...An Unforgettable Beginning

She is...

Eun Sung stared at the director, as he led her further into the room.

“Director, I think you have me in the wrong room.”

“Nope this is definitely the right room.”

Eun Sung looked around at all the famous Korean actors. “I-I Just came to help with the translations.” Eun Sung was waving her hands. “But I don’t think I’m qualified enough to be here.”

“Nonsense!”  The director put his arm around Eun Sung. “Hello everyone”

“Hello. ”Everyone answered.

“Since she’s already standing, let me introduce the final and newest member of our team, Kim Eun Sung. Eun Sung spent most of her life living in America. So she will be handling all of the translations for the English lines. Please turn to her for ay advice on pronunciation.” The Director looked over at Eun Sung.

Eun Sung looked at every single actor. Her face turned a bright shade of red. “Please take care of me.” Eun Sung bowed once again. The director sat down at the head of the table in the center of the small confined room. Everyone who had been standing around followed suit. Eun Sung sat to the right of the director. Min Ho faced opposite of her, to the director’s left.

Eun Sung couldn’t help but stare at him. ‘He looks so different up close.” Min Ho looked up after turning off his i-pad. He caught Eun Sung’s eye. The two stared at each other for a while, before Eun Sung’s face felt hot from embarrassment and she quickly turned away. Min Ho shifted his weight in his chair and smiled a little to himself.

“Since we already started with Eun Sung’s introduction let’s go down the line.”

Sitting next to Eun Sung was veteran actress Kim Mi Sook. The Last time Eun Sung saw her she was playing the mother in City Hunter. “Hello everyone my name is Kim Mi Sook I’m looking forward to working on this new project with you all.” She bowed to every side of her. She had a really pleasant voice. As she sat back down she smiled sweetly at Eun Sung. It reminded Eun Sung of her mother and then she remembered that it had been awhile since she last spoke to her. Mi Sook turned to face forward and slightly bowed her head to Lee Min Ho. Min Ho smiled and bowed again.

“Mrs. Kim Mi Sook will play the main character Lee Chae Eun’s mother, Lee Seum Mi,” the director added. Next to Mi Sook was Kim Jung Eun. As she stood up, Eun Sung slightly gasped to herself, catching the attention of those sitting close to her, including Jung Eun.

With everyone’s eyes on Eun Sung, she bowed her head and apologized, “excuse me.” Several people laughed to themselves. Eun Sung had been a huge fan of Jung Eun ever since she saw Lovers, one of her favorite dramas to date. She had so many questions to ask her. Min Ho kept glancing over at Eun Sung. He kept thinking about how she looked this morning at the bus stop. He was also a little nervous to be in a room full of veteran actors.

“Hi, my name is Kim Jung Eun. I’m happy to see some familiar faces,” she turned toward Mi Sook, “and some new ones,” she turned looked over at Eun Sung and smiled. “It’s always a pleasure to meet a fan.” Eun Sung felt her heart skip a beat. Jung Eun turned back to the table. “Let’s make this project the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” Everyone clapped as she took her seat.

“Mrs. Kim Jung Eun will be playing our main charter’s extroverted best friend.” The Director chimed in. 

Next was Lee Ki Woo, who stood at a towering 189 cm. Eun Sungs cheeks turned cheery apple red. ‘Omo!! She screamed inside her head.’ One of Eun Sung’s first celebrity loves was Ki Woo. And now here he was only a few people away from her. “Hey.” His voice was almost melodious. “I’m happy to be a part of this project. I don’t have much experience with dramas, so please take care of me.” He bowed.

“The tall Mr. Lee Ki Woo has been casted as one of the love interests opposite the heroin.”

Several other people were introduced. There was Jang Geum Suk, who was to play the rival to the main male character. Yoon Eun Hye, another beautiful actress was to play the main girl role of Lee Chae Eun. Park Joon Geum and Kang Choi Sang Hoon would star as the parents of the main male character.

After everyone’s introductions it was time for the final actor to stand. Lee Min Ho felt everyone’s eyes on him as he stood. “Hello my name is Lee Min Ho.” Eun Sung was speechless, the one Korean actor she had followed on screen throughout Boys Over Flowers, Personal Taste, City Hunter, and Faith was standing before her, looking incredibly adorable in black skinny jeans, a collared white shirt and a buttoned up striped v-neck cardigan. His hair was shorter than when he was acting in Faith. It made him look childish and cute. He smiled nervously as he continued. “I’m very grateful to get to work on this project. Judging from the script I think this is going to be a fun and new learning experience for me. I’m also really grateful to be in the presence of such great actors who can teach me so much. Please take care of me.” Min Ho bowed.

“Wow that was such a courteous speech from our male lead.” The director said as he stood. “Well now that everyone has said a little about themselves and we have all been introduced let’s do a quick read through of the script-.” A young woman carrying a clipboard opened the door and went over to the director to whisper something into his ear. “What?” He said. “Really?” The young woman kept whispering, and nodding her head. “Oh ok, well I guess we’ll just have to see.” The young woman bowed and headed back out the door. Everyone was looking up at the director. “Excuse the interruption everyone but it seems that Eugene who was suppose to play Kang Mi Shi, the other best friend of Lee Chae Eun has come down with pneumonia, and in the process lost her voice. She’s feeling better but her voice is still gone so she can’t make it to today’s meeting.” There were whispers of concern in response. “But don’t worry we can just have someone sit in and read for her today.” The director turned towards Eun Sung. “Eun Sung could you please read for Eugene today, since most of her lines are the ones in English.” Eun Sung was taken aback.

“O-of course if you need help I would be glad to lend a hand. But I apologize in advance of my lack of experience.” The director reached into his bag and pulled out another script.

“You all should have gotten copies of the first episode for this drama. I would really like it if we could start at the top and do a full read through.”

“Yes director.” Everyone answered in reply. Several actors got up and moved the table to the side, putting the chairs in a large circle. Lee Min Ho found Eun Hye and put his chair and hers close together seeing as how they would be playing opposite each other. Eun Sung sat in between Jang Eun and Ki Woo. She bowed to them both before getting seated in her chair.

“Is this your first time working on a drama?” Ki Woo asked her.

“Yes.” Eun Sung answered. “I stared in some plays back in high school and worked in the theatre department of my University but I’m still just an amateur.” Eun Sung shrugged. “I’m in your care.”

“Don’t be too nervous. Today’s just to get a feel of things. Have fun with your lines. Don’t be intimidated by all these people.” He smiled at her. She coyly smiled back.

“Thank you Mr. Lee Ki Woo.” Eun Sung replied.

“You can just call me O-P-P-A.” Eun Sung stared at him.

“Then…thank you, oppa.” Eun Sung bowed. She smiled to herself, while biting her lip. Min Ho has been watching the two casually talk to each other from across the circle.

“Lee Min Ho ssi,” Eun Hye called. Min Ho turned to face her. “Please take care of me.” She bowed.

“No, no I’m in your care.” Min Ho bowed back. Eun Sung looked over and saw Eun Hye and Min Ho talking to each other. All of a sudden she felt small. Min Ho turned and caught Eun Sung staring.

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sar887 #1
Chapter 7: more....more...more!!!!!
Sophielee17 #2
I know so sorry about that believe me as things continue more will come... I plan on living out all my hot Korean boy fantasies here (><)
BBC_Baby91Rap #3
Chapter 5: omg...............MORE! I love LEE KI WOO! but then, Lee Min Ho.... aish i can't pick. lol but seriously, where's Jang Keun Suk?? well he's there, but he's not there. hehe
chareengio #4
he is so cute, love all that are lee min ho