Chapter 15



The whole situation was damn chaotic on that day.


Mr Byun did rush back home, but found the housekeeper trying to pull Chanyeol’s mother away from Baekhyun who was sitting on the ground, lifeless.

Mr Byun was trying to find Chanyeol but Chanyeol was nowhere found.


“Where’s Chanyeol?”

Mr Byun asked.


Nobody replied.


The whole situation was tensed.


“Ahjuma, where’s Chanyeol?”

Mr Byun asked the housekeeper.



The housekeeper just sighed.

“Chanyeol-ssi had left the house with his baggage.”


“What? Why?”

Mr Byun was confused.


“I’m sorry, Jason.”

Chanyeol’s mother cried.

“It was all my fault….”


Chanyeol’s mother kneeled down infront of Mr Byun, with her head hanging low, crying.


“Why? What happened?”

Mr Byun squatted down and patted on Chanyeol’s mother.


“M…Mm..My son… he, he tainted your son…”

Chanyeol’s mother sobbed.

She had never felt so remorseful in her life.

“I’m so sorry. I’ve brought up such an indecent human.”


Mr Byun’s hands slipped off the shoulders of Chanyeol’s mother.

“Sorry, I don’t get it. What do you mean by that?”



“My son, Park Chanyeol, had with Baekhyun…”

Chanyeol’s mother sobbed, covering her face with her palm.


Mr Byun was shocked upon hearing the news.

He turned to Baekhyun.


“Is it true?”

Mr Byun asked.



Baekhyun just stared at the floor, lifeless.


Baekhyun still could not get the fact that he had Chanyeol slipped out from his life again once more.

He really thought that he could hold on to Chanyeol this time round.



“I love him, Dad.”

Baekhyun sobbed.

“I really, really love him…”

Baekhyun crouched on the ground and bawled.


Why didn’t he manage to protect Chanyeol?


Why did he let Chanyeol getting hurt from his mother time after time?


Why is he so useless?


Baekhyun had never felt so hopeless before.



“I really love him…”
Baekhyun cried.


Mr Byun looked at his son and sighed.

He knew it all the while.


And he thought he might be able to prevent it happening.


Back when Baekhyun was in high school, Mr Byun accidentally saw Baekhyun grabbing onto Chanyeol’s laundry and smelled it.


He thought he had seen it wrongly.

But hell, no.


He caught Baekhyun the second time on living room, staring at Chanyeol.


He thought since Chanyeol was back, might as well, match make him with a decent girl, so that Baekhyun could gave up on him.

Mr Byun did not know that Chanyeol’s feelings about Baekhyun, therefore made the decisions all by himself.


“I’m sorry, son.”

Mr Byun apologized and gave a pat on Baekhyun’s shoulders.



He turned around to Chanyeol’s mother and hugged her tight.

“No, you don’t have to apologized. You’ve brought up the best human being on earth.

I’ve never seen such a well-behaved and clever child in my life…”


Upon hearing what Mr Byun said, Chanyeol’s mother then realized that all the while what she had done to Chanyeol was bad.


“Oh, Jason…. What have I done to Chanyeol…”

Chanyeol’s mother sobbed in the arms of Mr Byun.


“Hush. It’s okay. Let’s bring Chanyeol back.”

Mr Byun said as he kissed the tip of Chanyeol’s mother’s head.

“Alright? Don’t cry…”


Mr Byun reached out his other hand and brought Baekhyun closer to him, giving him a hug.


“I’m sorry, son. I shouldn’t have made all the decisions by myself. I should have let  you court Chanyeol openly.”


Tears rolled out of Baekhyun’s eyes uncontrollably.


His father’s words were the encouragement for him.

Which means his father approved them.


“Thank you father. Thank you.”

Baekhyun sobbed.







Kris passed the tranquilizing pill to Chanyeol and turned his attention back to the road.


The moment Luhan called and said it was an emergency case, Kris immediately dashed out of his house, leaving his beloved Suho behind and went to fetch Chanyeol.


As soon as he saw Chanyeol by the main road, he rushed forward and hugged him.

He had never seen how Chanyeol was in that fragile state before.


Kris did notice the redness on his left cheek, but remained silent.

He helped Chanyeol with baggage and drove him to Luhan’s house.


Throughout the whole journey, Chanyeol kept his eyes closed.

Kris kept checking on Chanyeol.

He did notice that some times, tears did flowed out from the closed lids, but were quickly wiped away by Chanyeol.


Kris knew Chanyeol was going through a hard time and he wanted to help.


Before they reach, Kris had called Luhan to come down to help Chanyeol up.


“We’ve reached.”

Kris said as he gently pat on Chanyeol.


Chanyeol slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he saw Kris eyes, he felt safe and secured.



Chanyeol croaked and slowly get out of the car.




Luhan ran towards him and hugged him tight.

“It’s alright now.”


Tears rolled out uncontrollably.

Chanyeol hugged back tightly.


He felt as if he was able to release all the indignities he felt for all these years.


“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Luhan patted on the giant’s back.


“Let’s bring him up. Is Sehun in?”

Kris asked.



Luhan replied.

“Oh yeah, can tell him to make Chanyeol’s favourite bubble tea.”


Three of them then slowly went up to the apartment.


Luhan pressed the bell and a handsome paled-looking man opened the door.

The man furrowed the eyebrows when he saw Chanyeol looking so lifeless.


“Is he alright?”

Sehun asked anxiously.


“Let’s bring him in.”

Luhan suggested.


“Yeah, alright.”

Sehun moved to the side, to let the three in.


“Come, Chanyeol. Sit over here.”

Luhan directed him to the couch.



Chanyeol replied softly.


“Milk, made him the bubble tea.”

Luhan called out.


“Yes, deer.”

Sehun, in kitchen, replied.


Kris put the baggage on the coffee table.

“Care to tell us what's going on?”


Chanyeol tried to hold back his tears while telling him what had happened.


“How can a parent said those words to their child?!”

Luhan slammed the table with all his might.


“Deer, chill. Chill.”

Sehun grabbed onto Luhan’s shoulders.


“Milk, come.”

Luhan gestured Sehun to come over to the kitchen with him.

He sent some eye signal to Kris and Kris nodded his head.


Chanyeol was too engrossed with his sadness, thus oblivious to the surrounding.



“Have you called Baekhyun?”

Luhan asked.


“Yeah. the situation over there had calmed down.”

Sehun sighed.

“And according to him, his father was fine with his relationship with Chanyeol.”


Sehun was Baekhyun’s colleague in the past.

Without the help of Baekhyun, he might not be able to meet his deer.

That was why he was very thankful towards Baekhyun.


“Aish, why does the whole situation become like this?”

Luhan sighed as he leaned against Sehun’s shoulder blade.


Sehun combed through Luhan’s hair with his delicate long fingers.

“I’ve told him to wait for a few days before coming over.”



Luhan said softly.





Both of them went back to the living room and they found Chanyeol was fast asleep at the couch.

On the other hand, Kris was checking himself out with a mirror.


“Geez, I told you to take care of Chanyeol, not checking yourself out!”

Luhan almost yelled but Sehun told him to quiet down.


“Yeah, I am taking care of him, okay.”

Kris said as he went back to the mirror.

“And do you know that I was applying my BB cream halfway when you called?

Aish, luckily Suho baby would be bringing my BB creams over.”



“You and your BB creams.”

Luhan scoffed, whereas Sehun on the other hand, trying to hold back his laughter.

“How did even Suho managed to withstand your addiction?”



Kris turned and gave both of them a "DUH" expression.










Yes, second update.

my goal is to end this fic on the last day of 2012.


nope, nope.

this is not the last chapter.

but i know you guess can sense the ending is near.


yeap, dragging Sehun back to the fic again and intro Suho too.

Yes, Suho is paired with the BB cream king, Kris in this plot.

I don't know, just a sudden feel for this pairing after watching the fancams of sbs gayo daejun.




Thank you guys for reading and leaving the comments.

i must say this again.

All characters are fictional. 

Please don't hate Chanyeol's mother in real life. (i know you guys aren't, but just saying before hand.)


okay why do i keep emphasising cos,

i belonged to the category of readers which they had a hard time pulling themself out from a particular fic/ scene.

so yeah. 

Just in case there are some readers (like me) out there who happened to stumble upon my fic .



some funny parts added at the back to compensate for all the sadness at the front ^^

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sorry, i found some mistakes in chapter 2 and corrected them. Please refresh before reading it. T^T


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Chapter 16: :')
Chapter 17: Lovely lovely story...<3 it was simple yet touching..i cried, yes i did! My gawd!! My baekyeol heart is so fragile. Kekeke!
Chapter 17: Yeay~!sequell ^^
And,Happy New Year author-nim!
please update sOoOoOoOn!!!! :D <3
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Chapter 13: So hating Chanyeollie's so called mum right now...
In love with your fic!
Update soon! ‹3
Chapter 13: That mother is just... I need to know what will happen!!
Chapter 13: I HATE YOU MOTHER! >:(