A lost secret

Can't let go

Yuri's POV


I stayed up 'til around 2am, thinking and thinking. At some point, I thought it was weird that Donghae still kept his old number even though he was in the US. But then it might have something to do with his job here in Korea and things so that was probably why he needed the old mobile number. Anyway that was the least of my worries. My thoughts died out eventually and I fell asleep. It wasn't even a good sleep. I had short and messy dreams that I couldn't remember afterwards. I woke up later feeling tired and my head was aching. But guess what, someone actually woke up EARLIER than me.

Yes. Oh my God. Jessica was awake when I woke up. She was looking at me. Wait, what?

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I don't know. Like what?" She said softly and my eyelid with her thumb. "Sleepyhead."

"No. YOU are the sleepyhead." I closed my eyes, trying to restrain a smile. It felt to nice when she touched me. She trailed her fingers down to cup my cheek.

"I heard what you said to Donghae last night..." 

What I said? Donghae who? Yeah I was still a bit unconscious and it took me 2 seconds to process data into information. My eyes shot open and I looked at her in terror. "Y-you heard? What did you hear?"

"Everything." She leaned down, rubbing her nose on mine. "Yul, I never knew you had feelings for me." 

My eyes had never been opened so wide before. My heart started to go crazy. I felt myself getting heated up and my head was being squeezed and by some sort of vacuum. "N-no. I-..." 

"Shh... it's okay." She stared at me with soft eyes. Suddenly, she leaned in and kissed me on my lips.

"J-Jessica!" I backed off. "What are you doing?" 

She blinked at me and pulled back, her eyes scanning every muscle on my face. I gulped, trying to catch up with my own breath. Jessica reached out to my hair gently. Her eyes were blank just like how they'd been so carelessly blank. Even so, I thought I could see a brief spark of colour in her eyes as she was staring at me.

"I-I just remembered that I have something to do today. I'm leaving now." I said and hurried out of her bed. I changed into my clothes and put on my jacket. Jessica was watching my the whole time. I knew she was. I could feel that she was, even when I kept my face turned awayy from her. 

"Yul..." She called. I bit my lips. I had no idea about what I should do in this situation. I couldn't make up any excuse, or any story that can possibly cover it up. 

"Thanks for the dinner, Jessica." I cut her off before she could say anything and walked to the door. She stood up and followed me, standing by it, watching me still. 


"Take care, okay?" I jumped in again. She lowered her gaze, sighing softly. "I'm sorry." I whispered and left quickly. 




Author's POV


Jessica closed the door behind her and took a deep breath. Despite being better than the night before, she was still very much confused. She never imagined that Yuri would look at her that way. All her life, she had found her ex-boyfriend to be the most caring, loving and most perfect because she knew that he loved her so very much. But to learn that there was someone else who loved her even more than that, who gave up on her so that she could be happy with the one she liked, who took the burden of a broken heart just so that she could be free to go after her interest... wow. 

Calm down, Jessica. The girl told herself. She did not want to be drown in this kind of feeling, to be drawn towards Yuri because she was needing someone. This is not right. 




Yuri arrived home feeling like a criminal whose wrong doings had been found out and from which she had been trying to run away. She touched her lips and thought about the kiss earlier. It gave her butterflies, fresh and crowded just like when they were in high shcool. She pressed her lips together to hold back a smile.

The tiny little happy and relieving feeling of an old secret finally getting off her chest was nothing compared to the panic pouring down onto her. And as a habit, she was trying to find ways in which she could deny everything and hide everything. The girl was too used to living with the secret, keeping it close to her heart, and with her heart closed. Now that Jessica found out, it was like someone had cut her heart open, revealing all and everything that was inside it. Her secret was taken away, gone, forever, leaving behind an empty spot that she didn't know how to fill.

Her phone beeped. She nervously took it out and saw a message from her friend Sooyoung. 


Yuri smiled softly at the good news. She was glad for her friend, but then quickly returned to her own personal crisis. She forced a congratulatory sms and sent it to Sooyoung, then she went to her room and planned on hiding in there for the rest of her life. 




For the next two weeks, there was no contact between Yuri and Jessica. They were both trying to withdraw themselves from the matter and the feelings associated with it. They filled their time with work, hangouts and movie nights so they didn't have a free second to think of it. However they soon realised that the harder they tried to run away from it the closer they were drawn to it. It would come back and find them in the dreams which they could hardly remember the morning after. Poor Yuri was emotionally exhausted as the days went by. 

Jessica, after two weeks, finally admitted to herself that the feelings she had was out of ordinary. She tried to convince it away, shrugging it off her shoulders by thinking of Donghae. Yes, her ex-boyfriend, the one she never wanted to think about ever again since that day. But because of Yuri, she had to. She searched her memories, looking for the belief that he was her legit other half, her true love and true soulmate. And in which case, thhe feelings towards Yuri should apppear to be a waste of time, and a waste of effort...

But there was just something that she could not help. She could not help thinking about Yuri and wanting to have the said girl beside her, as much as the world would allow that to happen. She could not help her thoughts that wandered around, finding its way to a certain dark-haired girl. 

After all of that struggling, Jessica decided that she should talk to her best friend Tiffany about it. On a Sunday, they went out for a coffee. Tiffany was eager to know what was going on while Jessica was curling up on her chair and sipping her coffee. 

"So tell me more! Did you really kiss her?" Tiffany asked. She was looking closely to make sure Jessica wasn't hiding anything from her.

"Y-yes I did." Jessica blushed as she was reminded of the kiss. "I don't know why I did that." She sighed. 

"And that is the problem. You don't know how you feel for her." Tiffany tapped her chin while Jessica could only nod. "And what stops you?"

"Well..." Jessica took another sip. "I think it's not right. Maybe I'm only feeling this way because Yuri cares for me when I'm desperate. She gives me comfort when I'm in need of it, and she makes me feel... loved, when that's all I've been dreaming of..." 

"I see you mean.." Tiffany nodded and gave her friend's hand a squeeze. 

"I just... ahh sometimes she makes me feel this... this weird thing that warms me up and it's a very nice and dreamy feeling, but then I'm scared. I shouldn't be selfish and take advantage of her feelings for me. It will hurt her if it turns out that I'm only attracted to her because of the comfort she provides me... You know, if I ever..."


"If I ever... fall in love with her, I want to fall for her, and not the attention and care I get." Jessica sighed. Up until that moment she never thought about falling in love, with Yuri. The sudden burst of honesty took over the blonde girl.

"It is a very complicated thing to figure out, Jessi. Give yourself time. It will take more time than a few weeks to make sure of it."

"Neh... Do you think I should talk to her again? Or should I just leave her be..." Jessica looked down. "We haven't talked to each other again since." 

"It depends on what you want, Jessi. Whether you want to take the chance or leave it be." Tiffany smiled. "Maybe getting to know her wouldn't be such a terrible idea? I mean, if you want to fall in love with her for her, then you have to know her." 



A/N: Sorry for the very very late update! I'm not givinig up on this fic though so I hope you guys won't do that either ^^ Stay tune for the epic endind haha! Take care <3



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Apologies to my readers. I have changed the plot into Donghae leaving Jessica instead of Sooyoung as it is easier and somehow more enjoyable for me to writ


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chanbeei91 #1
Chapter 7: Love the story...^^
Keep writing, key...

Thanks for update
jessture22 #2
Chapter 7: Update pwease author. Ppali!!!!
sone_marg14 #3
Chapter 7: jessi don't waste that chance...
Chapter 7: weeeeiiiii <3 YulSic at last!
thank for the update author-ssi.
joshuadrew #5
Chapter 7: update soon plssss!
1729 streak #6
Chapter 7: new reader. Update soon~~
Chapter 7: New reader here, and I must say, great job on this one author! Looking forward to your next update! :)
joshuadrew #8
Chapter 7: plssss update soon
hellsing418 #9
Chapter 7: Looking forwar for the next chapter... Update soon!!!
Chapter 7: please update soon