Cliq' Manager Application Form




[AFF] Username :  DoRKii_ELF

[AFF] Profile Link :





Full Name :  Han Seya (Seh-yah)

Name that we will call you: Han Han

Age : 24

Birthday : November 09

Birth Year : 1988

Nickname(s) : Seh-seh.

Bloodtype :  O

Height : 171 cm

Weight : 64 kg

Hometown :  Taipei, Taiwan (was born & raised)

Nationality : Korean

Languages [max 4] : Mandarin [Fluent], Korean [Fluent] & English [Conversational]


Personality : 

Seya may look seductive, but she's not. She's a woman with a pure heart. She can handle destructive criticism and if anyone dissed any of her friends she won't take it lightly, she will fight back harder. She would never show her anger as she doesn't want anyone to be burden because of her. She can be very protective meaning she becomes very worried easily. She's easy going despite her looks, she'll automatically make you feel comfortable.

She's a little bit home-sick since her family is all the way in Taiwan, while she works in South Korea alone.


Persona : 

y Fashionista




Ulzzang : Su Kyung

Ulzzang Pictures :


Back-up Ulzzang : Lee So Ah

Back-up Ulzzang Pictures  :





Favourite Colour : Blue, Blood Red & Black

Favourite Idol(s) : Skrillex, Paramore & Super Junior

Favourite Music : Dubstep, Pop-punk, Pop, Alterative Rock & Acoustic.

Favourite Movie(s) : First Love (A Little Thing Called Love) [Thai Movie], The Avengers & The Hunger Games

Favourite Food(s) : Spaghetti, Lasagna & Cookies

Favourite Animal(s) : Panda & dogs (especially for Huskies & Golden Retriever)

Specialty/Talent : Plays Guitar, Rhythm Rapping & Dancing


Hobbies : 

- Photography & Edit photos on Photoshop



-Reads Manga


Likes : 

-Hugs from friends

-Learning different languages

-To learn new skills in guitar & dancing 


Dislikes : 

-People who don't take responsibility for what they do

-People who borrows without asking a permission and never return...  or return in a really crappy condition.

-People who doesn't have manners


Fears : 

- Dark

- Falling Down


Trivia : 

- She used to work as a stylist of BoA

-Was casted by SM Entertainment but she turned down the deal, ironically she got a job as a stylist later



-Talks in her sleep

-Talks very loudly or shouts all the time for no reason

-Loves to pinch people's waist from behind


Allergy(ies) : 

- Seafood




Family Members Count : 3

Family :

Dad | Han Kwang Ho | 57 | 5 July | Architecture | He looks scary be his appearance, he always has this poker face no one can distinguish if he was happy or angry. He has a scar on his right cheek because it was Seya's fault when she's around 10 years old playing around with a pair of scissors. Despite his appearance, he's the most weirdest parent, he acts too childish and a bit immature, but he's very loving and protective towards his little girls. 

Mom | Cha Siyeol (Shi-yul) | 52 | 6 Apr | A kind-hearted mother, who loves to feel young. It may sounds weird but it's also weird that she looks young. Many people thinks she in her mid-20's and above. She wears clothes that aren't around her age-group and never fails to look pretty, this however makes it awkward for both of the girls since they didn't expect a mother to be this way, and the reason why Seya has a fashionista in her blood.

Little Sister | Han Maeri | 16 | 9 Oct | She & Seya are very close, you can say that Seya had a tiny sister-complex towards Maeri. She's  really protective of her, she will always does small display of affection in front of Maeri's friends or her own family, but that's how Seya loves her sister so much. Maeri may get annoyed by all of this habits of her sister but she loves her back too. They both always talk in Mandarin, despite their parents doesn't know the language, they just both love to talk in Mandarin in front of their parents just to tease them.


Where You Live :  Gangseo District, Seoul, South Korea

Type of Home:  Officetel

Your Job Before you got hired as a manager : Manager/Barista in Starbucks

Any Pet(s) :  Mio | Red-eared Slider (Turtle)













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-katherine #1
I like it :D
There is two manager applications right now. >.< Good luck~