...A Smell of Fresh Steawberries

She is...


Eun Sung was happy that no one seemed as angry or worried anymore. The air seemed a little lighter. But in all honesty she still felt a little upset about it all. After all she had poured hot coffee all over one of the most attractive men in Korea. How could she live that down? So she pretended to laugh, pretended that everything was ok, while secretly she was anxious for Lee Min Ho’s return.

Lee Min Ho watched as everyone laughed around Ki Woo and Eun Sung. No one had noticed he was standing in the doorway. Min Ho coughed to himself, “Ehum.” Several people turned their heads, and rushed over to him.

“Are you ok?”

“Did you receive any burns?”

Eun Sung’s face was red again as she slowly made her way to Min Ho. She made her way through the crowd until she stood in front of him. Then she bowed her head, “I’m so sorry.” She raised her head, “are you ok?” Eun Sung’s eyes were pleading for everything to go well.

Min Ho wanted to smile a little. “I’m fine. It was just coffee.” He said nonchalantly. Eun Sung let out a sigh of relieve. And turned toward Ki Woo.


"You're right, he didn't take that so badly." Eun Sung smiled at Ki Woo who chuckled in response. Min Ho was a little annoyed again. Didn't they just meet? Why do they look so close? He though to himself.


By this point the crowd around them had dispersed. People were packing up their things, some were leaving already. Eun Sung and Ki Woo were still chatting with each other. Min Ho had walked to the other side of the room, watching the two.


"I just need to wash up, and then I'm heading out." Ki Woo told Eun Sung. She nodded. "I'll be back to walk you out when I'm done."


"You don't have to. I can find my way out." She replied.


"I don't mind." He answered and stepped out of the room. It was just Min Ho and Eun Sung alone now.


Min Ho began to rub his head. "Ah it still stings here a little bit." Eun Sung rushed over to Min Ho.


"Really? Does it hurt a lot?" Eun Sung had come close to Min Ho's face. And began to run her hand through his hair, checking for any burns. Min Ho could feel her breath on his neck, and the beat of her heart through her small fingers as their tips brushed his hair back. Min Ho felt his face get hot. He was becoming incredibly conscious of the situation they were in. He took her arm in his hand to stop her from touching.


Looking straight into her eyes he said coldly, "I'm fine. Don't touch my head." Eun Sung was surprised at his reaction.


"Sorry." She said. Realizing that Min Ho was holding onto her wrist now, Eun Sung blushed.


"I was just trying to help. You don't have to get so upset." She complained as she shook his grasp off.


Min Ho scoffed. "Aug really this girl. Who's fault is it that the coffee got on me."


"I already said sorry! It's not like I spilled the coffee on purpose. It was an accident." She spoke sarcastically in English, "Accident."


The two of them just scoffed at the other. "Ay, forget it. There's no point in arguing with a girl like you."


"What!" Eun Sung screamed. "What do you mean a girl like me?" Min Ho had been heading for the door, but he stopped and turned toward her.


"A girl like you. The type that can laugh so easily after pouring hot coffee on someone."


"What?" Eun Sung was astounded. She was ready to start retaliate with some witty comeback but she noticed a wet spot of coffee in Min Ho's hair behind his ear.


Min Ho continued, "forget it." He made his way out the door, and was heading for the elevator.


Meanwhile Eun Sung called out, "Wait!" As she grabbed her purse and a napkin, trying to catch up with him. Min Ho was already staining in front of the elevator in the empty hall outside the room. He knew he had over reacted, which was unusual for his "A" blood type nature, but something about that girl drove him up a wall. Eun Sung had made her way to the elevator, and as fast as she could she rushed over to Min Ho and grabbed him by his collar putting him at the same height as her face to face. Min Ho was too shocked to say anything.


"Are you crazy? What are y-" before he could finish Eun Sung took the napkin out of her pocket and wiped the coffee in his hair delicately, trying not to get any on his unstained clothes.


"There. Got the last of it." She pulled the napkin away and raised it in front of Min Ho's face. "See. A girl like me is nice enough to try and help." At that moment several doors down the hallway, Ki Woo had come out of the bathroom. He looked over and saw Eun Sung.


"Eun Sung?" He called out. The elevator doors opened, and before Eun Sung could even look over at Ki Woo, Min Ho took her into his arms and pulled her into the elevator with him. Ki Woo tried to run and catch up to the two, but the elevator closed before he could make it.


As the two were close together inside the elevator each one was silent and did nothing, staying in each other's embrace. "She smells like strawberries." Min Ho thought to himself. Eun Sung didn't know what to do with her hands. She kept worrying if she smelled like the ramen she had this morning. Finally, afraid that Min Ho would hear her heart beat, Eun Sung pushed away.


"What are you doing?" she asked.


Min Ho thought for a moment. "Well... that is..." Eun Sung waited. "I figured there was no point in us not riding in the same elevator together, since you know we're both heading in the Mae direction."


"Why didn't you wait for Ki Woo then? He was calling out for us?"


"Was he really I didn't hear him." Min Ho smiled innocently.



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sar887 #1
Chapter 7: more....more...more!!!!!
Sophielee17 #2
I know so sorry about that believe me as things continue more will come... I plan on living out all my hot Korean boy fantasies here (><)
BBC_Baby91Rap #3
Chapter 5: omg...............MORE! I love LEE KI WOO! but then, Lee Min Ho.... aish i can't pick. lol but seriously, where's Jang Keun Suk?? well he's there, but he's not there. hehe
chareengio #4
he is so cute, love all that are lee min ho