Chapter 5



A/N: I'm dying to hear what you think about this chapter as well as the next one! So please leave a comment!

Also, in case you're interested in more Kaisoo, i've got this new fic called 'Lovestruck' . If you want to check it out just click the name.

Once again thanks for all the love you've shown for this story! *blows kisses*




Kyungsoo had made up his mind to let go of the argument with the rude swindler. He wasn’t planning on meeting this dangerous person again, so it would be better to just forget all the cruel words Kai had said to him and go on with his life without holding grudges.

And then that little note had landed on Kyungsoo’s hands. And of course he shouldn’t blame Chanyeol for giving it to him, but he kind of did.

Because now the singer was tempted.

Tempted to do what he had sworn he’d never try doing again.

He had spent the entire night sleepless, persuading himself that he didn’t need Kai’s help to make Kim Junmyun fall in love with him. Yet, as the sun crawled up the sky, he accepted the sad reality.

Kai was his best chance.

The wild boy was smart, in a twisted kind of way.  Also, he was obviously rich, because not many people could afford a penthouse in Gangnam and a three-floor office in Hongdae in their early twenties. On top of all that, he was so mischievous he could curse you and then somehow force guilt onto you simply because you shouted back - Kyungsoo had witnessed that quality, firsthand.

So he was sure, Kai, who didn’t know much about love, could in fact bring him closer to Kim Junmyun.

The singer grimaced and gritted his teeth at the way his thoughts were taking.

And more than that, the way his feet were going, on their own accord.

“I don’t need his help. I don’t need it. I don’t need it…” He repeated again and again for hours, but he ended up going to the infamous office in Hongdae anyway.

The morning sun was washing over his face and bare arms, as despair washed off his pride.

The hall of the building was a little brighter than he remembered it. However, the first floor remained just as dark and scary as the previous time he had set foot in it.

The cat-like secretary was playing with a silver pen – well, more like fiddling with it furiously and then using it to hit his desk.

He was on the phone and the conversation didn’t seem to be going well, judging from the pen-fiddling, slash desk-hitting.

“No. I’m sorry, Park-sshi but you have to pay us back by the end of the week. Your deadline ended ten days ago.” Kai’s pet tiger groaned loudly at some muffled voice over the phone.

“The economy, yeah, I know… Well, it’s hard on all of us.” The guy whom Kai had called Tao, said blankly.

 Kyungsoo thought that it didn’t look like it was too hard on the young secretary, if the expensive clothes and attitude were any indication, but he didn’t say anything out loud.

“No, I’m not passing the phone to Kai!” This time, Tao clobbered the desk so hard with his silver pen that the thing was practically torn in two – the pen, not the desk, though Kyungsoo was starting to fear the desk would soon follow.

“Yes. I know Kai would extend your deadline. That’s exactly why I’m not putting him on the phone. You’re talking with me now, Park-sshi.” The cat-like guy was starting to fume.

“So what if Kai is my boss? I can beat him up any time I want. And the same goes for you.” Kyungsoo flinched at this. Somehow he had the feeling that the temperamental secretary was partly responsible for the rumors about Kai being a brutal businessman.

The singer could easily imagine the wild boy staring daggers at his clients and then his secretary calling them and throwing threats about beating them up.

The real question, though, was, did Tao really mean all those threats, or was he just trying to scare them?

But his thoughts were cut short, as the secretary looked up from his desk and their glances met.

Despite being perfectly livid a moment ago, the secretary chuckled a little at Kyungsoo.

“I knew you’d come. I told Kai you’re a stubborn one…” He smirked at the older boy and motioned for him to walk over to Kai’s office on his own.

“No, I wasn’t talking to you!” Tao’s loud voice was the last thing Kyungsoo heard before pushing open the doors to Kai’s personal room.

Once again, the room was dark and empty.

Kyungsoo looked behind the door, wondering whether the young swindler was hiding there to ‘scare him’.

No one was there, though, and the singer shrugged. He cautiously moved towards the couch, expecting the boy’s surprise attack, any moment, and just as he was about to sit down, Kai popped out from behind a thick, dark curtain.

“Booo!” The dark-skinned guy gave Kyungsoo what he should have thought was a menacing growl.

“Did I scare you?” He asked, sitting on the other couch, Indian style, just like last time.

Kyungsoo sighed. “Sure... I’m petrified.”

Hearing the irony in his voice, Kai stuck out his tongue.

“I’ll definitely get you next time.” He mumbled and Kyungsoo thought he sounded a little like a child; shy and cute.

“So…” The singer crossed his arms around his chest, fully prepared for the worst insults to come out of the other’s mouth.

“Supposing I helped you,” Kai started and his face became serious in an instant. His eyes narrowed and his left eyebrow shot up, forming a perfectly judgmental expression.

 He was back to that person who made Kyungsoo’s stomach twist and his feet tremble a little.

“I thought I wasn’t good looking and siren-like enough for your standards.” Honestly, the singer was not all that mad anymore, but he felt so vulnerable in front of Kai that he needed to say something clever back.

Kim Junmyun’s standards.” Kai corrected and Kyungsoo wondered what the difference was.

“Well, yeah.” The short guy with the big eyes nodded.

“You’re not siren-like enough, indeed. I can change that though.” The swindler flashed a smirk at Kyungsoo.

“What do I need to give you in exchange?” The singer was already familiar with the process.

Kai offered him help. Kyungsoo agreed. Then, Kai asked for something very big and ridiculously expensive in exchange. Kyungsoo hesitated, but in the end succumbed. And after a while, Kyungsoo became the person Tao called and threatened to beat up, because he couldn’t give what he had promised.

Kai, seeing the other guy’s determined and a little constipated look, laughed loudly.

“Don’t worry, Do Kyungsoo, I’m not taking your body in exchange for my help.” He joked, now holding his stomach from laughter.

Kyungsoo stiffened. It wasn’t funny to him. Mostly, because the thought of Kai exploiting him as a slave, had crossed his mind.

Not that he’d ever admit it to anyone.

Suddenly, Kai’s chuckles died out.

They didn’t slowly fade-out, like it happens to normal people.

Instead the laughter was cut off, as if the dark-skinned boy had a switch, somewhere, that he could turn on and off.

The young, attractive face was grim and his almost black eyes sparkled with malice.

“Seriously now,” The swindler drawled and Kyungsoo was sure it was going to be serious starting from that point. “I’m glad you asked that question.”

As expected, Kai was going to form a request.

“What do you want?” The older guy repeated and held his breath.

What would it be?

A huge sum of money? Kyungsoo would have to rob a bank to get that.

Or maybe Kyungsoo’s kidney.

The singer’s already big eyes, widened even more in terror.

He didn’t want to sell his kidney…

“I want your voice.” Kai said triumphantly pointing somewhere at the other guy’s neck.

Slowly, Kyungsoo reached for his neck, trailing thin fingers over his Adam’s apple.

“You want my vocal cords?!” He shrieked as realization dawned on him.

He didn’t know people could transplant vocal cords. He had heard about illegal organ trade, but he thought people usually sold kidneys or hearts and stuff.

“What?” Kai’s serious mask broke a little to reveal a confused pout.

“I can’t let you take away my vocal cords. I need them to work at the bar. I at everything else, so, at least, I must be able to sing! You can have my kidney if you like, just… not my vocal cords.” And after that statement, Kyungsoo put both hands on top of his mouth to stress his point.

“Kidney? What are you talking about?” The wild boy rolled his eyes.

“I’m not asking for your vocal cords, Oblivious Kyungsoo. I meant your voice. Just that.” He said it, like it was the most obvious thing on the whole world and as the singer’s panic subsided; he began to wonder if he had overreacted just a tad.

“Well, you never explain anything so I might have jumped to conclusions.” The short guy frowned, feeling only a little embarrassed, which was a definite improvement.

“Ok, I’ll explain.” Kai sighed.

“Are you familiar with the story of the Little Mermaid, Do Kyungsoo?” He gave out a sly, lopsided smile.


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Chapter 15: Author-nim... It's been four (?) years... Where are you?
Musclesoo #2
Chapter 15: *waits a century for an update*
LORT I WAS SQUEALING AND UGHHHH KFBFJDNND I LOVE THIS SO MUCH ;A; authornim thank you for this wonderful story I'm cri ♡
Chapter 15: It's 2015.. and please comeback, just reading this one-go and you wouldn't want this sad new reader in tears right? Come come, updates juseyo /throwing puppy looks
Ayyyy i.miss.your story and its updates. ><
Chapter 15: This relationship is so up-and-down. But I adore them both.
Chapter 15: You give me hope and then you take it away. Also you give me feels. SO many feels. Rude.
Chapter 15: i hope there will be a jealousy feeling for jongin when kyungmyeon happen.heheh cant wait for next chpter