Where Is the Love?

Do You Remember?

Your P.O.V.

You have got to be kidding me. you thought He did not just leave me behind. You were walking out the doors with two boxes of pasta while thinking about what had just happened. He calls me out on the date and we're having a great time but suddenly he just leaves me? Did I do something wrong? You were walking to the bus stop as a cold wind went by and you pulled your cardigan tighter around you. 

What he did had honestly made you quite angry and you were extremely frustrated. Everything seemed to go rather nicely but he suddenly gets up and leaves?

'Maybe asking him about his friends was a bad idea' you thought as the bus arrived. You flashed your card to the driver and went to an empty seat by a window. 'Maybe it was too early in our relationship to ask him such a question.'  You kept asking yourself thousands of these 'Maybe' questions and couldn't stop thinking about it.

'Will he ever come back or will he leave me just like my parents did..' You remembered back to that fateful day where everything went from bad to worse.

-5 years ago-

*chirp chirp*

"nghhh" you woke up and noticed the sunlight shining brightly in your room. From just that, you noticed something was off. Today was only a Wednesday and you had school that day. You were sure about this. Normally school started so early that the sun was never up when you woke up so that gave you immediate suspicions of what was going on. Usually your mom would wake you up for school no matter what. Even though she had been neglecting you lately, she would always wake you up since if you went to school, you wouldn't be home.

"Mom?" you first warily said to nobody in general.

"Mom?!" you started to become slightly scared.

"MOM?!" at this point, you were hysterical and screaming as you jumped up from your bed and started running throughout your house.

You noticed that all evidence of people originally inhabiting the place was gone. All the photos were gone, the decoration, even all the food in the refrigerator.

You couldn't believe that they would do this to you. You had some feelings that they were getting restless and that they were getting sick of taking care of you. They had started ignoring your presence and pretended that you weren't living. They stopped talking to you, looking at you, and even feeding you. The only time of interaction was when they gave you $100 at the beginning of the month. This was probably just cause they didn't want a kid dying in their house and being blamed for it.

You dragged yourself to the middle of your living room and fell to your knees. Your head dropped as tears started forming in your eyes. No matter how badly your parents treated you, no matter how much they had even beat you in the past, no matter what wrong deed they had done to you, they were still your parents.

They were your own blood relatives that you could know of and now they were gone. Even with all their sins, they were the ones who birthed you into the world and took care of you as a baby. And now they had thrown you away. There was no way this would have no effect on you.

You couldn't hold it in anymore and you threw back your head to let out a great sob. Great waves of sobs came out from you as you wailed and wept. " Mommmmmm! Dadddd!"

You knew that no matter how loud you yelled, they wouldn't come for you but you couldnt't help yourself. You had completely retrograded to a small child at this point.

At that moment, you knew the loneliness you felt while living with your parents would only double, no triple since they had completely, 100% left you all alone this time.

AfterGod knows how long you sat there crying, you finally stopped. 

You knew what you had to do. You picked yourself up and walked out the doors with a mission. You had to find a job and you had to find one fast. You knew you wouldn't be able to live in that house anymore so you also looked for an apartment to live in. You were now on your own and you couldn't do anything about it. This was the start of a new life and a new dawn.



You were startled from your flashback as the bus went over a speed bump. Luckily, your stop had not passed yet and was actually coming right up. You pressed the button that alerted the bus driver to let you off and walked to the front of the bus. You stepped off and almost ran to your apartment. The neighborhood around your apartment was very dangerous and you had learned that the hard way.

You quickly opened the doors and got into your house with your two boxes of spaghetti. You remembered back to what had just happened that night and screamed, "AGHHH THAT BASTARD!!!"

You knew in the back of your mind that he probably had a very good reason for ditching you but you just wanted to be angry for once. You wanted to let out all that pent up anger that built up over the many many years. You knew the next morning, you'd let it all blow over and you would forgive him if he even just texted "sorry". 

You got ready to sleep and slipped into your bed. You your alarm and checked your phone one more time to see if he had called. Sigh. There was no contact from him yet. You were intensely scared that he would leave you just as your parents did and your old wounds would open again. However, you sadly accepted it and went to sleep, already not wanting to wake up.


His P.O.V

 Pant pant

He had finally arrived to the homebase and was catching his breath as he opened the door. It was completely dark as his eyes slowly adjusted to it and he stepped in, looking around frantically. He saw a group of boys huddled around another person. The boys all turned to see that their leader had finally come back to save them.

"What the hell happened." Yongguk asked in a very solemn tone. He tried to keep his feelings inside as he looked around and saw that everybody else was also scared.

"We don't know" Zelo said "We came back home and saw h-h-him" Zelo broke down crying

"We came back home and saw him like this." Youngjae said with a shaky voice as he opened up the huddle to show that one person on the ground.

Yongguk was scared to look but forced himself to. This wasn't the first or second time he's seen this happen but it was always so horrible to look at.

Himchan was viciously scratching at his arms and looking off to nothing. He was shaking uncontrollably and it looked as if he was having a seizure. He was kicking his legs around and occassionally thrashing his arms when he wasn't scratching them. He was perspiring heavily, tears coming out of his eyes, and snot running down his face. All of a sudden, he frantically looked around as he started turning slightly green. "Hurry! Get the bucket!" yelled Daehyun and Jongup reached for the bucket and put it by Himchan's face. The bucket got there just in time as he puked loudly and sloppily into it.

"We tried everything we could!" cried Zelo "We tried holding his arms back and putting him to sleep but he would just throw us off since he's stronger than us and he'd wake up in twenty minutes just to start doing this again!"

Zelo was starting to become hysterical so Youngjae had to take him back to his room. Now that Yongguk was here, Youngjae knew that everything would become better.

"How the hell did he find a supply?" Yongguk said with a trembling voice. His voice wasn't trembling from fear, no it was trembling from anger. "WHO THE HELL GAVE HIM THE GODDAMN HEROIN!?" yelled Yongguk. He couldn't hold it in anymore as he started pacing. He was thinking of all the ways he would destroy whoever did this to his right hand man, to his best friend. He would make sure he'd torture them until they had wished they never even came near Himchan. He would then release them to the police so that they'd suffer in jail for the rest of their lives. This was the greatest vengeance, to nearly bring the souls out of their enemies then put them into confinement for the rest of their lives.

Gangs aren't meant for good people. Whoever joined was originally suffering beforehand and they came to the gang to be with others that are also suffering as well. 

Himchan, when he first joined the gang, was an extreme heroin addict. He shot up everyday and multiple times a day. It's a wonder how he was able to survive up till now and not overdose. 

Before the gang, Himchan was not living an ideal life at all. He was beaten everyday by his parents. He was abused by them physically and mentally. They were alcoholics and drug addicts so they were usually drunk and sometimes even high as they abused him to no ends. They called him a useless abomination that should have never been born and made sure he saw their hatred for him everyday.

One day, while his parents were gone, Himchan had wanted to rebel against them. He wanted to make them feel just as helpless as they made him feel. He went into their room and found their stash of Heroin and decided to take the whole thing.

He walked out of the house and hid nearby to see his parent's reaction.

An hour later, his parents finally came home. After a few minutes, Himchan finally heard what he was waiting for. Both his mom and dad started screaming and yelling at each other and at no one. They were going crazy when they realized their drug was gone.

They ran out and started runni around everywhere trying to find anything and anyone. When they couldn't, they went back in the house looking like they could kill anyone.

After feeling satisfied with what he'd done, Himchan ran away. He knew that his parents would find out he did it and once they did, he'd be done for.

He went over to his friend's house and his friend convinced him to shoot it up. That was the beginning of Himchan's obsession with heroin and his inability to escape from it for several years.    

After a long time of using heroin, he had finally ran out of money and so-called 'friends'. That's when he stumbled upon the gang and joined up.

Fortunately, Himchan met Yongguk who had helped him off the heroin. Yongguk had helped him wean off of heroin with methadone and eventually got Himchan to wean off of the methadone too. With the support of Yongguk and all the other members of the crew, Himchan had finally beat his addiction. That is, until now.

"Youngjae, find who did this and report back to me. Daehyun, go to the regular dealer and get the weapons. Jongup, get ready for an attack." Yongguk commanded the team. His leader charisma flowed out from him as he started to become serious.

"What about you?" asked Jongup.

"I'll take care of Himchan for now." Yongguk responded. Jongup nodded in understanding and rushed to the planning room to get ready for the attack.

"Himchan." Yongguk quietly whispered to the said boy. "Himchan, please, look at me." he pleaded. Himchan was unresponsive as he continued shaking like a leaf and scratching himself.

"Himchan. I know you can do this. You've done it before. You're strong enough so come on look at me." Yongguk said

Slowly, Himchan started turning his head toward him and said so quietly that it almost went unheard, "H-h-help m-me"

With this, Yongguk had a look of determination in his eyes as he prepared to help Himchan once again to beat this obsession and get back revenge.


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Chapter 3: this story is super good.....i want to know what happened to himchannie. update soon ^_^