


Xiumin still remembered the day he met Chen. He and the other 10 boys were playing around on top of the metal dome in the playground when their teacher, Ms. Kim, had come out with a small boy trailing behind her.

“Boys! This is our new student and final guardian. His name is Chen now so get familiarized with one another,” she said promptly. Chen immediately runs out from behind the teacher and reaches out to climb the metal dome to join them when Ms. Kim shouted out, “Wait Chen no!” Xiumin’s never been so literally shocked in his life.

The boys learn early on that Chen’s real name is Jongdae, he hates being called Chen, and his power is shooting electricity from his hands and he has no control over it. After their first encounter with his power, everyone avoided physical contact with Chen. They would still talk to him but would flinch if he ever moved in their general direction.

Xiumin would have continued the treatment alongside his friends if he hadn’t ended up with cleaning duty afterschool. Usually, Sehun and Tao carried out these chores but Sehun was out sick today and Tao used his deadly aegyo to get out of it. Xiumin, and his obsession with cleanliness, was left to clean the classroom in their place.

 He was almost done cleaning the room when he heard sniffling. Xiumin froze. He had thought everyone had left a while ago. Apparently he was wrong. The sniffling was coming from the back of the classroom. Xiumin cautiously walked in that direction eyes looking for the root of the noise.

He found the source in the shape of Chen curled up inside the cubbyhole, shoulders shaking from the tears.

“Chen? You ok?” Xiumin reached his hand out without really thinking only wanting to comfort the younger one. Upon contact, Xiumin yelped and jumped back landing on his . Chen looked up shocked. It’s been forever since anyone touched him.

Xiumin rubbed his hand the pain fading away. He looked up to see sadness in the younger boy’s eyes and it did weird things to his heart.

“Um, do you want to talk about it? I am your hyung so if there’s anything you need,” Xiumin’s voice faded away.

“I want a hug but no one can touch me without getting hurt. Not even mommy and daddy want to touch me,” Another sniffle. Chen wiped at his eyes frustrated. “And and I hate that we have to change our names. I’m Jongdae not Chen.” Now he was whining. Xiumin felt his heart hurt and he idly wondered if he was getting sick.

“You know the reason we have new names is for protection. And once you learn to control your power I promise I’ll give you lots and lots of hugs!!” Xiumin threw his arms open wide for emphasis. Chen just looked at him wide eyed.

“You promise?” Chen asked a hint of a smile on his lips.  Xiumin nodded his head eagerly wanting Chen to smile.

“And if you want, I’ll call you Jongdae but only when we’re alone!” Xiumin felt his cheeks heat up. This would be the first time he ever broke the rules (but it wouldn’t be the last). But seeing Chen’s smile widen his cheeks glowing from the trail of tears it all felt worth it.

Those two have been inseparable since that moment. True to his word, Xiumin showered Chen with hugs once his powers were under control and called him Jongdae whenever they were alone. Chen, spoiled from his hyung’s affections, grew to be snarky loving to tease his hyungs and dongsaengs alike. He would tease Luhan about his doll like appearance.

(“I’m a man! The manliest man ever!” Luhan would shriek yell out whenever this happened. Everyone else just shook their heads too scared to actually comment. Not that they had to since Luhan could read their minds.)

Chen was the only one besides Luhan and Kris who knew that Xiumin’s real name was Minseok. Chen felt special because he was the only one Xiumin confided his real name to.

(Luhan and Kris don’t count in his head. As the three oldest members in the group they had all joined in at the same time. So, obviously, they all knew each other’s real names. Luhan would just shake his head whenever he read Chen’s mind.)

Xiumin’s heart always fluttered whenever he was around Chen but he always just blamed it on their first meeting when he was shocked. Luhan would , telling him he was the only one with suffering from ‘aftereffects’. Xiumin would huff and choose to ignore him.

Looking back on their memories Xiumin wished he would’ve confessed his true feelings. Or at the very least accepted them. But there was still the future ahead of them. And one day, he’ll confess and make Chen his. 

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I'm sorry I know its been like a month since I've updated but I hit a writer's block, And I'm srsly debating whether I should just delete this story...


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Chapter 5: This story is simply amazing. It's really beautiful. Like seriously, it has the ability to touch one's heart :D. Thank you, for writing this story and sharing it with us. Xiuchen is really just, adorable. In all honestly, this story has really made my day. Maybe, just maybe, It can make other people's day too. Thank you for making us, (your other readers + me) feel warm in the inside! Please take care of your health, don't stress out too much!!<3 Fighting!~~
Chapter 5: Gives you hugs and cuddles this was too cute <3 now I hope you wake up so I can tell you all about how much I liked it ^^
Damariss #3
Chapter 5: The way sad moments blend with happy and fluffy made this fic so amazing :-) Thank you for writing this i would definitely reread this in the future ;-)
Indyie7 #4
Chapter 5: Kyaaah i loved this so muuuch <3
Chapter 5: I was gonna say, XIUMIN IS ELSA before I even read you a/n lol. This was lovely mija! I'm glad you didn't abandon or delete and that you finished it after all!! Loved the kiss and the confession and loved the story tbh! So proud of you!!!! ING BIG WARM HUGS!!!

Ps: love that kiss quote too lol
Silverstone #6
Chapter 6: Naww this story is fantastic! Please don't delete it so I can continue to re-read it to my heart's content. I don't require an update I have an imagination and you have set the scene ^^

Take it easy! :)
Chapter 6: Noooooo! Why?! Don't delete the story, please! Don't "Goodbye" us! Don't you dare leave! You will hurt Mister Duckie's feelings:(
Chapter 6: So, so, so, so sweet <3333 Kawaiiii ^^
Chapter 3: The sukaiiiiiiiiii adfgshjskslslpellslskdgafaff! Kai is so presh and Suho is so caring and I know this supposed to be Xiuchen but OMG sukaiiiii!

Don't delete this fic, please? Just leave it here and one day you may want to finish it or you may not but at least leave the door open. Advice fr a wise old Annem