Fading To Black

I Think I Love You



"What do you need, Taebaby?"

Umma knew I only sang his name when I needed something

"Watch me dance! I've been practicing hard!"


I uplugged my headphones and scrolled down my song list until i came across Be The One by JYJ.

I began dancing. I didn't care who was watching.

"Wow! You have been practicing! Good job, Taeminnie~"

"Hehe... Thanks, Key umma!" I cheered

A little while later we headed down to Jonghyun's house to play some games.

"Yah! Minho! Are you coming over or what?! Key and Taemin will be here any second!... Oh? You're coming then? Arasso." I heard Jonghyun yell into his phone. His voice was loud...

Minho's coming over, too? To even hear his name made my heart race, why? I've never felt this before.

"Minnie, are you coming? Jongie's waiting~" Key asked

"N-neh... Coming." I snapped out of my thought.

We walked closer to Jonghyun's house then rang the doorbell.

"Come in; Don't forget to lock your car again, Bummie~"

Last time, umma forgot to lock his car in a public space and it almost got stolen. He came back just in time.

"Don't worry, I did. Right, Taeminnie?"

"Neh, umma.."

As I walked into Jonghyun's house, for the first time ever, I saw he had the games set up perfectly and it looked so comfortable!

"Jongie! Your house looks wonderful! So cozy~" Key giggled

Where was Minho?

"Is... Is Minho hyung coming, too?"

Jonghyun nodded and handed me his cell phone since I didn't have Minho's cell phone number.

"Text him, if you want, Minnie."

"A-are you sure? I don't want to harm anything..."

"Positive" he smiled.

To: Minho

From: Jonghyun

Hi, Minho hyung!! Are you coming?^^

I sat down in a comfortable chair and leaned back as far as I could until I felt the phone vibrate.

To: Jonghyun

From: Minho

Why are you addressing me as hyung? I'm your dongsaeng! Also, yeah, I'm coming over now, be there in a minute or so, arasso?

"Aish... He must not know it's me..." I scoffed to myself.

To: Minho

From: Jonghyun

It's Taemin, hyung!^^ ^3^ I'm so glad you're coming!! <3

I hit send.

Realizing what I had just put, I quickly opened reply but he replied too quick.

To: Jonghyun

From: Minho

Oh, hey, Taeminnie!^^; Why so happy that I'm coming over? Haha

"Nooo!! What did I do?!"

To: Minho

From: Jonghyun

Oh! I... I meant it like... So I wouldn't be alone while Jongkey's here -- Ah! I mean... Aish!!

"Did I just... Aish, what am I doing?!"

Umma came in after hearing me talk to myself.



"Why do you look so frustrated while  you're talking to Minho? Let me see!"

Key ran over and grabbed the phone, tilting it so he could see.

"Taebaby, can I ask you something?"


"What do you feel when you talk to Minho?"

Did he really just ask that?

I... Should I tell umma that odd feeling in me? Yes.

"I... I get this weird feeling in my stomach... It's not sick... Don't get me wrong. He's my friend... I just... Don't know what I feel...--"

Key's smile grew bright and he hugged me, congratulating me in the process.

"Congratulations, Taebaby!!"

"F-For what?"

"You have your first actual crush on somebody!"

First. Actual. Crush. I... Like Minho?!

Key umma got up and left the room, smile still on his face.

"Is he going to tell Jonghyun? Minho's best friend?!"

I jumped up

To: Jonghyun

From: Minho

Ah~ Calm down, Minnie. It's fine, I get it. XD

"Minnie! Come here! We're playing now!" Jonghyun yelled into the hallway.

I ran out into the hallway and I was about to turn into the living room when I bumped into a tall figure.

I formed an 'o' with my mouth and looked up, only  to see Minho.

I jumped back and mumbled

"S-Sorry, hyung."

He gave me a beautiful, bright smile.

"It's fine, Minnie. I was coming to get you, anyways!" He laughed

I gave him a big smile and hugged him

"Thanks for coming, hyung!" I cheered

He nodded and we proceeded to the living room.

"Minho and Taemin vs. Key and I!"

"No way! I want to be on my Taebaby's team!" Key exclaimed.

"It's fine, umma. Be the Jongkey team!~"

"J-Jongkey?" They both asked

"You know? Jonghyun and Key?" Minho explained

"If we get a name, you two do too. You can be.... 2Min!" Key said

Minho and I looked at eachother, staying silent.

"But, umma, we aren't--"

"I know, but still..."

We all laughed then got back to our game.

"Minho! Get him from that side with your green shell!"

"Don't worry, Minnie. I know what I'm doing."

"Yah! We can hear you, y'know!" Key yelled

I formed another 'o' with my mouth then we all laughed.

"Yay! Jongkey wins!"

"One more race!" Minho demanded playfully.

"Hey, how about you spend the night?"

"Where would we sleep?" Key umma asked.

Jonghyun brought over a bunch of pillows and blankets to set on the floor.

"Here." he explained.

Later that night, we were deciding on places to sleep.

"Okay, I'll sleep next to Jongie and Minnie."

"So, that leaves us at the ends since Taemin doesn't like the edge while in a group?"

"Yep." Key nodded.

I sleep next to Minho? Oh boy, key umma, what are you trying to do?

"Key umma, I'm hungry!" I pouted

"Minnie, let's go order some pizza then, arasso?"

I nodded. Pizza sounded good.

Tonight was something new for me.

After we had pizza, we got into bed.

I waited until Minho's breathing calmed, signaling he was asleep, then I got up and walked into the bathroom.

"Was I too pouty today? Too excited? I feel a bit like a burden..."

I splashed some water on my face and looked at myself i the mirror.

What if Minho hyung likes me too?


I felt Taemin move, then get up, so I waited until he went into the bathroom. I stood by the door.

He went to the bathroom before bed, so he couldn't have to go now...

"Aish! What am I thinking? Minho hyung couldn't. He's straight... He's had girlfriends. He doesn't need me."

"Doesnt... Need... Me... I'm a boy. I'm filthy, disgusting, annoying... Those boys were right."

Those boys? What was he going on about?

I heard Taemin going towards the door, so I ran back under the covers.


At school again... Why couldn't I be homeschooled?

"I hear a 1st year is coming here... Why?"

I overheard some girls from my class talking.

"Do you know who?"

"No, I just heard a voice in the library."

After, I walked into the bathroom. I knew they would find me. I was scared, yes. But the only thing I wanted to do was let it all out.

I took the broken razor I had taken from home out of my jacket and broke the blade from it's grasp. I slid the blade across my pale, bare arms, and felt the blood drop down my arm. I was satisfied. The pain was making it all go away... I traced the word "fèi wù" (meaning 'Good for nothing') around my arm until it began to bleed. I cut deeper, but not too deep, and then grabbed something to clean up the blood I had left, leaving the bathroom.


I walked into the part of the school where the 3rd years were and looked for Taemin.

"Choi Minho!! ♥"

"He's so tall!"

"Isn't that a 1st year?! Wow!" were the comments I heard as I entered.

"Do you know where Lee Taemin is?" I asked a girl in the hallway

"I last saw him walk into the bathroom."


I quickly ran to the bathroom. When I entered, I saw no Taemin. Only a broken razor.

"Isn't this the same one Minnie has?"

When I looked, I saw no blade.

"Where... Where's the blade?"

"Taemin couldn't be... No. That's not like him."

I walked out and put the broken razor in my pocket.

"Excuse me, have you seen Lee Taemin?"

The student shook his head.

No luck...

I sighed and began walking to my area when I heard voices coming from a classroom.

"You're filthy. Disgusting. And that little 'cute' act you put on is annoying. You're annoying, Lee Taemin."

"Lee... Taemin..." I muttered under my breath.

I raced into the 3rd year classroom only to see Taemin getting beat by a group of boys that looked older than him.


"M-Minho..." a tear fell from one of his eye... He was nearly concious, I had to do something...

"I've had enough. off." I pushed them hard against the wall

"Don't lay a finger on him, arasso? Next time, you'll regret it." I said in each of their ears in a cold tone, smashing both their heads together so it hurt.


How did Minho find me?

I don't want him to see me like this...

"M-Minho... W-Why are y-you here...?"

My head began hurting, I held my head in pain while on the floor.

My vision was blurry.

It was all fading to... Black.

It all went silent.

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Following the comments below, no, they are the same age as they are in person.
Chapter 2: N ONEW IS YOUNGER THAN ONEW? Did I read wrongly....
Chapter 1: Waitttttt soooo key is younger n Taemin is older?! Plus Minnie is older than Minho?!
Chapter 9: Please disregard some errors you may see, I'll fix those once I get on a computer. I promise. XD
eunhaeshipper15 #5
Chapter 7: The lies! :O LOL jk, that's okay, we can wait :3
SohAnna #6
Chapter 6: What song are they listening to???
hongjek #7
Chapter 4: where art thou key?!
SohAnna #8
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update!!!
And so far im loving it!!!