Just a Kiss. Sweet on the Lips




Chen was 12 and Xiumin 14 when he finally understood all the jokes Luhan had made the past couple of years.


Slow one aren't we? a voice in his head mockingly asked but he ignored it in favor of his new hobby. A new hobby which was totally not creepy no matter what Luhan said, mind you. It involved watching his favorite hyung create things from ice. It’s part of their training, a way to learn how to better control their powers.


This time Xiumin is building a pretty little castle as a group of elementary girls watch from the sides. Rules had changed from the time Chen was released from the Special Room. The other children their age avoided them completely muttering words like monsters under their breath. The little ones, however, seemed to find them interesting, cool even. Sometimes the kids would sneak off during recess or after school to watch them practice. Always behind the fence though. That rule never changed. It was strange to Chen to come out and see them. Bright round eyes eagerly cheering for their favorites among the guardians. Definitely strange, but not bad.


Some days, like today, he likes to sit with the kids, and just watch. Watch as Xiumin’s eyebrows furrowed in concentration, as his plump bottom lip got caught between his teeth his fingers dancing in the air calling the ice and snow. He just sat and oohed and aahed with the kids as the snow piles and out rise the columns to support the roof of his little ice castle and furniture made of ice grow and bend to his will. He got up and clapped with the rest as his hyung bowed toward the small crowd of children. Xiumin tilted his head before heading back towards the dorms. Chen doesn’t need telling twice. He nimbly climbed over the fence running to catch up to his Xiumin hyung.


There was one exception to their new rule: Chen. When it was his time to practice the teachers made sure the children were long gone and that everyone minus the instructor was away from the vicinity. Chen never let it show that it bothered him. He hated to come back from practice and see the sadness in Xiumin’s eyes waiting for him. He put on his best eating grin and told him stories of what he learned that day. It was then that the mocking laughter was loudest in his head and when he finally learned that Xiumin was just a little too special, his happiness always before his own.


He wanted to wait though. Wait until he was sure Xiumin thought he was special too before he said anything. He didn’t want to ruin their precious friendship, after all.


Chen was 15 and Xiumin 17 when he decided he’d waited enough. The castle Xiumin had made all those years ago still stands but it was no longer little. It now had rooms and spiraling staircases adorning it. Beautiful ice chandeliers and sculptures decorated the main room and it was here that Chen decided to confess his feelings for his favorite hyung.


“Come on hyung. Let’s go!”


“I’m going, I’m going” Xiumin grumbled behind him as Chen led the way towards the ice castle. The fading light from the sunset cast the castle in a soft glow. Perfect. Up the steps they went and into the main room. Chen slowed down to a stop under the long chandelier hearing Xiumin huff and complain what the big deal is. It’s now or never, a voice softly whispered. Chen instantly put up his mental walls wanting this moment to be private. ((He didn’t have to be mentally connected to Luhan to feel the smug smile on his lips.))


“Hyung. Minseok hyung.” Xiumin looked up, startled, at the mention of his real name.


“I like you.” Chen declared voice steady and loud. Xiumin was so tempted to reply jokingly with an “I like you too as a brother” just to see Chen all flustered but something about the determined look in his eyes stopped him. He knew Chen well enough to know he did not take feelings off affection lightly.


Chen kept his gaze focused on Xiumin, watching as he tilted his head. It was almost as if Xiumin were listening to something….or someone in his head. Chen narrowed his eyes. Dammit Luhan!! Privacy!! He’d be sure to teach him a lesson about privacy with a shock or two to make sure he remembered.


Xiumin fixated his gaze back on Chen a sly smile adorning his face.


“So you like me, huh?” Chen felt heat crawling up his cheeks. He hadn’t expected his hyung to act like this. Sure a small smile maybe but not the smirk or the sparkle of mischief in his eyes.


“I uh yea. Of course I do! I like hyung a lot. Like a lot a lot. Like how the sun loves the stars. Or no wait moon! How the stars love the moon. Lots yes lots and lots.”


“Oh so you love me?” Xiumin feigned surprise, his facial expression exaggerating shock.


“Wh-what I never said..I mean I do but I never meant to say it NOT that that means I don’t!! I just thought I should've waited or something..” Xiumin let him rant for a few more seconds enjoying the flush spreading along his cheeks. There truly was nothing more lovable than the sight of an overly flustered Chen. Finally, taking pity on him, Xiumin leant forward and placed a soft kiss on Chen’s lips officially ending his rant.


Chen’s eyelids fluttered softly before closing. He kissed Xiumin back softly sweetly. He felt a warmth spread in his heart growing and aching until all he wanted to do was press tightly into his hyung’s embrace to see if he could feel the warmth too. They slowly pulled apart and stared at each other tenderly all the mischief gone from Xiumin’s eyes now.


“I like you a lot a lot too,” Xiumin whispered.


“Maybe even love?” Chen asked just as quiet.


“Maybe even love like how the sun loves the stars,” Xiumin joked. They burst into peals of laughter before joining hands and traipsing over to the dorms. The mocking laughter in his head wasn’t all that hard to ignore. Not when he had Xiumin laughing brightly right beside him.


A/N: hahahaha surprise OuO look who finally sat down for more than 2 hrs to finish this yay~~ I'm sorry if it seems rushed this has been going around my head since last night and I really couldn't think of another way to end it OTL 

I just really REALLY want to thank everyone who has patiently put up with Shock since the very beginning. I actually kinda like the fic (give me a few hrs I'll go back to hating it LOL) and I'm glad I got to share this story with all of you n___n So again thanks!! And thanks to all the new subscribers even after I put up that notice of wanting to delete it yall are seriously such lovely people ;u; 

Lastly, I wanna thank Frozen and ep 8 of Showtime for nudging my writer's block out of the way. Lordy knows I needed that /sweats

This ch was 1k woot woot I hope you enjoyed it comments are much appreciated ^^ I'm sad to say this is the end for this little fic ;; Baby Xiumin and Chen thank yall for all of yalls support and love WARM HUGS FOR EVERYONE~~ bye bye ;U;

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I'm sorry I know its been like a month since I've updated but I hit a writer's block, And I'm srsly debating whether I should just delete this story...


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Chapter 5: This story is simply amazing. It's really beautiful. Like seriously, it has the ability to touch one's heart :D. Thank you, for writing this story and sharing it with us. Xiuchen is really just, adorable. In all honestly, this story has really made my day. Maybe, just maybe, It can make other people's day too. Thank you for making us, (your other readers + me) feel warm in the inside! Please take care of your health, don't stress out too much!!<3 Fighting!~~
Chapter 5: Gives you hugs and cuddles this was too cute <3 now I hope you wake up so I can tell you all about how much I liked it ^^
Damariss #3
Chapter 5: The way sad moments blend with happy and fluffy made this fic so amazing :-) Thank you for writing this i would definitely reread this in the future ;-)
Indyie7 #4
Chapter 5: Kyaaah i loved this so muuuch <3
Chapter 5: I was gonna say, XIUMIN IS ELSA before I even read you a/n lol. This was lovely mija! I'm glad you didn't abandon or delete and that you finished it after all!! Loved the kiss and the confession and loved the story tbh! So proud of you!!!! ING BIG WARM HUGS!!!

Ps: love that kiss quote too lol
Silverstone #6
Chapter 6: Naww this story is fantastic! Please don't delete it so I can continue to re-read it to my heart's content. I don't require an update I have an imagination and you have set the scene ^^

Take it easy! :)
Chapter 6: Noooooo! Why?! Don't delete the story, please! Don't "Goodbye" us! Don't you dare leave! You will hurt Mister Duckie's feelings:(
Chapter 6: So, so, so, so sweet <3333 Kawaiiii ^^
Chapter 3: The sukaiiiiiiiiii adfgshjskslslpellslskdgafaff! Kai is so presh and Suho is so caring and I know this supposed to be Xiuchen but OMG sukaiiiii!

Don't delete this fic, please? Just leave it here and one day you may want to finish it or you may not but at least leave the door open. Advice fr a wise old Annem