Can You Feel the Love Tonight?

Do You Remember?

Your P.O.V

'Am I too early?' you thought 'Does it look like I'm trying too hard?' You had arrived at the Geumcheon shopping mall ten minutes early to make sure that you would be on time. You looked down at yourself and nodded in approval. For the first date you went for a 'not trying that hard but looking cute as ' look and it turned out pretty well. You were wearing a button up blouse with an embellished collar, a cream colored cardigan, mint colored high wasted flowy skirt with a belt, and a pair of flats. You wanted to look completely different than what you looked like at the bar. You wanted to look cute, open, and normal instead of the usual harsh and cold look. This time, you wanted it to be different than what had always happened to you, to pull him closer rather than push him away.

"Suyeon-sshi" a familiar voice called out. You quickly whipped your head to see Yongguk coming towards you. He was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, a white v-neck tee, and white nike shoes. His hair was slightly tousled by the wind and looked amazing. "Hello Yongguk-sshi" you said. "Hello" he replied in a deep voice as he approached you. The two of you stared at each for a while, truly taking in the fact that this was happening. That they were on a date with a person they didn't even know existed just two days ago.

"Well let's go then." said Yongguk. "That sounds good Yongguk-sshi." you replied. "Let's drop the honorifics. I'll call you Suyeon and you just call me Yongguk or Yongguk oppa." he said. "Okay...Yongguk oppa" you said warily. He reassured you by giving you a big bright gummy smile. His smile surprised you and made you gasp a little bit. You never knew that such a radiant smile could come from a scary looking man. You smiled back unknowingly and watched his face a bit longer.

You then noticed that he suddenly looked really shy and was looking downwards. You became very curious when he abruptly asked "Do you mind if I hold your hand?" He sounded extremely nervous and really cute as he had asked you that question. You couldn't hold back a small giggle as you said,"Sure" with a smile. His big hands enveloped your small ones and you felt electricity run through your spine. You realized, this was the first time that both of you had touched. The same electricity and tingles that you felt from just looking at him were nothing compared to touching him. The feeling was so electrifying and intense.

"So what are we going to do Yongguk oppa?" you asked, trying to pick up a conversation. You were never really the talkative type but you wanted to talk with him and get to know him better. "Well," he said as you two started walking inside, "I was thinking we could watch a movie inside, go to a cafe afterwards, and walk around. Then, maybe, we could have dinner before going home?" "That sounds perfect." you replied. 'I get to spend a whole day with him, from morning 'til night. It's like a dream'

This wasn't your first date, oh no, you had gone out on many dates. You were never single for a long period of time back in high school and even in middle school. The boys all loved and adored you, but you never felt the same. You always went out with each boy hoping that maybe you'd fall in love with them, but you never did. You had been waiting and waiting and waiting for the sparks and the firework, and you had been close to giving up. That is, until you met him. You looked up at him again and saw him staring you already. You started blushing like crazy and your cheeks started turning extremely red.

"What were you thinking about?" Yongguk asked. "Huh?" Oh "I was just thinking about how today's going to be a great day." you lied. "That's good. Well let's go to the theatre quickly or we're going to miss our movie."

The two of you arrived at the cinema and decided on watching 26 Years. Actually, it didn't matter what you were watching because you knew that you wouldn't be able to concentrate on the movie when Yongguk was next to you. He bought the popcorn and you bought the drink after insisting on it. You entered the dark theatre and sat down near the top where no one was. You started eating the popcorn when the movie started. You were actually very interested in the movie once it started and was intensely watching it. You looked over at Yongguk once to see him extremely tense but you shrugged it off and continued watching and eating.

His P.O.V

'ohhh , oh . I didn't know this movie had gangsters in it. I wonder what Suyeon thinks of it. Is she scared? Does she hate gangsters? Man, I can't even look at her expression.' This was the reason why he had been so stiff. The movie had contained a gangster character in it and he was worried about what Suyeon would think of it. He wasn't ashamed of what he was, rather, he was worried that Suyeon would be scared off by this knowledge so he kept it to himself. Once he realized Suyeon didn't really have a reaction to the whole gangster thing, he was able to enjoy the movie and all the action in it. 

After the movie, they went to a small cafe in the mall. he grabbed two cups of coffee and walked towards Suyeon sitting down at their table. He set their coffee down and stared at her. He couldn't believe that such a girl could ever become his. She was absolutely stunning and beautiful. The light that came in from the window created an almost holy glow around her and brought upon an aura of other wordliness. Her hair shined and her lips were sparkling. Her eyes, however, were different. They looked painful, jaded, as if she was almost empty. He wanted to get rid of that. He wanted to fill her up with joy and make her smile so much that she would later on get smile lines on her face as she grows older. He wanted to take care of her and comfort her and love her, and he was determined in doing so. 

She turned around and saw that he was looking at her. She asked, "What are you looking at?" To others it may have sounded harsh, but he knew that she didn't mean it like that. It seemed to him that he had known her from forever ago. He seemed to know her emotions and her thoughts in ways that no one else had before. "I was just looking at you." he said. Suyeon blushed and looked down at her coffee cup. 'There it is again. God, the way she blushes is so cute: the rosy red cheeks and her shy reactions.' A small smile creeped up on his face as he cleared his throat and said, "So, how'd you like the movie?" Suyeon looked up and responded by saying, "I thought it was really interesting. I wonder if that really happened in the past." Yongguk then courageously, or stupidly, asked her, "What did you think of the gangster?" "Well I thought he was pretty badass. What about you, did you like the movie?" she responded. Yongguk inwardly sighed a huge sigh of relief as he said, "I liked it too. I love action movies and...."

They continued on with more meaningless, yet seemingly important, conversations until dinner. Yongguk had taken her to a nice Italian restaurant. Being part of the best gang in the country allowed him to have a considerable amount of money. The whole day so far was perfect for both of them. There was never a moment of boredom for either of them and conversation flowed nicely. Even when there was silence, it was one of those perfect silence where no words needed to be exchanged. Especially since they were both quiet people, the compatibility was more than perfect. Some may believe their relationship to be moving at a ridiculously fast pace and they're right. The relationship had moved along rather quickly but the two knew they loved each other and love should not be hesitant or slow but passionate and true.

As they were eating, Suyeon asked, "Who were those boys you were with when you came into the bar that day?" Yongguk hesitated a bit before he answered, "They're my closest friends and-" br-ri-ri-ring "Well speak of the devil" said Yongguk with clenched teeth, "I'm sorry, but excuse me for a bit while I take this call."  

"Yeah sure, no problem." replied Suyeon with a smile on her face. Yongguk nearly decided to just reject the phone call but decided to accept it due to the fact that they called even after he threatened them. He slowly and drudgingly stood up and walked outside to take the call.

"This better be a goddamn emergency if you had to interrupt my date." Yongguk growled into the phone. " Hyung... It's Himchan." said Zelo with a shaking voice. With those three words, Bang Yongguk knew exactly what was happening. '' was all Yongguk could think as he ran back into the restaurant. "Suyeon, I'm very sorry but I need to go. I'll pay for the bill on my way out." Yongguk then ran back out while throwing a hundred dollar bill to the waiter and leaving behind a baffled Suyeon.

Yongguk was running with all his might, 'Himchan, wait just a bit longer. Hold on for me' he begged as he sprinted back home.  




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Chapter 3: this story is super good.....i want to know what happened to himchannie. update soon ^_^