he was your soulmate and you knew that you were special to have found him. So, you plucked up your little courage and waited until you were able to go home to call him.


His P.O.V

'Wiil she call? Was I too forward in giving her my phone number? Does she know the number's mine? Does she even like me?' A billion and more questions were running through Yongguk's mind as he was pacing around the room. "Leader, you need to calm down. She'll definitely call so just come watch this movie with us." said Himchan. Yongguk's small group was watching The Avengers on the t.v. as they ate popcorn. The Geumcheon-gu sector only consisted of Yongguk, Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup, and Zelo. The head boss of the gang thought that this tiny place didn't need to have that many people so he allowed Yongguk to choose a few of his mates to run the area.

"I'm not nervous." growled Yongguk as he glared at Himchan. "Seriously, you look more scared right now than you do when you're about to go beat up other gangs." replied Himchan. Himchan was the only one in the group that was able to talk to Yongguk that way since they were born in the same year and he was the general. "Kim Himchan, you are bei-" *di-ri-ri-ri-ring* Yongguk's retort was interrupted by the sound of his phone. He froze on the spot and looked at the caller id. It was an unknown number but he knew who it was. Nobody knew his number unless he specifically told them and the only people he's ever told was the gang and Suyeon.

"Hello?" He answered, his voice shaking just a bit. "Um hello, is this Y-Yongguk sshi?" a feminine voice asked. "Yes, this is he. Who is this?" he asked knowing the answer. "Oh sorry, I'm Suyeon, the girl at the bar you were just at." she answered. "Oh yes, I remember. So what is it that you have to say?" 'Oh man, was that too harsh? or was it a dumb question since it was me that gave her my number expecting her to call?' "Huh, oh...umm well you had left your number on the receipt so...I thought maybe you wanted me to call you?" she ended with a hesitant tone. "Ah yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" Yongguk asked trying to sound as manly as he could. There was a short moment of silence and he was about to take back what he said when she said quickly, "Yeah definitely, I would love to hang out with you. When do you want to?" she asked "Lets meet at the Geumcheon shopping mall Sunday at 11 a.m." "Okay sounds good... I guess i'll see you then." she replied. "Yeah, see you then." Yongguk then hung up the phone and breathed an audible sigh of relief. He may be a badass gangster, but he was still just a boy talking to a girl that he liked, asking her to be with him.

"Well that was thrilling." snarked Himchan. "Hyung why are you going to Geumcheon shopping mall, and with who?" asked Jongup. "Did you not see what happened at the bar with that hot girl. They obviously have a thing going on!" said Zelo, "Right hyung?". "That's exactly right Zelo. Our leader, Bang Yongguk, has a thing for the mysterious girl at the bar." answered Youngjae. Daehyun just looked at the group to Yongguk then back to the group. He just shook his head and sighed. Daehyun knew that it wasn't just a thing. He knew there was a connection between the two, a connection that he too once had back then. He was truly excited for his leader and wished that this time, things would end up right.

Yongguk simply looked at them and started walking up the stairs. He tried his best to keep on his poker face until he reached his room. The moment he closed the doors, he let all his emotions out. Silently, of course, since the others could probably still hear him. 'I can't believe she agreed! Damn, this has got to be the best thing ever. I have to start getting ready for this... date.' This was the first time he was able to say, rather think, such a thing. Never in his life did he think he'd be able to do such a normal thing. Especially, not after joining the gang.

'Today's friday so I have two days to prepare for this.' He regained his composure and went down to tell the gang. "Hey, I'll be going somewhere on Sunday so don't any of you guys dare do anything to prevent that, got it?" He sternly looked at each one of their eyes and made sure his point was made across. He wasn't about to let this slip from his fingers. Each of them nodded quickly, since they were scared of him at the moment. They knew that once their leader got serious, things got serious.







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Chapter 3: this story is super good.....i want to know what happened to himchannie. update soon ^_^