It Begins

Do You Remember?

Your P.O.V


The sound of the alarm wakes you up for another day of the same old thing: work, more work, then back to sleep. This kind of  lifestyle was definitely not something that you had wanted. Your childhood wasn't the greatest childhood but you still had the same hopes and dreams that other kids did. You dreamed of going to a proper college, getting a good job, and getting married to a nice man. However, once you started growing up, you realized not everyone is lucky enough to live like this.

You stretched your arms and legs and rubbed your eyes. You look around your room only to sigh at what you see; walls chipping with paint, a small desk in the corner with a pile of papers scattered on it, your small dresser filled with clothing, a full-bodied mirror next to the door, and a simple chair. You finally get up from your spot and neatly make the bed. On the way to the bathroom, you stop by your dresser to grab your work clothes and undergarments to change into after your shower. As you walk into the bathroom just next to your room, all you see in the mirror is a tired and worn out girl. There were huge dark circles under her eyes and a dullness in them, her lips were cracked and dry from not being hydrated and her dyed bright red hair was in a messy ponytail. Underneath this, however, there was a beautiful woman. If people looked hard enough, they would see her big eyes with long lashes surrounding them, a nose to be jealous of, strawbery colored lips, and gorgeous flowing hair.  Back when you were younger, you had been a great beauty that had been the jealousy of all the girls in your school and the muse of all the boys. That beauty slowly started wearing being covered up throughout the recent years of difficulty.

You ignored your appearance in the mirror and quickly got ready in order to not be late to work. You had already been late several times and if it happened just once or twice more, you knew you would be fired. That was one thing you couldn't afford. Your job at the bookstore and the bar were the only source of income, so they were basically your life. Your parents had disappeared long ago leaving you to fend for yourself. Life hadn't been easy but what else could you do?

Once you finished preparing, you looked at the alarm clock and it read '7:18'. ", I'm gonna be late again!" You screamed. Quickly, you ran past your kitchen ignoring your growling stomach and ran out the doors. You hurriedly locked your apartment door and ran down the stairs. You had barely made it to the bus station when the bus had just arrived. 'Man, lady luck must be on my side for once.'  you thought. You walked in and grabbed the nearest empty seat and waited to arrive at the bookstore.

Once you arrived, you inhaled the smell of your most favorite thing in the world, books. Books had always been the best method for you to escape when life got too hard. You were able to read about these people, whether they were fake or not, and escape harsh reality. That's why you chose the bookstore as your job. However, the salary was too small to pay for all your bills so you had to take up another job, which is a bar hostess.

You absolutely hated that job. The smell was completely different from this tranquille smell of the book store. It smelled of strong beer and cigarettes. Also, the men that go to the bar you work at would usually touch you inappropriately and treat you like trash. They would get drunk and try to do unspeakable things and you weren't allowed to fight back. Usually you got them to back off by silently threatening them and showing them you weren't afraid. Your coworkers never helped you out because you were...well, in fact, sort of scary to them. Your piercing glare and cold attitude would scare them off, when in fact, all you wanted was for them to see what you truly were. Everytime these men came onto you, inside, you were frightened out of your wits and didn't know what to do. Your pesky pride, however, wouldn't allow this part of you to come out and be shown to the people around you.

You got to your station in the bookstore and waited until 2:00 P.M. to come so you could be let off. "Suyeon." You hear a voice coming from behind. You turn around to see your manager walking towards you, "I see you're not late for once." 'I'm usually never late, but you only remember when I am so what would you know.' "Yeah I know, what a surprise. Right?" you responded back. You may love working at the book store, but you hated your manager. It seems that he's always out to get you. "This better start being an everyday thing Suyeon. No more being late." he said. "Yes sir. Don't worry about me being late again." you replied. "Good." and with that statement, he left leaving you to do whatever you wanted for six and a half hours.

~six and a half hours later

You exited the book store and started to walk around for a bit. You didn't have to start working at the bar until 5 p.m. so you usually ate or sat at a park during that time. This time, you chose to just walk around.

Two hours had passed and so you started getting ready to go to the bar. You took the bus and once you arrived, you changed into your work attire for the bar. The outfits were so degrading and it made you cringe everytime you took it out. They were a very tight leather skirt and a tight black tank top on top. You questioned yourself many times why you chose this job and always had to remind yourself that this was the only place that would take you. Other businesses never took you seriously and always turned you away.

You put your work apron on and started going around to tables to take their orders. "Why hello there 'hiccup' sweetheart, you wanna come home with papaa?" a random man asked her. 'Seriously? Already drunk at 5:30?' You sighed, ' I can already tell the day's gonna be a long downhill from here.'

His P.O.V

"Hyung! Make Himchan umma stop!" wailed Zelo, as he ran around Yongguk. "Yah! Who do you think you are! I am the general of this section of town so you should listen to me!" screeched Himchan. "Yeah well Yongguk Hyung is the leader so you have to listen to him" Zelo said as he stuck his tongue out. "YAHHH MAKNAE!" "STOP! Both of you." roared Yongguk. "You guys are part of the number one gang in Seoul and you're acting like children." he growled. "Yeah well I still am kind of a child." whispered Zelo. "You guys should be representing our section in an honorable way rather than screaming around for no reason." continued Yongguk. "Actually, I believe there is a reason behind to this chaos." Youngjae replied, "Zelo had taken Himchan hyung's precious Americano and dumped it in the trash can whilst saying 'Caffeine is bad for you!' Thus causing the anger that Himchan hyung currently has towar-" "Oh shut it you brainiac" interrupted Daehyun. "No one's even listening to you now." Youngjae looked around and realized that was true, Zelo had gone off to practice skateboarding and General Himchan went off to buy another Americano. Even Yongguk was staring off into space rather than listening to him. "It's all right hyung, I'll still be here to listen to you." Jongup said as he comforted Youngjae. "Thanks Jongup, You're always here for us." said Youngjae, "BUT, Yongguk hyung! You should be listening to me. You're the leader of our sector so you have the responsabilities to hear out everyone's thoughts, opinions, and everything else." "Huh? Oh, sorry Youngjae. I didn't realize that I was dazing off. What were you saying?" replied  Yongguk. "Oh never mind" snapped Youngjae. As the brainiac said, the leader should have been listening to his subordinates.

Seoul's number one gang was so large that it had to be seperated into different districts, and Yongguk had been put in charge of the one in Geumcheon-gu. It was a small town near the south of Seoul, but Yongguk was satisfied with his district. He had only joined the gang for a few years yet he had been given such an important role. Moreover, he was glad that his district was far away from where he had originally lived, in Gangnam.

Yongguk currently leads a life of anarchy and rebellion, when in fact, his past life was the complete opposite. He had been the rich kid that everyone was jealous of. The kid who had all the latest technology and brand name everything. However, he hated it. He hated it so much and he wanted to break free from the tight hold that this high class society had on him. He had even made a promise with his parents that if he got the highest rank in his whole school, he would be allowed to do whatever he wanted. However, his parents had not kept up with their end of the promise when Yongguk had actually achieved that number one spot. This caused him to be infuriated and made him make his ultimate decision in leaving that life and joining the gang. No one, except for his closest friends, know about his real identity. He was smart enough to know that once the leader and the rest of the gang knew about his life, they would use him to get money and drugs. He was neither blind nor dumb. He knew all about the gang and their heinous crimes and that gave him all the more reason to join. It was a representation of absolute freedom to him and he enjoyed it.

"Hyung, I'm hungryyyy." whined Zelo, "Let's go down to that one bar Daehyun hyung found and eat dinner there. Pleaseeee?" "Yes, I concur. I also believe that we should go on down to the bar to eat some delectables." said Youngjae. "Well, I don't see why not. Let's go gang." commanded Yongguk.

Daehyun had recently found a small bar just a few blocks down that had beautiful women, good beer, and decent food. He had told Yongguk about this place and they hadn't decided to go until now.

*ting ting* The bell sounded above him as Yongguk walked into the bar. He looked around and found a whole bunch of drunk men and promiscuous women. 'Wow, it's only eight at night and this place is already filled with all these drunk and dirty people' He kept looking around waiting to be served a table when he caught eyes of a certain girl. Well, at first he saw her long y legs, leading up to her tiny stomach, then her quite large s, and finally looked at her face. Right as he looked at her face, she looked at his. As soon as their eyes met, there was a sudden spark in the air that both of them couldn't understand nor explain.

It scared and excited them both for a bit, but they soon realized what had just happened. The legendary 'Love at First Sight' had just occured, and they both knew it.








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Chapter 3: this story is super good.....i want to know what happened to himchannie. update soon ^_^