Where are you, Key?

I Think I Love You

Jonghyun POV
Once we got off of the boat back into the city, away from that terrible camp, Taemin saw a food stand
"Umma! Can I have some banana milk, please?!?!"
"Aish. You and your banana milk, Minnie~ Fine, follow me."
You and your banana milk
I want to try one...
~Love forever and last forever - on nae mam dahaedo~
I heard a phone ringing, it was Key's.

Key signaled 'one minute' and began walking forward while talking.

"Kim Kibum?"
"Ne? Is something wrong?"
The man on the other line had a cold, depressing tone in his voice.

"Well... actually, Kibum. Your mother has..."
"What? My mother has what?!"
"I'm sorry, she has passed away.."

My mother had gotten in a car accident not to long ago in Busan, she's been in the hospital ever since.
After hearing this news, my heart sank.
I couldn't bear with this.
My father had moved to Japan for studies, my mom was the only one left...

My legs gave in and I fell to the ground. I didn't care if anybody saw me.

"KEY!!" I heard yelling coming closer into my direction.

There I lay, on the cold hard pavement, I wanted to let out all my worries, but to whom?
I didn't want my Taebaby to be worried.

At that moment...
I let it all out.
I quickly stood up and raced down the street
I was careless of my surroundings.

When I looked behind me I saw Key running off as fast as he could, dropping his phone in the process.

Minho and Taemin were unaware of the situation, so I decided to run after Key myself.

"Key! Where are you going?!"

He ignored my words.
Did I hurt him so badly that he isn't saying a word to me?

I picked up his phone and took a quick look at his missed calls.

"Key... What are you hiding?"

When I looked back up, he was no where to be found.

Damn, fast like a feline.

I continued walking to search for that kitty

Where could he have gone?

I asked people on the streets if they have spotted Key, some were of help, some weren't.

After a little bit of searching, I was walking passed an empty alleyway.
I stopped for a moment and heard faint sobs coming from the darkness of the alley.

"Go away... Everybody."


"I-it's just me, Kibum... Don't worry."
"Well, go away, stupid dino!"

Man, he's even feisty like a cat.

I slowly walked over to Key and followed the sound of his faint cries to find him laying there in a corner, eyes swollen and it just broke my heart looking at it.

Why? Why did I even go after him after what we've been through yesterday?

"K-key... What's wrong?"

Why am I worried all of a sudden?

I felt Key's head lean gently against my shoulder.


"...Appa, don't go.. I love you..."

He was sleeping,
The boy was probably so tired he passed out.

What's this about his father leaving?
What has he been through...?

"Kibummie, I'll miss you. Be good to your umma, okay?"
"..Appa, don't go, I love you..."
"Appa loves you too, I'll be back some day, I promise."
I shed a tear,
I didn't want my father to go, it was almost my 5th birthday, the birthday I won't see the one I love, I guess...

As the crying boy slept on my shoulder in the dark alleyway I took my time going through the boys phone.

What really happened?

>Notes: Departure

I clicked the notes on his phone and began reading...

"/August 8th 2012/ My father had officially left for Japan a few days before my 5th birthday arrived; Just thinking of that day breaks my heart. At least I have my umma. But, I'm worried for her. After the car accident not too long ago she doesn't remember much and has a very little chance of surviving. She's still in the hospital for the time being... I hope she will be okay..."

His father had left him and his mother has little-to-none of a lifespan?

I began to feel bad for Key, I never knew he was going through all this...

"Umma... I miss you..."

Key mumbled words in his sleep again
Misses her?

Does that mean...


I looked down at the boy as he snuggled into my shoulder, hugging me for comfort.

"...I like you..."

A/N: This chapter is all Jongkey, sorry!!~ I just had this idea in mind and had to write it. Turned out longer than I thought, oh my! XD

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Following the comments below, no, they are the same age as they are in person.
Chapter 2: N ONEW IS YOUNGER THAN ONEW? Did I read wrongly....
Chapter 1: Waitttttt soooo key is younger n Taemin is older?! Plus Minnie is older than Minho?!
Chapter 9: Please disregard some errors you may see, I'll fix those once I get on a computer. I promise. XD
eunhaeshipper15 #5
Chapter 7: The lies! :O LOL jk, that's okay, we can wait :3
SohAnna #6
Chapter 6: What song are they listening to???
hongjek #7
Chapter 4: where art thou key?!
SohAnna #8
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update!!!
And so far im loving it!!!