Chapter 10



Chanyeol woke up, staring at the ceiling.


He did not even bother to check what time was it.

But he knew it was a Saturday.


Hah, again.

Chanyeol thought.




He sat up and looked around the room.

He did not get the chance to look at it properly yesterday.


Chanyeol could see the stains on the blanket.


May be Baekhyun’s.

May be his.


He got out from the bed and grabbed his boxers and jeans from the ground, putting them on slowly.


Ruffled his hair, he went out to the living room and to search for his shirt.



Chanyeol thought.

He found his shirt neatly folded on the sofa.


He went forward and found a note, a key and some money on top of it.



Key to my house.

Use this money to take a cab home.



What does it even mean?

Chanyeol thought to himself.


He grabbed onto the key and put on his shirt.

He then sat on the sofa, looking at the key.


What does Baekhyun means?

Chanyeol thought to himself.


Images of him and Baekhyun yesterday flashed across his mind.



He cursed.


He had ed Baekhyun.


Well, he was kind of surprised that he lost control yesterday.

He had never had with anyone before.


Did Baekhyun felt painful last night?

He thought to himself, recalling that Baekhyun did yelped in pain when Chanyeol entered him.


Chanyeol went beneath the shirt and touched his left shoulder blade.

Those teeth marks were still there.

Baekhyun had bite on Chanyeol’s shoulder to ease away the pain as Chanyeol entered him.


Chanyeol regretted on passing out yesterday.

He did not know that he would be so tired after that and sleep throughout the whole night.

He should have kept himself awake, so he would be able to talk to Baekhyun.



Chanyeol thought to himself.


Baekhyun must have known that Chanyeol would want to talk about it.

That was why he ran away.


He saw the coffee table in front of him was messy, filled with fashion magazines.


Right. He is a photo-shoot model.

Chanyeol smiled, but he could not tolerate the mess.

He put the key into his pocket and began to tidy the table.


He did not know once he started tidying it, he tidied the whole house.







Baekhyun stood nervously outside his house door.

He hoped Chanyeol had left.


He purposely went out of the house and stayed at the nearby café to wait for Chanyeol to leave.

He did not know how to face Chanyeol.


May be I should wait for a while.

Baekhyun thought and turned around.



He stopped.


This is my house. Why should I run away from it?

Baekhyun thought.


He took out his key and opened the house door.


Slowly, he went in.

His house was dark.


Coast clear.

He thought and the lights.


To his surprise, he found his house neat and tidy.


No dust.

He thought as he checked on the counter top of the kitchen.


Then he found a note on the coffee table.




We need to talk.





Baekhyun panicked.

Now what?


He also noticed that Chanyeol had left his cellphone number for him.


Baekhyun did not want to talk to Chanyeol about anything.


He got to admit he was quite carried away yesterday.

He did not know that things would turned out to be like that.







He remembered last night, how shocked he was when he saw Chanyeol sleeping beside him.



He cursed.

Slowly, he took the arms on his torso away from him and got out from the bed.


He tried to stand up, but he fell to the ground.

His knees were weak and the pain at his lower region was unbearable.


He tried to stand up again and went into the bathroom for a wash.


As he walked, he felt the fluid coming out from him.



Baekhyun cursed.


He turned out the tap and cleaned himself thoroughly.

He knew he had to clean Chanyeol’s fluid out from his body.

But he did not know how.


He tried pushing them out by relaxing the muscles and felt those fluids oozing out from him.



He cursed again.


Baekhyun did not know if all of the fluids had expelled out or not.



He muttered to himself, carried on cleaning the other parts of his body.


As he touched his body, he could felt as if Chanyeol was touching.

He never let Chanyeol knew that he had ed while thinking of him before.


Calm down.

Baekhyun thought as he switched the temperature of the water to the cold one.







Ever since Chanyeol had the key to Baekhyun’s house, he would come over to tidy it.

He did not know why.


But whenever he ended his class, he would subconsciously come to his house.

Well, by the time he knew, he was already in front of Baekhyun’s door.

He would always cursed before entering the house.


But whenever he came over, he did not see Baekhyun at all.

He bet Baekhyun knew he was coming over.


Chanyeol smiled sadly.

Why didn’t Baekhyun wanted to talk things out.


All Chanyeol wanted to know whether Baekhyun loved him or not.

Was Baekhyun toying with him on that day?


Chanyeol knew he, himself, was serious with Baekhyun.


Throughout those 3 years, he had never forgot about Baekhyun at all.

He knew he had to hold on to Baekhyun tightly.


However the problem was, Baekhyun was like a free bird.

Chanyeol felt as if he could not reach him.


Chanyeol sighed and continued to tidy the house and waited till 8 pm as usual.

Yeap, no signs of Baekhyun coming home.


As usual.


Chanyeol sighed as he grabbed his bag and left.







Ding Ding Ding...


His phone was ringing.


It was the middle of the night.

Chanyeol still had his eyes closed while reaching for his phone on the side of his bed.



He said groggily.


“Hello? Sorry to disturb you in the middle of the night, but are you free right now?”

The person said.

“Baekhyun is drunk. Do you mind to come over to bring him back home?”


“I’ll be right there.”

Chanyeol said after the person told him the address on the line.


He quickly changed into his clothing and dashed out from his house.




When he reached there, he saw a bunch of people sitting around Baekhyun.



One of the people called out.


“Yeah… you’re the person who called me, right?”

Chanyeol said.


“Yeah. Hi, I am Jongin, Baekhyun’s colleague.”

The person held out his hands.


Chanyeol reached it for a handshake.

“Chanyeol, as you know.”



“Sorry to bother you that late in the night.”

Jongin said.

“Well, we did not know where Baekhyun lived and your number was the first on the contacts…”



First? On the contacts?

Chanyeol was surprised.


“…So we used his phone to call up. All of us had drink alcohol and we are tired. Could you bring him home so that we could go home too?”

Jongin said as he pointed at the drunk Baekhyun.



Chanyeol smiled as he went forward to pat on Baekhyun.


“Baekhyun. Baekhyun.”

Chanyeol said softly.


All Baekhyun did was just whimpered like a puppy.


“He is like this…”

Another guy said.

“By the way I am Sehun, Baekhyun’s colleague.”



Chanyeol gave Sehun a smile and turned back to Baekhyun.




Looks like he had no choice but to carry Baekhyun back home.


“Could please give me a hand?”

Chanyeol asked both of them.



Both of them chimed as the shifted Baekhyun to CHanyeol’s back.


“Thanks. Good bye.”
Chanyeol said and left the place.


Just as he expected.

Baekhyun was light as what he looked, even though he was strong in strength.


Chanyeol hailed a cab and went back to Baekhyun’s apartment.


Finally they reached the building.

Chanyeol had a hard time trying to open the door, as he did not want to wake Baekhyun up.



Chanyeol slowly placed Baekhyun on the bed.



He thought to himself.


Ah, make up.

Chanyeol thought.

Chanyeol remembered back then when they were in their high school days, Baekhyun would remove his eyeliners before sleeping.


He reached for he makeup remover from the make up table on the side.

Pouring out some of the liquid on the cotton pads, he slowly placed the cotton pads on Baekhyun’s eyelids, removing those eyeliners.


There, much better.

Chaneyol thought once he removed the eyeliners.

He always thought Baekhyun looked better without eyeliners.


He continued to remove the cream base on the face, which he remembered it as bb cream.

Kris always used it and flaunted his collection of bb creams and cosemetics to him and Luhan.



Finally he was done.


He continued by taking a piece of face wipe and wiped Baekhyun’s face.

Baekhyun did cringed a little, but clearly he was still asleep.


Chanyeol then poured the toner on his palms and gently pat it on Baekhyun’s face.

Well, Baekhyun slept like a log, so Chanyeol assumed that it was okay for him to do so.


For once, Chanyeol felt that he should thanked Kris for “imparting” those knowledge on removing make ups.


Looking Baekhyun’s cleaned face, Chanyeol felt proud of himself.


Chanyeol then slowly took off the jacket from Baekhyun, and then tucked him underneath the blanket.


All done.


Chanyeol stood up and brought those used cotton pads and face wipes along with him out from the room.

He then threw them to the wastebasket in the kitchen.


Looking at the time, it was late.

He had missed the last bus home.

Chanyeol decided to stay overnight.

He went over to the sofa and lie on top of it.

Even though it was uncomfortable, but he had never felt so peaceful in his life.


The presence of Baekhyun made him feel safe and secured.







Baekhyun woke up.


He looked around.

Yes, he was in his bedroom.

He smirked.


That was not what he wanted.

He did not want to come home.


He went to the living room and found a guy lying on the couch.

He slowly walked over and looked closely at the guy.


“So, it’s you.”

Baekhyun said softly as he slowly traced the Chanyeol’s face feature with his fingers.

“You know that I will always be an individual, right?”


After saying that, Baekhyun just smiled sadly.

He grabbed the jacket on the couch and left the house.


Slowly, Chanyeol opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling.

He was not sleeping from the start.


He slowly traced his own face with his fingers, trying to remember Baekhyun’s temperature against his touch.


He asked himself.

The agony he felt was indescribable.


Why did Baekhyun say that himself was an individual?

Chanyeol thought to himself as he sat up from the sofa.


If Baekhyun was an individual, then Chanyeol would refer himself as a half.


He needed Baekhyun to complete him.




“You know that I will always be an individual, right?”



Those words kept ringing in Chanyeol’s head.

He could hear the sadness in Baekyun’s voice.




Why did Baekhyun felt so sad?



Does that mean Baekhyun was in love with him too?




Chanyeol did not know the answer.








yes, this is a long update cos i think most probably i won't be updating tomorrow.

There are some school work to be done and handed in after the new year.



Please look forward to another chapter ^^


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sorry, i found some mistakes in chapter 2 and corrected them. Please refresh before reading it. T^T


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Chapter 16: :')
Chapter 17: Lovely lovely story...<3 it was simple yet touching..i cried, yes i did! My gawd!! My baekyeol heart is so fragile. Kekeke!
Chapter 17: Yeay~!sequell ^^
And,Happy New Year author-nim!
please update sOoOoOoOn!!!! :D <3
Chapter 16: WHAT?!?! NO!
Chapter 14: That mother I hate her I want to punch her in the face. It so sad to realize that in this world mothers like this exist :c
Chapter 13: So hating Chanyeollie's so called mum right now...
In love with your fic!
Update soon! ‹3
Chapter 13: That mother is just... I need to know what will happen!!
Chapter 13: I HATE YOU MOTHER! >:(