
I Think I Love You

Mihyun POV

I woke up one regular morning and headed downstairs

"Morning, Mrs. Lee, Mr. Lee, Hyojin-ah."

"Good morning, Mihyun. Sleep well?" Mrs. Lee asked

"Neh. I'm excited to know if we won the contest, though!"

Hyojin stopped doing what she was doing and looked at me

"THE CONTEST! Wasn't the email supposed to come in today!?" she cheered

"Ah... I-I think so, I'll go check."

I walked up to the room I've been staying in for 13 years and my laptop

"Hmm .. Let's see.." I said, curiously opening my email

Re: K-Pop Dance Contest - SK

I clicked the email with a bright, hopeful smile on my face.

"We-- Hyojin!" I yelled out in the hall

"Neh? Coming!"

Hyojin unni ran over and looked at my computer screen

"We... We won?!"

Hyojin and I cheered happily then ran out into the kitchen to eat and tell her parents.

"Umma! We won the trip to Seoul!"

Mrs. Lee smiled brightly as she stood up and hugged us both

"Congratulations!!" she cheered

Later on that day, we sat down in Hyojin unni's room to talk about our trip  this upcoming weekend.

"So, Mihyun."


"Do you .. Think you'll see Taemin-sshi in Korea?"

I paused for a second and looked down at the floor...


"S-Sorry... I didn't mean to upset you.."

"No, it's fine. I just .. Don't know what Taemin oppa currently looks like, that's all." I pouted

"Well, then .. Let's look it up! His name isn't used a lot, right? Follow me."

We stood up then I followed her to the laptop placed in my room, since it was already on.

She sat down and typed in google images

"Taemin Lee" (A/N: Following the name layout you would use in the U.S. and stuff, family name last.)

We found several photos

"Wow! Your brother's cute, Mihyun!"

"Hey! That's my brother you're talking about! So, do you think we could find him? Type in the year!"

"Taemin .. Lee .. 2013."

"So, he's brown haired?" I questioned

"I guess so. This'll be a challenge .. Huh?"

"Yeah, I guess."


"Yah!  Taemin-ah! Did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

A tired Jonghyun came running up to me.

What was it?

"Some Americans won a contest for their vocals and dancing and are visiting Seoul, they're around your age."

"Um ... Jonghyun hyung what are you trying to tell me?" I was clueless

"What did you say your sister liked when she was little again?"

"Dancing, why?"

"She could have entered..."

I let out a deep sigh

"Jonghyun hyung, it's been 13 years since I've seen my dongsaeng, she wouldn't just appear out of nowhere..."

Or would she...

Mihyun POV

We were finally off that hell of a plane and were in the Seoul airport

"Unni, what do you want to do?"

"Find Taemin-sshi, of course!"

She grabbed the arm of my sweater and pulled me along

"T-This luggage is heavy, can we slow down?"

She gave me a bright smile

"Sure, sorry .. Geez, it's hot out." she noted, fanning herself.

"Well you just ran in the heat, what did you expect?"

We both laughed

"C'mon, let's go find your brother somewhere, now, after we get to our hotel."



It's been a quiet day at the hotel, I got a job here for a part-time job for when school wasn't in for my other job.

"Annyeonghaseyo. Do you have a room?" I asked 2 young girls who walked in carrying luggage

"Ah, neh. We're the winners of the contest."

"Oh! So... Lee Hyojin and Lee Mihyun?"

Lee Mihyun...


That name sounded familiar, I know I've heard it somewhere.

"Yessir. Gomawo oppa~"

I handed the duo their room key and went back to the quiet day at work.


"Neh, unni?"

"Let's go find your older brother around Seoul, now!"

The younger girl giggled.

Her face seemed a bit familiar, too...

"Neh. Taemin-ah, we will find you soon .. I promise." She said, quietly.


This was getting fishy...

Still, there could be more than one Lee Taemin, right?

Mihyun POV

Later that day, we walked into the hotel and sat on the couch in the main room.

"So, unni. You said you wanted to ask me something when we got back?"

"Ah, yes. Do you remember exactly what happened when you were little?"

I let out a heavy sigh and spoke

I didn't remember much, I was 2...

"N-no, not really, I was lost in America when I was 2 years old, I couldn't find my way back that easily."

"So, you haven't seen Taemin-sshi since?"

"Neh. Let's go back out for a search, okay?"



Jinki hyung said he wanted to tell me something...

But what?

What was so important that he told me  to come so quickly?

I came across the hotel he had a part-time job at and entered the doors, walking towards the front desk.

"Onew hyung, I'm here."

"Ah! Taemin-ah. I have news."


"You know those two American contest winners that were coming to Seoul?"

"Yes, what about them?"

"One of them is your sister. Lee Mihyun, and her best friend Lee Hyojin."

"S-She's alive?!"

I was utterly shocked

She had survived all these years in America, no way back to Seoul, no family...

But, how?

A/N: I don't know if I made the search a bit too obvious or not... But, yeah... She hasn't met Taemin yet, she will soon, don't worry. For now, just, keep waiting LOL My dad's making me clean my room and everything this weekend, so .. x.x Sorry if part 2 of the search is going to be released a bit delayed. It's 1 AM almost right now here in Canada, so... /sigh I just don't know if you guys like this fic or not XD Do you?~

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Following the comments below, no, they are the same age as they are in person.
Chapter 2: N ONEW IS YOUNGER THAN ONEW? Did I read wrongly....
Chapter 1: Waitttttt soooo key is younger n Taemin is older?! Plus Minnie is older than Minho?!
Chapter 9: Please disregard some errors you may see, I'll fix those once I get on a computer. I promise. XD
eunhaeshipper15 #5
Chapter 7: The lies! :O LOL jk, that's okay, we can wait :3
SohAnna #6
Chapter 6: What song are they listening to???
hongjek #7
Chapter 4: where art thou key?!
SohAnna #8
Chapter 3: Thank you for the update!!!
And so far im loving it!!!