...A Lingering Warmth

She is...


Eun Sung turned away from Min Ho's brown eyes. 'That was embarrassing. I hope he didn't realize I was staring at him for so long,' Eun Sung thought to herself. She turned back and caught Jung Eun staring at her.

            "Like what you see." Jung Eun's voice was a whisper as she cocked her head towards Min Ho. Eun Sung blushed.

            "No-No-No. I was just-."

            "Ok now let's do a quick read through of the first episode." Everyone's side conversations faded into a hush as the director's voice grew louder."

            The read through had been a success. Min Ho felt that there were a lot of really clever lines in the script, and with this cast the delivery would be great. He looked over at the other end of the table. Eun Sung, the girl he had seen at the bus stop was sitting alone, just looking over her script. He made the decision to get up and talk to her. Eun Sung was busy keeping her head in her script. She was afraid to lock eye contact with another person. Eun Sung knew that she was really obvious with her emotions, another weird look would definitely lead the rest of the cast tot think she was a ert or something.

Eun Sung noticed a dark shadow hovering over the top part of the page of her script. She looked up and stared at Min Ho who was staring down at her. Now that Min Ho had a close look at Eun Sung's face, her bright red cheeks, red lips, fair skin, big brown eyes with curly lashes… Min Ho lost himself. Eun Sung could only stare at the handsome over 6-foot-tall actor in return. Both were silent. Eun Sung felt going dry. Afraid to make this seem even more awkward she decided to break the silence.

"D-Do you need help with any-thing…" She chocked out. Min Ho snapped back to reality with the sound of her voice.

"YesI Umm…Could you help me with these opening lines. I say some lines in English and I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing it right." Min Ho saved himself with that last line.

"Oh…yea sure." Eun Sung answered a little disappointed that was all he came over for. Min Ho pulled up the chair, that Ki Woo had abandoned to go to the restroom, right next to Eun Sung. He sat down.

"Starting from here." Min Ho pointed to the lines on the script. Eun Sung stared at his fingers.

"Omo such delicate fingers for a guy."


Eun Sung quickly realized that she had said out loud what she was thinking. 'Stupid!' She thought to herself. "I mean…" Eun Sung felt so ashamed. Min Ho just kept staring at his hands.

'Do they really look that effeminate?' He thought. Eun Sung wished she s\could take back what she had just said.

"I can't believe I said that out loud. What I meant to say was your hands are pretty. But not pretty in a girly way… more like refined…I guess." Eun Sung was talking really fast now, it was a habit she had when she was worried. She was talking so fast she didn't realize that she had spoken some words in English, leaving Min Ho even more confused.

"What?" Min Ho asked again. Eun Sung was so nervous she reached for the coffee on the table behind her. Because Eun Sung was so embarrassed she didn't realize that her hands were shaking or that the cup of coffee she was reaching for had no lid. "I'm sorry that was a little too fast for me to understand." Min Ho turned his body so that he would be facing Eun Sung, when all of a sudden Min Ho's face and Eun Sung's cup of coffee collided. Eun sung felt the warmth of Min Ho's face against her hand, and jumped in response. The hot cup of coffee leaped out of Eun Sung's hand, soar further in the hair, turned, and then quickly dropped back down on to Min Ho's head, ruining his white button down shirt. Eun Sung watched in horror as the hot liquid made it's way from Min Ho's hair to his shoulders, and even to the top of his belt buckle. Min Ho jumped up, feeling the heat from the coffee all over his face and body.

"Yah!!" He screamed. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared in disbelief. A couple of Min Ho's entourage got up and ran over to help.

"I'm sorry!!" Eun Sung screamed as she reached for the napkins conveniently resting on the table behind her. She tried to wipe the coffee from Min Ho's face and hair. Min Ho stared in shock as Eun Sung's face was close to his. He felt a vibe from her, there was something off putting about being so close to her, aside from the coffee liquid and coffee smell around them. Since Min Ho had risen traces of coffee had made their way from Min Ho's shirt to his pants. Eun Sung noticed and quickly lowered her face to his waist and began to wipe the stain.

"Sorry! I'm so sorry I'll pay to have it cleaned." Eun Sung was pleading as her hand starting from Min Ho's chest worked its way lower and lower and lower…

"It's ok!" Min Ho yelled as he grabbed Eun Sung's hand, to keep it from going any lower. Eun Sung looked up and realized how embarrassing this ALL looked. At that moment the Min Ho entourage was on the scene with tons of paper towels, napkins and wet cloths. They flooded over violently pushing Eun Sung over to the side.

"Are you ok?" Several of them inquired. The rest of the cast made their way over and gave their concerns. Eun Sung felt outcasted as everyone else came closer to Min Ho, pushing her out of the way. Min Ho was lead to the bathroom so that he could take off his shirt and check for any burns and to change. Eun Sung waited silently in the room. Several people came up behind and patted her on the back, telling her it was ok they knew it was just an accident.

"Thank you." Eun Sung answered in reply, but she still couldn't help feeling like she had just ruined one of the biggest days of her life.

Ki Woo walked over. "These things happen, especially when girls get nervous around cute guys, right. Nothing to feel bad about."

Eun Sung sighed. "I must look like the biggest idiot in the world right now."

"No you don't" Ki Woo answered. Eun Sung was still looking down, her eyes down cast and fixated on the carpet. "I'm a little jealous though." Eun Sung looked up in surprise.


"You didn't get that nervous when you were sitting next to me. Does that mean you don't find me as a attractive as Lee Min Ho?" Ki Woo pouted. Eun Sung stared at him, and couldn't help but laugh. She felt better as her and Ki Woo laughed together.                   Ho

            In the restroom, Min Ho was changing into a sweater that his manager had brought along with them in case of emergencies like these. He thought about Eun Sung as he was changing. 'Is there really any girl who is that careless and naïve?' Even though Min Ho had changed he could still feel a warmth all over his chest where Eun Sung's hands had been. Min Ho shock his head. 'That girl is crazy,' he thought. Min Ho's manager walked in at that moment.

            "You okay?"

            "Yes. I'm ok it was just coffee."

            "Hot coffee." His manager corrected. "Well that's good. Looks like you can go back in there and tell that girl not to be so scared."

            "Why would she be scared?"

            "Well of course she would be. She just spilled coffee on a celebrity who she was super nervous to meet for the first time."

            "Do you think that's why she spilled the coffee, because she was nervous to meet me?"

            "Of course." His manager confirmed.

            Min Ho smiled to himself as he imagined Eun Sung nervous. "Ok well I'm ready to go back then." Min Ho fixed his hair in the mirror before heading out the door. 'I'll just tell her it was no big deal. Then she'll probably look at me with grateful eyes and be so happy that I forgave her. Maybe I can use this as an excuse to talk to her more.' Min Ho's thoughts were fixated on Eun Sung as he and the manager were making their way back to the meeting room. As the manager opened the door sounds of giant laughter could be heard.

            Eun Sung held onto her sides as Ki Woo continued to pout.

            "Come on Eun Sung. I want you to get all flustered around me too. Maybe you can trip or something next time so that I look cool."

            "Oh yeah sure, next time me and my clumsy self can trip whenever I see you and than tell all the people around me, 'Just looking at Ki Woo turns my knees to jelly." Eun Sug was being sarcastic as she acted out her swooning. Ki Woo and her just laughed.    

            "Really? Would you? That would really make me look cool in front of everyone." Ki Woo had managed to lift Eun Sung's spirits by making her laugh. The room also didn't feel as heavy as before. Several of the other cast members had gather around Eun Sung's and Ki Woo's conversation.

            "You two are so funny together, you should be a comedic couple." Jung Eun commented.

            "Haha, I agree you guys can call yourself Jumbo Shrimp." The director added. Ki Woo stood really close to Eun Sung.

            "I think it looks more like Meter Centimeter." They were all commenting on the Huge height difference between the two. Min Ho just stared. He had expected to come back and find Eun Sung all alone in despair after such a display, but no here she was just joking around. Min Ho didn't know why but he was really angry as he watched Eun Sung laughing so hard at Ki Woo's jokes.  

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sar887 #1
Chapter 7: more....more...more!!!!!
Sophielee17 #2
I know so sorry about that believe me as things continue more will come... I plan on living out all my hot Korean boy fantasies here (><)
BBC_Baby91Rap #3
Chapter 5: omg...............MORE! I love LEE KI WOO! but then, Lee Min Ho.... aish i can't pick. lol but seriously, where's Jang Keun Suk?? well he's there, but he's not there. hehe
chareengio #4
he is so cute, love all that are lee min ho