Dinner Party (Hanchul)

~Growing Up! Suju Style~



 A very irritated looking child sat impatiently, throwing forks and other random things across the round table he sat at. Seriously, who brings a 5 year old to a Business Party? Obviously the Business Mogul parents of Kim Heechul. Heechul really loved his parents, and despite all his tantrums about these parties he wouldn't have minded if he had friends.

Not many kids liked Heechul's mean and blunt attitude. Something he acquired from not being paid attention to at all, and merely paraded around for looking prettier then girls. So most of the kids around his age at the party stayed far away from him. The boy pouted when he saw the other kids playing with each other. He took the rubber band out of his hair letting his long hair spill out. The evil 5 year old aimed the rubberband at his enemies, ready to shoot it at them.


His Umma called him distracting the boy. He released the rubberband and looked to see what his Umma wanted, a silent cry startling him. He turned to see a boy about his age holding his eye.

"KIM HEECHUL. How can you act that way? Its embarassing me, go get him ice now", his mother snapped before walking away. Heechul stared overly imitating her and wiggling his arms like an octopus. He continued to mock his mother until he heard a soft laugh, he turned remembering there was the other boy there. Heechul turned and was gonna glare at him until he saw he was still holding his eye.

"Sorry. Wasn't trying to hit you. I wanted to hit them", The evil 5 year old pointing to a group of kids not too far away from them. The boy turned around and pointed toward them.

"Yeah. My enemies. Let's get you ice before my Umma takes away my TV for being an embarassment", exageratting the last word. Heechul grabbed the wounded boys hand and began dragging him somewhere.

The other boy looked around at the house amazed at the quick tour of the house. Heechul stopped in the kitchen. The other boy gaped at the huge white kitchen, cooks flying everywhere cooking presumably for the party they were just at.

Heechul tapped his foot, waiting for one employee to notice his presence. It wasn't the best idea to piss off the heir to the Kim Corporation, and thats what they were doing. The other boy watched through his good eye the other grit his teeth.

"YAHHH. IF SOMEONE DOESN'T HELP ME YOU'RE ALL FIRED", the boy yelled dropping the others hand. The injured boy jumped when Heechul screamed, he wasn't prepared for the boy to screech like he did. After Heechul's warning the entire staff stopped what they were doing to see what the prince needed.

"He hurt his eye. Give me ice", the Prince demanded, hand out waiting expectantly. Two cooks scrambled to get the ice and gave it to the ice.

"Move your hand", Heechul instructed. The boy looked at him cluelessly. Heechul groaned, moving the hand himself putting the ice on it.

The boy winced again, making Heechul's big eyes widen. He removed the ice pack and felt it, it was waay too cold. He touched the boys slightly red eye and felt it was colder than his ice cream freezer.

"YAH. YOU BIG DUMMIES. WHO EVER GAVE ME THIS REALLY REALLY REALLY COLD ICE IS FIRED. FIRED. FIRED. ITS TOO FRICKEN COLD-", the boy ranted waving the ice pack around ready to chuck it at someone. Until a tiny wrist wrapped around the hand holding the ice pack, guiding it to the other boys face who just smiled. Heechul relaxed a bit seeing the boys smile., holding the ice pack for the boy.

"Annyeong. Kim Heechul imnida", the boy greeted. The other boy furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding anything the other boy had been saying for the past 15 minutes.

"My name is Hankyung", the boy said in Mandarin. Heechul's eyes widened realizing the boy had no idea what he was saying the whole time. The long haired boys eyes dawned in realization,"You're Chinese?". The boy nodded while pointing to himself and saying "I'm Chinese" in Mandarin. The sassy 5 year old nodded with understanding.

Heechul pointed to himself,"Heechul". The long haired boy pointed at the other with a questioning look. The boy removed the eye pack and smiled,"H-Hank-kyung".

"Sorry I hit you're eye Hannie", Heechul apologized. Something the Princely 5 year old NEVER DID, now being the only exception since the boy wouldn't understand him anyway. Heechul smiled holding the other boys hand and making his way out of the kitchen.

"Oh you guys are still fired. No one messes with my Hannie", The boy said before walking out swinging his hands and talking with the Chinese boy who just stared confused. 


Hmmm tiny Hanchul, just because I love them XD

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Chapter 7: I love Heechul in this, Henry and Eunhae are so adorable. I'd love to see more. This is so cute.
PaboForSJ #2
Chapter 7: XD I love the last part~
LittleMissMoony #3
Chapter 7: Kakaka. Innie....
PaboForSJ #4
Chapter 6: A ZOO!!! XD Zhou Mi is a tree?! XD Im waiting for Kangteuk~ :D
LittleMissMoony #5
Chapter 6: Awwwww. So cute so cute. They are really a whole zoo!!!
Chapter 4: I'm sad to say that Yesung must be very slow if he can't catch Ddangkoma running. Sooo cute though!!
Chapter 3: Kyumin are so cute <3 <3 <3 Kyu who only plays with video games find help from Siwon and Minnie, the bunny <3 <3 <3 I really love when Kyu said he loves more bunnies than games :D and when Min sees that Kyu is hurt... omo... he is so pissed off xD so funny and so cute ;) I really like it and I hope you will update soon <3 <3 <3
LittleMissMoony #8
Chapter 3: Oh i like bunnies too ^^
Chapter 3: KYAAAAA SO KYUTE!!! *Sees what you did there*
PaboForSJ #10
Chapter 3: OMG~ :3 So cute!!!! All three~ :3