Not a Good Day

Do You Remember?

Your P.O.V


"Ughhhhhh" you groaned as you woke up to the sound of your alarm.

You grabbed your phone from the bed and looked at the screen.

'Hmm still no message or calls.'

You dragged your body off your bed and went through your usual morning routines like a robot. Luckily this time, you got up early enough to go downstairs and make coffee to drink.

'So that jerk isn't going to call or text me back?' you thought 'Well find I'm not gonna text him or call him either.'

You knew you were being extremely childish but last nights event had hurt you a bit more than you'd like to admit.

You check your phone again and happened to see the time '7:20'

"Oh my God I'm so late!" you scream


You run as though your life depended on it (which it kind of did) but as you approach the bus station, you see the bus already departing. 
"No wait! Please stop! I still have to get on!" you yell as loudly as you can but seeing as though the bus didn't stop, the driver didn't seem to see or hear you.
Breathing hard, you finally feel the cramps in your side and the sweat rolling down your face. You collapse on the ground not caring about the pedestrians now staring at you.
'Whatever, my boss is going to kill me anyways, or worse, fire me.'
As your breathing slows down and your cramps go away, you pick yourself up off the concrete and start walking towards the bookstore. The next bus wouldn't be coming for a while so it didn't matter whether you rode the bus or walked, you were late either way.
After walking for about 50 minutes, you finally arrive to the bookstore an hour late. You try to quietly walk in by standing on your tippy toes but then you hear someone clear their throat.
You immediately stop and straighten up trying to seem inconspicuous.
"Suyeon can you please come here." Your boss's voice called out. His voice alone didn't seem to sound so mad. In fact, it sounded very neutral. However, you knew he was just hiding his anger under that fake calm voice.
"Oh, yes sir!" you say and turn around to see your boss fuming.
"Didn't I remind you just last week to not come in late again? This is the 4th time already and I'm getting sick of it. You know, most bosses aren't this nice to allow their employees to be so carefree." Just by listening to this guy's voice, you were getting annoyed.
You knew what you did was wrong but he doesn't have to make it sound like you just killed his child and he was letting you off the hook.
"Now I know this is going to be a big blow for you but I think I might have to let you g-"
"NO!" You scream interrupting his huge monologue, "Please! Anything but firing me is fine. I promise I won't be late again! I'll do my best this time and work even harder. I won't even take bathroom breaks. You know what, you can even take my lunch break. Please anything but firing me." 
"Well Suyeon, I don't know about that. All the times you've missed are really straining for me. I still pay you for all those hours you missed. I think if I do keep you on board, I'll have to cut your paycheck and cutback on your breaks." your boss said.
You stood there for a second speechless wondering how to respond to that. You desperately needed this job and ALL the pay it comes with. You were already having trouble making ends meet with the pay you were getting now, if it was cut down any less, there might be no more bread on the table. Well... whatever, it's just a little less food.
"Ok I guess I understand boss. I'll accept the cut pay and breaks as long as I get to stay here." You said with a clenched fist.
"Great, I knew you'd be understanding. Then I'll cut 10% off of your paycheck. Now, if you keep missing, I'll keep cutting your paycheck." He said and walked away looking satisfied.
Now you were absolutely dumbstruck. 'Well I guess it's just a lot less food.'
You walked to your station and thought over what had just transpired. 
'That little bastard. He tricked me into cutting my pay by a whole 10%. He knew I needed this job and he took advantage of that! That little selfish er.'
You were absolutely livid at this point and all you could do was sit there and glare at anything and anyone. As soon as your shift ended, you jumped up and stomped out of there. Who cares about being professional, you were pissed and you had just been conned.
For once in your life you were almost happy to be at the bar. Sure it was degrading, sure it was smelly, sure all the people there were disgusting but anyplace away from that of a boss is a better place.
You quickly changed and got to work. All that you could hope for at this point was for there to be no more trouble.
You walked around table to table taking orders and cleaning up. You were busy trying to work but whenever you heard the bell for when the door opened, you couldn't resist looking over to see if 'he' had walked in. However, each time it was just another group of people that didn't resemble him or his group.
On one occasion, you had accidentally made eye contact with a big burly guy that walked in solo. He was bald and chubby and wore a white shirt with some ketchup and beer stains on it. He wore jeans that had huge holes on it and old shoes that were worn out. Overall, he just was not a very good looking guy. The moment your eyes met his, you felt shivers run down your spine and this one was not a good one.
You turn away and wipe down a table as your heart is pumping with fear. Thankfully, you hear someone else lead him away but as you turn back to see if he was gone, you saw him staring at you in a way that was revolting and lewd.
Throughout your whole shift, you were scared and paranoid. You kept looking over to see if he was looking at you and would always get the creeps when he was looking. At this point, you were frightened and you didn't know what you could do to stop him from doing whatever he was going to do.
However, at around 11:30 p.m. you saw him get up and leave. 'Thank the heavens' you thought and your mind was finally at ease. You were now able to serve without having cold sweats running down your body and flinching whenever you felt someone behind you. You were able to continue your routine of checking the door whenever it opened.
12'o clock finally came around and you quickly changed and got ready to leave. You open the door and as you walk, you get pulled into an alley while your mouth is covered. 
You get dragged down the alley as you try to scream for help but the hand was covering your mouth too well.
'Why is this happening to me? Why is everything going so wrong today?'
After being dragged to the end of the alley, you get pushed up to a wall. The hand finally releases your mouth and you finally let out a scream "AHHH HELP ME! IS ANYONE OUT THE-"
Your scream for help gets cut off as the hand comes back to slap you across the face. The slap was heavy and it had brought pricks to your eyes. You whip your head back to face your attacker and see that it was the big burly man from the bar. He looked drunk and pissed.
"Now why would you scream my precious? I'm only going to do to you what you want me to do. I saw the way you were looking at me back at that bar." he whispered in your ear.
"What are you talking about?! I was disgusted by you!" you yell but with a shaky voice.
You were scared. No, you were terrified. Some guy that you didn't know or even want to know was about to you.
"Now now let's not lie to each other. I know you felt the sparks." He said as he slowly started roaming his hands all over your body.
The feeling was absolutely disgusting and degrading. He put his hands on your waist then put one hand on your leg and slowly started going up. You whimpered and was on the verge of tears.
"Please, please stop. I won't tell the police and I won't tell anyone. I don't even know anyone to tell this to just please stop." You begged
"No, you won't tell anyone even if I continue." He said as he brought his hand up higher. His breathing started get heavier and his eyes more lidded. "Like you said, you have nobody."
His P.O.V
"God damn it!" Yongguk yells as Youngjae finishes telling him the bad news.
"I'm sorry hyung but there's absolutely no trace. I searched up all the drug dealers around the area and met up with them all. None seem to even have a clue about a heroin selling to us." Youngjae explained. "And without Himchan being able to tell us anything, it's completely impossible to find who did this."
"Unbelievable." Was all Yongguk could say as his hopes were crushed. There was now no chance for revenge, no blood to spill, no one to kill. 
'Who would dare do such a thing to our gang. Who had the guts to mess with us? Why Himchan for god's sake?! He's already had to suffer so much, why him?!'
"AUGHHH" yelled Yongguk as he turned around and smashed the wall.
The wall gave in and a hole the size of Yongguk's fist appeared on the wall.
"Hyung" was all Youngjae could say as he took Yongguk's hand. "Zelo, could you get the medical bands?" He yelled as he examined the fist.
"Hyung I know you're frustrated but you have to keep yourself in good condition, especially now that we have this mysterious guy or group or whatever it is out to get us." Youngjae said reasonably.
"Yeah I know, but I just can't stand the thought of someone hurting someone that's like a brother to me." Whispered Yongguk, " Himchan and I have been together for so long that I feel as though he is my true family. I love everybody in our group and I'd feel and do the same for all you guys but Himchan is just... I don't know, special to me. I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound so biased." 
"Don't worry boss, I understand." Youngjae said as Zelo got the medicine and wrap.
'I don't think you're biased at all. I know that you and Himchan have been together the longest out of all of us. He's the one that helped you get into the hang of gang life and brought back your sanity when you almost lost it after the Blood War and you're the one that helped him through the hell of recovering from heroin. You two have a bond that can't be compared to anybody else's' Youngjae had thought all this as he applied some medicine and wrapped his fist with some cloth. He knew that Yongguk would be too embarrassed to hear all this out loud so he kept it all inside but after wrapping his boss up, he gave him a smile to know that he really did understand.
"Now that you're all wrapped up, just take a break for today and we'll get back on track tomorrow. The rest of us will take care of Himchan and you just rest. You've done a lot already." Youngjae said
Even though it seemed as though Yongguk just gave orders and did nothing, Youngjae knew that Yongguk probably worked the hardest out of all of them. He saw Yongguk running everywhere, encountering other gangs and beating them up when they didn't answer, he saw all of Yongguk's hard work and saw the toll it had on him. Yongguk looked absolutely exhausted and truly did need rest. His eye bags were drooping down all the way, his complexion wasn't good, and it seemed he would faint any second.
"Fine, honestly, everyone should rest. We all look like ." Yongguk said as he gave a slight chuckle. "Thanks Youngjae for being so calm and reasonable. I couldn't do this without you."
"Well that's my job boss, I am the brain of the group. Who else would stop our group from going crazy." Youngjae said as he smirked. He then turned around and left Yongguk alone to rest.
"Haaa" Yongguk sighed 'guess I should take a nap to get some energy for tonight and tomorrow. I swear on my life that I'll find this bastard and his group and I'll destroy them." 
Those were his last thoughts as he fell into a deep slumber.
"Ey boss. Oh booossss~. Wakey wakey!"
"Nghhh" Yongguk grumbled as he swatted his arm hoping to shoo the intruder away.
"Boss you should wake up soon. It's 11:30 p.m. You've been sleeping for far too long."
"Ugh" Yongguk growled as he got up. He knew that he'd get no rest now after figuring out who was waking him up.
"Daehyun, why the hell are you waking me up at night? What is your problem?" He said as he glared at said person.
"Well with all the crazy business that appeared last night, I'm guessing you forgot about a little something or a little someone I should say." He replied with a playful smirk
"What the hell are you on about? Daehyun just leave it, I'm exhausted." Yongguk said
"Well if she gets mad, it's not my problem anymore. Your little date y'know." Daehyun said as he got up from the bed.
"Oh !" Yongguk screamed as he snapped up out from bed. "Oh man oh man oh man. Daehyun! Have you seen my phone?!"
"Here it is" Daehyun said as he threw the phone to Yongguk "Good luck boss." He said as he left the room.
'I hope your love will be able to bloom. Treasure it hyung, cause love is too beautiful to let to and too painful to stop.' Daehyun thought as he walked away, his eyes filled with a bittersweet look.'
'Oh god, she's not answering! It's 11:40 now, maybe she's still working! I guess I could run over to that bar we went to. God I hope she's still there. She's probably so pissed.'
He ran out the doors past all the other confused member and ran to the bar.
'From what I remember, it's only a 30 minute walk. If I run I should get there exactly at 12'
He ran through and around all the obstacles in his way and he ran harder than ever before. He finally made it to the bar.
"Did I make it on time?" He said as he looked down to his watch "perfect, 12:00"
He walked into the bar to see that everybody was cleaning up.
"Sorry sir but we're closing right now. Please come back tomorrow!" Said one of the waitresses.
He hurriedly looked around and was disappointed to not see her there.
"Umm excuse me, did you guys happen to see a girl named Suyeon here?" He asked hoping that she wasn't too far off.
"Yeah she was here just a few minutes ago, she should be on her way to the bus station now." The waitress responded
"Thank you!" Yongguk yelled as he ran out of the shop.
"Suyeon! Suyeon!" He yelled hoping he could stop her on her tracks. He listened hoping to maybe hear her voice but it was dead silent in that area. He tried again "Suyeon!" And this time he heard a noise
"Yonggu-" a feminine voice yelled out. 
"Suyeon! Where are you?" Silence followed. "Suyeon!"
A muffled noise from one of the alleys is heard and Yongguk knew that something fishy was going on. He quickly turned to the alley and started going into it. 
'Nothing bad better be happening to her or 's gonna go down.'
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Chapter 3: this story is super good.....i want to know what happened to himchannie. update soon ^_^