Lizzy Park Soo Young

Love Won't Let Me Down

"BAM!" and she bumped into me."I'm soo soryy!!" she said while running to the

office."Heyy waitt!" I screamed."I'll make it up to you laterr!!" and she

dissapeared in the hall way."Dude,you know that chick?"changsun quickly took

the advantage to ask me."no.i've never seen her before" I told him

honestly."maybe your just too popular huh?"he accused."WHAT?no.i'm not like

you"I said. "Bastard."changsun said. "hey,what's that?" changsun said pointing

to the floor.there was a book.I bent down to pick it up."this must belong to the

girl earlier" I said. "Well,open it!I wanna read it!"changsun said eagerly."what?

not a chance.I'm giving it back to her after school." I told him."Pfft,but you don't

even know her name dude"changsun told me while he was winking to some

girls passing by. "her name is lizzy.see,it's written on the cover of the book" I

told him. "lizzy??she's not korean or something?i'm pretty sure she's a

korean"changsun asked, puzzled. "maybe it's her nickname.shoot!we're late for

class!hurry!kaja!" and we both ran into class and got ourselves detention

tomorrow after school =.=. school ended for the day,I went searching for

the girl earlier who bumped into me.maybe she's a new student.while walking

through the school corridors,I saw changsun making out with hyuna under the

staircase.they took the addvantage since no one was around.jeez. I couldn't

manage to find her so I went to the office to asked the principal. "ohh,the new

student?her name is soo young.park soo young from class 5 science 1.she's

taking science stream,just shift here from gin ying high school in china.If your

looking for here,she's taking music classes in the music room.I think it just

ended" Mrs Ji hyun told me. "kamsahamnida mrs ji hyun"i said politely and

bowed.then,I made my way to the music room. "ok,that's all we have for

today.make sure you guys will come for next week's practice!" I heard a voice

saying that from the room and all the students started to leave the room one by

one and I spotted soo young.she was walking out with a pink sling bag written

"believe in your dreams" and with earphones in her ears. "heyy" i said to

her.but she didn't hear me cause her earphones was still plugged in her ears.i

pull her earphones away gently. "huh?oh!hiii!I was so soryy for earlier!!"she said

in a sorry voice."no,it's fine.I believe this book is yours?" i said handing her the

book."OMG!yes it's mine!kamsa hamnida!"she said while bowing. "I'm sorry I

didn't introduce myself.I'm Soo young"she said while flashing a smile. "nice to

meet you.I'm chul yong"I said formally."i know...people around said that your

very popular...but aren't you usually called mir?"she asked,puzzeled. "I don't

actually get it why am I popular.and aren't you usually called lizzy?"I said teasing

her."Hey!!how you know that!"she asked,paranoid."It was written lizzy on your

book."I told her. "wait,you didn't read my book,didn't you?" she asked

me,worried."of course not .no worries." I said giving her a smile."oh ok."she

said.she's actually kinda cute.her height is around 168 cm I think.quiet tall for a

girl.she has straight shoulder length black hair,brown eyes,red lips and a button

nose. "so,how do you like it here?" I asked trying to break the silence."It's

good.people here are nice.prefer it here than my previous high school" she said

looking around the school building."oh,you mean the one in china?"I asked.

" you know?everyone sorta had their own cliques there and i know this

school is the same but it was tougher fitting in in gin ying."she said while

thinking back about her times in her old school."ohh,well,I really hope you enjoy

it's really nice"I sai giving her encouragment."easy for you to say.your

popular."She said while sticking her tounge at me."Hey!"that's not true."I told

her."so what do you do?besides music"i asked tring to make a conversation. "I

love poems" she said in an adoring voice,stressing on the word love."really?

what's your favourite?"I asked."there's many but i love oscar wilde's "To L.L"

she said."oh,i've read it before.was at the library a few weeks ago and i

stumbled upon that very's really nice" I told her,sincerely."really?your

not bad for a popular guy.I thought your snobby and a player like you see in

movies.sorry for judging" she said with a sorry face"haha,it's okay.mostly

everyone thought of it that way" i told her.

Sorry if it's not that interesting ;/ it's still the beginning.i'll make sure that it's interesting in the they are still getting to know each other.subscribe,comment and send your opinions! love ya'll (; <3

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Chapter 15: curious curious curious
Chapter 12: Can't wait for their dates! I love how Mir and Lizzy couple up together x) updaaaaate!!!
mirae5 #3
Chapter 12: Yaaay can't wait for their date<3
mirae5 #4
Chapter 11: Hi, I'm your new subcriber.. I love this story, this is my first time read a fanfic of Mir and Lizzy couple, and I think they both will be a cute couple.. Please update soon!!
I cried reading this! I'm sooooo love this fanfic!!! please continueee!!!!
Nami13 #6
thank you for the update..i love this pairing.. they like crazy couple in real life, but here their personality feel so different..but its really a good story.. update soon please^^
To all fans of this fanfic,i changed the title so yeaim writing a few more chapters.pls look forward to it thx (;
LonelyDay #8
" In life , we are tested by major changes , delayed promises , impossible problems , undeserved criticisim and even senseless tragedies "<br />
<br />
love this line! it's so true <3
kay I'll update and thx (;
yea i know that performance. like wht u said they both look cute together. :))<br />
<br />
woww.. mir r u already falling in love with her?? <br />
<br />
update soon! :)