Cliq' {NEW SM GIRL GROUP} - apply for managers/stylist.

Thursday : 7 December 2012

Ruby jumped, almost slipping the plate in her hands. She rushed out of the kitchen, without putting the wet plate aside nor wiping her hands clean. Seohyun followed behind.


"What happened?!" Ruby asked as she entered the dining room where four girls hovered above... Well... the weirdest one - Jun-Ae. 


"Pffthehwahaehahestop-hehehheahwehpfffffffahhahaha." That was kind of how Jun-Ae sounded like. 


"What's going on?!" Ruby yelled as she stomped up to the girls. 


The four girls quickly moved away as soon as she felt the dangerous Ruby behind them. 


"Nothing!" The four girls chimed as soon as Ruby reached where they were, with the dripping wet plate in her soapy hands.


Ruby eyed Yunmi, then Jeeyoung, then Miyeon, Cici and finally Jun-Ae. 


"They... they..." Jun-Ae stuttered, panting and tired from the tickle attack. Before Jun-Ae could move on, Cici's hands came flying onto Jun-Ae's mouth. 


"We were just... playing." Miyeon explained to the worried "mother-like" Ruby. 




"Yes!" The four girls cried. Jun-Ae mumbled into Cici's hands and shook her head. But it seemed like Ruby didn't see that as Ruby had already turned around and walked back into the kitchen. 


"Shhh... You are not suppose to that it!" Yunmi cried, hushing the pathetic Jun-Ae. 




"What?" Jeeyoung asked.




"What?" This time the girls asked in unison.




"What?!" The girls yelled, feeling irritated.


Jun-Ae rolled her eyes and sighed. Before they knew it, she bit Cici's hands.


"Ew! What the heck!" Cici cried as she eyed her wet hands in disgust. "Yah! Unni! What was that for?!" 


"For shutting me up and tickling me~ Mehrong~" Jun-Ae said as she stood up and danced like a chicken. 


"Well you didn't want to tell us why you laughed!" Jeeyoung snapped, watching the disgusted Cici wiping her hands onto the table. 


"Heh! Never!" Jun-Ae stuck her tongue out at the girls. Her head bobbed as she danced. 


"Unni~ Please~" Miyeon begged. Jun-Ae was now dancing the Hawaiian dance.


"Yeah! We were really curious about-" Yunmi began but she stopped when she saw Jun-Ae was already escaping from the dining room. The girls stood there, staring at the door where Jun-Ae disappeared, still shocked at what happened.


"We have to get her to confess! I'm really curious!" Jeeyoung stated confidently as she rushed out. Being the most competitive one, Jeeyoung would do anything to win. She is pretty much like her cousin, Minho. Except that she doesn't have that much charisma. Instead, she's much more cute. 


Yunmi shrugged at Miyeon and Cici who looked kind of blank. Snapping out of her trance, Cici pulled Miyeon and Yunmi and ran towards the living room, where Jun-Ae and Jeeyoung are at. Yunmi laid herself beside Jun-Ae, ready to start questioning the Dork. Miyeon sat down comfortably on the floor and Cici just squeezed in behind Jeeyoung.


"Tell us!!!!!!!!!!!" Jeeyoung screamed in Jun-Ae's ears. 


"Oh my god. Don't do that!" Jun-Ae pluckered her lips as she covered her ear where Jeeyoung screamed at.


"Ommaaaaaa!" Miyeon screamed and within seconds, the naggy mother came running into the living room.


"Yes... kids?" Ruby said, placing her hands on her hips. She held up the knife in the hands and waved it around. The girls on the couch screamed and huddled against one another.


"Unni... What are you doing?!" Yunmi screamed as she hid behind a pillow. 


"Heehee." Ruby grinned and waved the knife around more.


"CALL THE POLICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jeeyoung yelled, climbing onto of Jun-Ae. 


"ASDFGHJK." Jun-Ae screamed and kicked Jeeyoung off her. Jeeyoung fell off onto her and groaned. 


"Hey... It hurts..."


"You're so heavy I almost died there!" Jun-Ae snapped.


"Look... Calm down..." Ruby snickered, walking towards the girls with the knife in her hand.


"GO AWAY!" Cici screamed, throwing a pillow at Ruby which she dodged easily.


"Girls...girls..." Ruby laughed.


"GET THAT KNIFE AWAY PLEASE!" Miyeon yelled as she hugged Cici's leg.


"Heehee, arasso~" Ruby said. As soon as she said that, Seohyun emerged behind, with a fork in her hand.


"What's going on?" Seohyun asked and tapped Ruby's shoulder with the fork. Ruby turned around with a smile plastered on her face. However, when she saw the fork so close to her face, she screamed and ran away from Seohyun. Seohyun just blinked innocently. Her eyes moved from Ruby to Cici to Miyeon to Jeeyoung to Jun-Ae and to Yunmi. 


"Puahahahhahah!" The five girls who got scared by Ruby burst out laughing. 


"Yay ~ Karma!" Miyeon cheered as she climbed away from Jun-Ae's leg.


"Okay okay. Whatever." Ruby said as she turned into her serious mode. "So why did you call me?" Ruby asked. 


"We need you to make Jun-Ae confess!" Cici explained as she helped Jeeyoung up from the floor. "Careful, Jee." 




"Confess what?" Ruby eyes glimmered as she asked.


"Well... We'll tell you after you put that knife away." Cici said, plopping herself onto the couch. She turned off the TV that had been totally ignored since the entered the living room. 


"And you too Seo unni!" Yunmi quickly added, pointing at Seohyun's fork. Seohyun looked at the fork and jumped. 


"Oops," She quickly placed it down. "Mianhe, I was so worried after hearing so many screams that I just ran in with the fork as a protection... I kinda thought there was a burglar or something..." Seohyun blushed as she scratched her head awkwardly.


"No Burglar just a metally disabled Omma that is going to kill her daughters with a knife." Jun-Ae joked and Cici gave Jun-Ae a high five. 


"Hey!" Ruby pouted as she pulled Seohyun and they both returned to the kitchen to keep their "weapons" away. As fast as lightning (since they wanna hear Jun-Ae's confession for her sudden giggle) they appeared back to the living room and settled themselves comfortably on the floor. 


"Okay, time for Jun-Ae's confession!" Yunmi said as Jun-Ae groaned in frustration.



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Chapter 11: ahh all the members together now!!!
Chapter 11: Yay all the members are here!
Chapter 11: Woot! Cant wait!
Chapter 11: wow all members here ~~
can't wait for the story!!
Chapter 11: everyone looks awesome! this is going to be a great group! looking forward to more about them ^^
Chapter 11: Fighting Autor-nim
-katherine #9
That's my app for stylist c: Please tell me if something is wrong! ^^
-katherine #10
Applying for stylist!