
She is...


It felt like forever inside the elevator. Both Min Ho and Eun Sung remained quiet for the rest of the ride down. Eun Sung had wanted to say something but she became incredibly self conscious when she realized the two were alone. Finally when the  elevator reached the first level both were quick to exit. They both tried to pass through the slow opening door at the same time, causing them to get stuck. The two glared at each other. Min Ho was the first to speak.


"Usually at least three people can fit through this elevator at once." He whispered.


Eun Sung scoffed. "What? What are you trying to say? Are you crazy?"


"I was just stating a fact."


"You were insinuating that I'm fat!"

"Did I say you were fat?!" 

The two continued to argue.

"I just don't understand guys like you."

"I don't get girls like you!" Min Ho stormed off. 

"What?! Ughh!!" Eun Sung did the same.

Min Ho had rushed off to the front entrance. Waiting for him outside was his manager and entourage. 

"Are you ok?" His manager asked.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Oh well you know because of the whole coffee-" 

"Don't even mention that!" Min Ho held up his hand to indicate how annoyed he was. His manager just nodded. Min Ho and his crew got into the Escalade.

Meanwhile Eun Sung had made her way to the nearest bus stop. She began to talk to herself. 

"I can't believe him! I'm not fat..." Eun Sung's last words didn't sound as confident as she thought they would. Eun Sung continued to walk to the bus but her head remained down. She kept her eyes focused on the side walk. 

Around the corner was Eun Sung's younger cousin Ji Woo he was pedaling as fast as he could on his bicycle. Strung around his back was a guitar. He noticed Eun Sung looking particularly pitiful. "Noona!" He called. "Eun Sung noona!" Eun Sung finally lifted up her head. She looked around confused. Ji Woo rode his bike ride next Eun Sung. "Hey noona." 

"Oh Ji Woo!" Eun Sung yelled in excitement. Ji Woo stopped his bike.

"Want a ride." Eun Sung looked over the bike and Ji Woo. "Umm I don't think I'll fit."

"Nonsense!' Ji Woo took Eun Sung's hand and guided her to the back of his bicycle. He cleaned the seat off for her and offered it up.

"Why thank you." Eun Sung jokingly curtsied. She sat on the bicycle. Ji Woo handed her the guitar case, and she strapped it to her back. Ji Woo positioned himself at the front and used his strength to petal. The two began to take off. "Hey, by the way what's with the guitar?"

"Oh didn't I tell you I'm sort of in this band.'

"Ehh! Really? I didn't know you even played the guitar. Wow cool I know a musician." 

"Haha thanks, although I don't know if the band is that good. Oh hey tomorrow night we're playing at this new club. You should totally come." 

"Really? Cool!"

The two continued down the sidewalk. Across from them Min Ho's Escalade, speeding down the street. As usual Min Ho was looking out the backseat window while his manager went over today's schedule. As he looked at the people on the sidewalk he saw Eun Sung, riding with her arms around some guy. "I can't believe her. She flirts with one guy right after the other." Min Ho's manager looked up from his clipboard.

"Is everything ok?" Min Ho paid no attention to his manager's question. Instead he rolled down his window to get a better look. 

"Do you see that!?" Min Ho's manager looked out the window. He didn't know what he was suppose to be looking for. 

"Umm...what do you mean...?"

"Look at her riding with her arms around another guy,  a younger guy at that! He looks like he's still in high school." Min Ho kept glaring out the window. His manager finally recognized who Min Ho was talking about. 

"Ah! I remember now that's the girl from earlier. And that guy with her looks very familiar too." But Min Ho was already sticking his head out the window. 

"Hey. Coffee Girl!" He called out. Eun Sung heard someone yelling. She turned her head to the traffic next to them. 

"Ehh!!" She screamed.

"Noona what's wrong?" Ji Woo tried to look back but he didn't want to lose control of the bike. Eun Sung was glad he didn't get a good look to see one of the hottest celebrities in Korea yelling at her. Eun Sung turned away from Min Ho, and just held tighter onto Ji Woo's waist.

"This girl." Min Ho scoffed to himself. He wanted to call out to her again, but the Escalade was moving to quickly. "Wait, tell the driver to slow down." But the bike was already far behind them.

Eun Sung turned her head back to see if Min Ho was still there, but he was gone in a second. She had to admit she was a little disappointed. Minutes later the two had reached Ji Woo's apartment complex. Waiting for them outside was their grandfather and a young man.

"Grandfather what are you doing here?" Eun Sung asked. Eun Sung took her grandfather by the arm and lead him inside. "You weren't waiting outside for too long were you?" 

"No, no. We just got here a couple of minutes ago." Eun Sung looked over at the young man standing next to him. "But Grandpa who is this?" She motioned toward the young man.

  "Oh this is--" The young man cut him off.

"Hi my name is Hyun Bin Woo." He bowed.

"Ah... yes I'm Kim Eun Sung and this is Kim Ji Woo but how do you know our grandfather?"

"He was my literature professor at Hangook University." Eun Sung's grandfather just smiled.

"Yes, he's the only one of my students who still keeps in touch with me." He gently patted the young man on his back. "I hope you don't mind but I brought him with me to have dinner with you guys."

"It's no problem." Ji Woo placed the lock on the front wheel of the bike and left it chained to the bicycle rack. Eun Sung took the guitar from Ji Woo and headed towards the apartment door.

"Come on up." Eun Sung opened the door for her grandfather, but the young man quickly came from behind and told her "that's ok ladies first." And so grandfather, followed by Ji Woo went inside the apartment complex. Eun Sung stared at the young man he as actually very handsome now that she looked at him up close.

"Please, go ahead." Bin Woo's voice was very gentle. Eun Sung nodded and followed her grandfather and cousin up the steps.

Eun Sung was thankful she had purchased groceries the day before. She had everything she needed to make a simple dish: ratatouille. She had told her grandfather that she had a French roommate while she was attending university who had taught her to cook French dishes. She figured it would be a perfect chance to show off her abilities. She got to work in the kitchen while Ji Woo took to his studies in his room. Although one could hear the occasional strumming of a guitar. Grandpa and the young man were left alone in the living room.

Eun Sung's grandfather cleared his voice, and checked to see that Eun Sung wasn't listening. "Why did you not tell her your real name?"


"I'm not your professor anymore, you should call me grandfather." The young man sighed.

"grandfather, I didn't want to lie but with the drama in production and all it's best for everyone that I keep a low profile."


"that's right you're a big screen writer now." Just remember to thank your old professor when you win an award.” The two laughed. The young man looked over towards the kitchen. He could hear Eun Sung humming a tune while she chopped vegetables. 

“So that’s your granddaughter?”

“Yup. Pretty isn’t she?” The young man nodded. Eun Sung’s grandfather smiled.

“She seems different from the way you described her.”

“Yes, well she’s a lot stronger now than when she was younger. Her mother had to raise her by herself. Her father was an American who came to the university as an English Professor. My daughter, her mom, was only 16 when she fell in love with him. The two eloped and got married in America. Eun Sung was born soon after but-”

“Dinner’s ready!” Eun Sung called from the kitchen. She ran out to the living room. “It’s ready if you guys want to go ahead and eat.” Eun Sung’s grandfather and Bin Woo seemed to Eun Sung to be startled. "Did I interrupt something? What were you guys talking about?" 

"Oh nothing." Her grandfather interjected quickly. "I was just telling umm...Bin Woo that you got a new intresting job. Here why don't you two talk more about it while this old man goes and sets the table." Eun Sung's grandfather got up. Both Eun Sunf and Bin Woo stood up and tried to stop him.

"You don't have to-" Eun Sung started.

"It's ok I want to, besides young people like you two should get to know each other better..."

There was an awkward silence after Eun Sung's grandfather had left the two of them alone. It was obvious he had plans for the two.

"Umm..." Both spoke at the same time. Realizing they both felt awkward they just shyly smiled at each other. 

"So...what's this cool new job of yours?" Bin Woo asked.

"Oh well it's not a big deal but I'm helping out sort of kind of with the recording of a new TV drama."

"Oh really which one."

"It's the one they've been advertising a lot for on tv, the one with all of the really famous stars you know 'My Best Friend.'" Bin Woo was taken aback.

"Oh really...well do you like the script?" 

"I really like the characters they seem realistic, and the dialogue is really funny, but there are times when I think the writer doesn't fully grasp the female protagonist's emotions." Bin Woo was a little peeved at that last comment.

"You think you could do better." He whispered under his breath.

"Did you say something?" She asked.

"No... just wondering how's the production going?"

"We haven't done anything major yet. We start all that stuff tomorrow, but it would be nice if the script writer was there."

"Why do you say that?"

"There's a lot of problems I think with the scenes he has in English. The dialogue is all off."

"I guess whoever the script writer is must be a total jerk not to show up."

"Really? I just figured that was normal cause he's probably busy working on something really important."

"The table's set why don't you two stop your flirting and get over here." Eun Sung's grandfather called out.

"Grandpa!" Eun Sung cried. "There's no way Mr. Hyun Bin Woo would be interested in a kid like me."

"Mr.? How old do you think I am?"

"At least in your mid 30's." Eun Sung retorted. With that Bin Woo was silent. Ji Woo finally came out from his room and the four set themselves down at the dinner table.

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sar887 #1
Chapter 7: more....more...more!!!!!
Sophielee17 #2
I know so sorry about that believe me as things continue more will come... I plan on living out all my hot Korean boy fantasies here (><)
BBC_Baby91Rap #3
Chapter 5: omg...............MORE! I love LEE KI WOO! but then, Lee Min Ho.... aish i can't pick. lol but seriously, where's Jang Keun Suk?? well he's there, but he's not there. hehe
chareengio #4
he is so cute, love all that are lee min ho