My Ending and Our Beginning


Chen had been with them for six months when the official announcement was made. Suho and Kris are to be the leaders. Luhan had an all-knowing smile on his face and Xiumin just let out a sigh of relief. Neither had wanted the leader role despite being the two oldest guardians. Some people were meant to lead and others follow.

With this announcement, Suho and Kris now had to take more classes on how to be responsible (and how to control kids with superpowers and empty shells for brains....ok maybe not the last part). Classes went on as normal for everyone else though now whenever one of them got hurt and mad they would automatically seek Kris and Suho out.

("Kai pushed me off the swing!"

"No I didn't! He just happened to be there when I tried teleporting on the swing."

"Did too!"

"Did not!" D.O and Kai were banned from the swings for a week.)


All the guardians lived on the dorms by the school. All except for Chen. He still lived with his parents. The others would shoot him weird looks but never said anything about it. Chen once asked Xiumin why everyone acted like that but Xiumin just shook his head smiling (and his eyes look soso sad but why would he be sad?). He then asked about his parents.

"Why don't you go visit your mommy and daddy, hyung? I'm sure they miss you." Xiumin visibly stiffened and Chen knew he said the wrong thing (now there was pain and sadness in his eyes). He wanted to dispel that look from Xiumin's face but he didn't know how. That was when Luhan had turned around the corner.

"Baozi~ Let's play! You never play with me no more," Luhan pouts grabbing on to Xiumin's hands. Now it's Chen who stiffened up. Xiumin, however, seemed as if he just stepped out of a daze and focused on Luhan's pouty face.

"Sure thing, Lulu! Let me just get our soccer ball," Xiumin smiled before running off to get their soccer ball. Chen choked and flailed around at Xiumin abandoning him just like that. Luhan turned to him and blew him a raspberry before chasing after Xiumin. 

"Remember, he's not yours to keep!!" Luhan shouted over his shoulder. That just left Chen feeling really really confused but as revenge for stealing his favorite hyung Chen starts calling Luhan girly every chance he gets.

("But, why?" Kris is forced to ask Chen after having a crying Luhan come to him in hysterics about how he is a MAAAAN not girly.

"It's a compliment, hyung! I'm just saying he's pretty." Luhan let out a war cry tackling Chen into the ground.


It took both Suho and Kris to tear them apart. They were banned from the playground for a week.)


Chen had a mother, father, and an older brother. He loved his family very very much. Which was why it broke his heart when his brother turned to him one night and asked, "Who are you??" 
"Oh Chen," was the only thing Xiumin uttered before enveloping him in a hug. It was the next day and Chen had confided in his brother's lack of memories of him
"This is why we all live in dorms, Chen. Because eventually they all forget about us. We stop being their kids a-and," Xiumin started to choke on his words and Chen only cried louder. 
Both of the boys were crying when Suho found them wrapped in each others embrace in the back of the classroom. Suho's eyes started to water at the sight but he held them back. He was their leader. He had to stay strong when they all felt weak. So he did the only thing his 10 year old mind could think of doing. 
He extended his hands and held them until their tears stopped.
Chen still refused to live on dorms and stayed with his family. He had told Xiumin he would move out only when they forgot about him completely. "I just want to enjoy my last moments with them. You know?"
Chen had been with them for eight months when he moved into the dorms. Kai teleported to his room shortly after.
"Suho wants to know if you wanna say good-bye." Chen shot him a confused look. "To your family. For the last time." Chen's throat has never felt tighter as he nodded his head.
All the guardians traveled together to Chen's old house. It was no longer his home. Chen was grateful for their support. 
Xiumin did not let once let go of his hand on the way there. 
Kai was on all fours, Chen on his back using him as a stool to look through the window and observe his family. Suho had explained on the way there why their families forgot about them.
"The teachers say it's for their protection. The monsters can't hurt them cuz to them, we'll just be complete strangers, see?"
"Did it hurt when you said good-bye hyung?" A cracked smile painted across Suho's face. It was answer enough. 
Chen stared hard at the scene in front of him trying to memorize every detail. The way his mother's eyes crinkled everytime she laughed. His brother's warm gaze as he listened to some story his father was telling. The wrinkles on his father's face that would get more prominant as time passed. He tucked every feature into a crevice in his heart not wanting to let any detail out.
"You done yet?" Kai grunted out. With one last breath, Chen's eyes sweeped across the room. The stairs where he fell down and sprained his ankle. The rug where he and his brother used to make forts and fend of evil monsters hiding in the shadows. The loveseat where he would curl up in his mother's lap, safe and warm.
One last whispered good-bye and Chen jumped off Kai's back. He turned around to see all the members watching him (minus Kai who was too busy stretching his sore muscles). Kris and Suho were looking at him expectantly. Tao and Sehun are both latched onto the leaders respectively, looking at him curiously. Lay stepped closer to him and held out his hand, his dimple flashing as he shot Chen an encouraging smile. He and Lay were roommates now no longer will Chen be sharing a room with his blood brother. No, this is my family now.
Chen took Lay's offered hand and never looked back.

A/N: KNFAGHKAEWGR I AM SO SORRY THIS HAS BEEN LONG OVERDUE!!!!!!!! I just had this rut where I honestly had no confidence in anything I wrote (still dont tbh :/) but I am kinda satisfied how this came out so yea. Again this is a side story to Get Away With Murder blah blah no one cares xD Um shameless promotion time?? 


I'm shameless OTL Anyways thanks to all you lovely subscribers!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I wish I could bake all of you cake!!!!!!!!!!!!111<33333333333 Leave comments~ And again SORRY FOR THE WAIT ;;;;;;


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I'm sorry I know its been like a month since I've updated but I hit a writer's block, And I'm srsly debating whether I should just delete this story...


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Chapter 5: This story is simply amazing. It's really beautiful. Like seriously, it has the ability to touch one's heart :D. Thank you, for writing this story and sharing it with us. Xiuchen is really just, adorable. In all honestly, this story has really made my day. Maybe, just maybe, It can make other people's day too. Thank you for making us, (your other readers + me) feel warm in the inside! Please take care of your health, don't stress out too much!!<3 Fighting!~~
Chapter 5: Gives you hugs and cuddles this was too cute <3 now I hope you wake up so I can tell you all about how much I liked it ^^
Damariss #3
Chapter 5: The way sad moments blend with happy and fluffy made this fic so amazing :-) Thank you for writing this i would definitely reread this in the future ;-)
Indyie7 #4
Chapter 5: Kyaaah i loved this so muuuch <3
Chapter 5: I was gonna say, XIUMIN IS ELSA before I even read you a/n lol. This was lovely mija! I'm glad you didn't abandon or delete and that you finished it after all!! Loved the kiss and the confession and loved the story tbh! So proud of you!!!! ING BIG WARM HUGS!!!

Ps: love that kiss quote too lol
Silverstone #6
Chapter 6: Naww this story is fantastic! Please don't delete it so I can continue to re-read it to my heart's content. I don't require an update I have an imagination and you have set the scene ^^

Take it easy! :)
Chapter 6: Noooooo! Why?! Don't delete the story, please! Don't "Goodbye" us! Don't you dare leave! You will hurt Mister Duckie's feelings:(
Chapter 6: So, so, so, so sweet <3333 Kawaiiii ^^
Chapter 3: The sukaiiiiiiiiii adfgshjskslslpellslskdgafaff! Kai is so presh and Suho is so caring and I know this supposed to be Xiuchen but OMG sukaiiiii!

Don't delete this fic, please? Just leave it here and one day you may want to finish it or you may not but at least leave the door open. Advice fr a wise old Annem