Mine ((part 1))



Wow 5 pages 2047 words and 4 months later hey look a new chappie 

not really cuz just part 1 tho hehehe



As time passed, the guardians found themselves working to the bone thanks to their intensive training. Instead of studying Science or grammar they were attending classes of Physical Combat and Elemental Training. This led to less free time. Which also meant less quality time with Chen for Xiumin. Rather, Xiumin spent his time training alongside Luhan and Suho, only catching glimpses of the lightning guardian from afar.

Not that Chen ever noticed. All he ever saw was how close Xiumin and Luhan seemed to be getting.

(He wasn’t worried about Suho stealing away his favorite hyung. It was only too obvious who his favorite was when all he ever did was dote on Kai. )

This led to Chen losing control over his powers whenever they were both within his eyesight.

“Chen, focus! All of your powers have as much potential to harm someone as they do saving!” Chen took a deep breath through his nose, calming his nerves until the tendrils of electricity were retained to just his fingertips.

Chen really didn’t understand where all the anger came from. It started somewhere between moving permanently into the dorms and the fear of pretty, perfect little Luhan stealing away his favorite hyung. It scared Chen how deep his anger ran. Seeing the charred trees each time his anger got the best of him, left him with the bitter taste of fear that someday it won’t be charred trees but charred hyungs caught in an aftermath of something that he could not control. It leaves him wondering if he was even fit to be a guardian.

“’Course you are!” a voice chirped behind him. He turned to see Luhan beaming at him with Xiumin at his side. Without thinking, Chen flung himself onto Xiumin’s arm. However, he had forgotten about the sparks that still clung to his fingertips.

The sparks that now flew over Xiumin’s body shocking him and attacking his nerves. Chen quickly let go but the damage was done. Xiumin collapsed onto the ground, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he lost consciousness.

“Hyung!” Chen cried out as Kris and Luhan pulled him back. But then both of them were flinching off of him and it’s the beginning all over again with everyone avoiding contact with him and cold, so cold because everyone was looking at him with fear and the only kind eyes he knew then are closed and it’s all his fault. All his fault. It’s all his fault.


Shortly after the incident, Chen had fainted from the shock and guilt eating away at him. He woke up in a sterile, white room curled up on the floor. The room was empty of furniture and windows. The walls and floor were unbroken lines of white the only color coming from the doorknob on the wall laying opposite of Chen. His teacher had told of him of this room. All the other guardians knew it as the Special Room.  A room where all their powers were negated. A room for people like him who couldn’t control their powers and became a threat to other people’s safety.

Chen curled tighter into himself.

“Chen.” A whisper. Chen peeked out from under his fringe to find Kai and Lay at the door. They quietly stepped into the small room and sat down on either side of him.

“He’ll be ok,” Lay started off. “It’s not your fault. We all lose control of our powers sometimes. He’ll be just fine.” Kai flashed him a tight smile, patting Chen’s back in comfort. But he was the only one who ended up injuring someone whenever he lost control. Worthless.

“I want to die.” Chen deadpanned. Lay’s smile fell off and Kai blinked confusedly at his hyungs. “I should just die. You all deserve someone who can control their power. Not someone like me. I deserve to die. I should just die.”

“Chen, stop!” Chen looked up at them. There were tears in Kai’s eyes and Lay’s face was pale.

“I just want to be alone.” Chen murmured, closing his eyes, shutting himself from everything. Lay, sensing Chen’s distress, grabbed Kai’s hand and dragged him out of the room.

Alone. Just like in the beginning. At least now no one will get hurt. He’ll be ok. He’ll be ok. He’ll be ok. And Chen let himself cry.


After having left the weird, cold room Chen was staying in, Kai bid Lay a quick goodbye before teleporting himself away from the building. The building they were in was only accessible to guardians so Kai didn’t worry about anyone seeing him use his powers. He just hated that place. Despite the pure white walls making up the building, it gave off an eerie, dark aura. And seeing Chen like that had only reinforced the gloomy aura.

Kai blinked and found himself in front of the teacher’s classroom. Seeing where he was, Kai turned to check the time. 5:45 pm. Yes! That meant Kris and more importantly Suho were still inside for their extra leader classes. Kai ran towards the door but skidded to a stop at the sound of Mrs. Kim voice.

“It happens. This is a normal occurrence. They’re guardians. They will lose control but it’s ok. It’s part of the learning process.”

“Normal? Really? Nothing about these guardians is normal! He could have killed him!” Kai recognized the second voice. It was one of the teachers for the other kids their age. The ones who would grow up normally with mothers and fathers. Kai had never really felt resentful or envious of them though. Why would he? He had awesome superpowers and Suho hyung too.

“Didn’t you hear that boy saying he wanted to die? What 13 year old child wishes for death?” the other voice hissed. Kai’s head was filled with memories of a broken Chen crying on the floor and the lost lost look on his face. A cold feeling spread throughout Kai’s body and he wanted nothing more than to leave the teacher’s voices behind and forget everything being said. And just as if his wish was heard, he felt warm hands wrap around him and, without a second thought, Kai teleported them out of the building and into their dorm.


As soon as they were safely warped into their shared room, Kai turned into the embrace, wrapping his own arms around his hugger. He didn’t need to see his face to know who it was. He only burrowed his head further into the small, soft chest murmuring, “Suho-hyung.” Suho hummed in response, tightening his arms around Kai.

He began rocking them back and forth as sobs racked Kai’s lithe, little body. The sun was setting low in the sky, casting their room in a warm glow. Their bunk beds lay tucked away in a corner. Scattered across the room were pieces of furniture; their twin study desks and shared chair, the TV set and the shared Nintendo.
Suho continued to awkwardly patted Kai’s back as he eyed the room trying to find the quickest route to their bunk bed. He wasn’t used to seeing this side of Kai. Out of all the guardians, Kai and Kris were the most hardened never showing any sign of weakness even after grueling hours after practice. And it only caused Suho to worry more. Something big enough happened to leave the strong boy in tears.

“Kai. Hey, Kai. Come on let’s go over to the bed and then you can tell hyung what’s wrong, ok? Ok Kai? Come on now,” Suho whispered in a soothing voice ushering Kai towards the bed. Once there, Suho tucked Kai deeper into his arms.

“J-J-Jongin,” Kai chocked out.

“Huh?” Suho felt extremely lost now.

“M-my real name i-is J-Jongin. I’m s-scared of the d-d-dark and-and I,” a deep breath. “And I don’t want Chen-hyung to die. I don’t want t-to lose a-a-a-anyone.” Kai commenced to cry again and Suho felt his heart break with every falling tear drop.

“Kai, come on. Don’t cry. It’ll be ok. They’ll both be fine.” But it seemed no matter what he said, Kai would only cry harder. An idea occurred to Suho and, without thinking it through, he called out, “Jonginnie.” Kai’s tears abruptly stopped when he heard his name. His real name. He hiccupped slightly as he turned his head to look up at Suho, who was opening and closing his mouth soundlessly in shock at the word that had just come out of his mouth. It was a rule all the guardians knew not to break. The uttering of one’s real name. And yet, Suho, their leader, had broken the greatest rule in the heat of the moment.

“I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I should know better than that. I-” Suho was interrupted from his mini rant by the feel of warm hands wrapping around his neck. He could feel his shirt dampen from the fresh wave of tears from Kai whose face was now buried into Suho’s shoulder.

“I-I like it w-when you call m-m-me that. I haven’t b-b-been called that i-in years. P-please. I-It m-m-makes me f-feel safe.” Kai’s voice sounded hoarse through all the tears. Suho gulped, attempting to calm his nerves. He shouldn’t. He really shouldn’t.

“Jonginnie.” Suho his lips nervously. “Jonginnie, don’t cry. Hyung is here. Everything is gonna be ok. Chen and Xiumin will get better. Everything always gets worse before it gets better.” Kai at last stopped crying. His eyes shone from the water in his eyes reflecting the last of the fading light. Tear trails streaked his cheeks making them glow with the last of the dying sunset. His nose was red from all the sniffling and, yet, to Suho, he had never seemed so beautiful and open and vulnerable and the feeling to hold him had never been so strong. Suho gulped again trying to swallow all his feelings and focus better on comforting the source of his affection.

“Will everything really get better?” Kai asked timidly.

“Of course it will.” Suho beamed down at him. Kai couldn’t stop the smile on his face from spreading especially with his hyung smiling at him like that with his pearly white teeth on full display and his cute little eye smile alongside it. Kai tackled Suho down on the bed and cuddled ferociously onto Suho’s side too overcome and wrung out from all the emotions. Suho just laughed at the ticklish feeling from Kai’s cuddling and wrapped his arms around his waist tighter and closer until it was hard to tell which limb was his and which was Kai’s. And there they lay telling each other stories of Jongin and Joonmyeon long after the sky turned dark.


Xiumin woke up the next day. Other than the tingly feeling through his limbs whenever he moved, he felt perfectly fine. Lay reassured the other guardians that there was no permanent damage done to Xiumin’s nerves or to his skin. He’ll be up and running in no time.

Soon enough, the news of Xiumin’s state reached Chen’s ears. Chen felt himself snap out of his stupor. Minseok-hyung is ok!! He’s going to be ok. Chen sensed a slight weight come off his shoulders but nothing could stop the guilt from eating away at his heart. Because in the end, he was the reason his hyung had gotten injured in the first place. All his fault.

Chen. A whisper at the back of his head.

Hey, Chen. Chen felt something prodding at the back of his head. Luhan?

Took you long enough. Chen could feel the said man pouting inside his head.

Sorry, he mumbled.

No worries! Anyways, just wanted to give you a heads up. Suho and Kai are on their way to pick you up. You’re coming home. And so is Xiumin.

Chen’s heart soared at the news. As much as he felt he deserved the punishment of isolation, he couldn’t not hate the Special Room. He missed his stupid brothers and training alongside them and eating meals together and tearing their house apart with their powers and putting it all back together. And, through the connection, Chen could feel he was missed too. His heart swelled with affection.

He was going home…


Did ya miss me?? or do you wanna brick me?? plz be gentle ;;; TBH  Shika093 is the main reason this chappie exists. She bullied me into writing this I just wanted to delete it all cuz wow crappy author who can't write for shiiit why bother but she said she liked this story I don't understand why


But yesh comment but no death threats plz Shika already gives me plenty TTTT OwO 


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I'm sorry I know its been like a month since I've updated but I hit a writer's block, And I'm srsly debating whether I should just delete this story...


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Chapter 5: This story is simply amazing. It's really beautiful. Like seriously, it has the ability to touch one's heart :D. Thank you, for writing this story and sharing it with us. Xiuchen is really just, adorable. In all honestly, this story has really made my day. Maybe, just maybe, It can make other people's day too. Thank you for making us, (your other readers + me) feel warm in the inside! Please take care of your health, don't stress out too much!!<3 Fighting!~~
Chapter 5: Gives you hugs and cuddles this was too cute <3 now I hope you wake up so I can tell you all about how much I liked it ^^
Damariss #3
Chapter 5: The way sad moments blend with happy and fluffy made this fic so amazing :-) Thank you for writing this i would definitely reread this in the future ;-)
Indyie7 #4
Chapter 5: Kyaaah i loved this so muuuch <3
Chapter 5: I was gonna say, XIUMIN IS ELSA before I even read you a/n lol. This was lovely mija! I'm glad you didn't abandon or delete and that you finished it after all!! Loved the kiss and the confession and loved the story tbh! So proud of you!!!! ING BIG WARM HUGS!!!

Ps: love that kiss quote too lol
Silverstone #6
Chapter 6: Naww this story is fantastic! Please don't delete it so I can continue to re-read it to my heart's content. I don't require an update I have an imagination and you have set the scene ^^

Take it easy! :)
Chapter 6: Noooooo! Why?! Don't delete the story, please! Don't "Goodbye" us! Don't you dare leave! You will hurt Mister Duckie's feelings:(
Chapter 6: So, so, so, so sweet <3333 Kawaiiii ^^
Chapter 3: The sukaiiiiiiiiii adfgshjskslslpellslskdgafaff! Kai is so presh and Suho is so caring and I know this supposed to be Xiuchen but OMG sukaiiiii!

Don't delete this fic, please? Just leave it here and one day you may want to finish it or you may not but at least leave the door open. Advice fr a wise old Annem