Back to School

Love Won't Let Me Down

I'm bang chul yong but people call me mir.sorta like a nickname given to me when I was young.the most popular kid in high school.the girls chased me,the guys envied me,and well,my grades are good as what can actually go wrong in my life? my life is perfect right?  maybe not...It all started on a typical monday in high school...


"yo dude!" my friend,changsun said,back slapping me."yo"i replied."heyyy,you

   know prom is just right around the corner.any dates yet??" changsun asked

me with a suspicious look."no,not yet at the moment" i told him."WHAT?why??

you know almost the WHOLE entire student body admires you.i mean the

chicks.theres so many hot girls for you to choose from!" changsun

said,shouting. "well,I can't just take a girl i barely know right?even if she's hot,i

mean,I think it's fine if I don't go for prom at all" I said. "WHAT? mechyeoso?! no

way.I'm so not gonna let you to go prom all by yourself.NO WAY IN HELL!what

the dude,your like the most popular kid here,everyone is anticipating of

who your gonna go with to prom and all your gonna say to them is "oh,i'm going

to prom all by myself(saying it in a baby voice)psshht,your gay dude" changsun

said disgusted. "look,I don't know okay?i'll see first.." I told him. "Ok,but once you

got a chick to go with,im gonna be the first to know alright? " he said. "ya ya,no

worries" I told him."anyways,who your going with? I ask him suspiciously.I don't

think theres any harm asking my best friend.I mean,he's always pestering me to

find a date for him.typical boys I say."AHH,forgot to tell you dude,I'm going with

hyuna" he said in a happy tone stressing on hyuna's name."hyuna?you mean

the y cheerleader?"I asked."DUHH,she's the only hot one there". changsun

said ."wait,how you manage to ask her out? I mean,almost all the guys failed to

even say a word to her"I told him.hyuna is the most popular girl in school.all the

girls envied her and all the guys admired her.she's pretty,she has long chestnut

hair that stops below her waist,brown eyes,fair skin and long legs.she always

wear this really revealing clothes which shows so much skin and tops that

shows her clevage,popular to be known as a "".she once tried hitting on me

but i turned her down.I really dislike girls being cheap and priceless.honestly,my

type of girl doesn't need to be pretty or long as she's nice,i'm totally

fine with it.after that incident,she turned down every guy who asked her out to

the prom. "haha,It was pretty easy to ask her out,honestly.all you have to do is

respect her,impress her,tell her a bunch of sweet promises which you'll never

do and then make out with her" changsun said in an expert way."so you actually

did all of that?" I asked him in dibelief,"aww,c'mon dude.this is all only for's

not like I want some "death do us apart love" with her.I mean this is our last year

of high school man!gotta make it memorable.planning to sleep with her after

prom" he told me."dude,don't break her heart"I told him.changsun can be really

'nice but to girls,their just toys he wants to play with.after that we were on the

way to class went I bumped into someone..


SO,hows the first chapter?? ^__^ hope u guys like it.please subscribe and comment for any opinions.they are love. (;

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Chapter 15: curious curious curious
Chapter 12: Can't wait for their dates! I love how Mir and Lizzy couple up together x) updaaaaate!!!
mirae5 #3
Chapter 12: Yaaay can't wait for their date<3
mirae5 #4
Chapter 11: Hi, I'm your new subcriber.. I love this story, this is my first time read a fanfic of Mir and Lizzy couple, and I think they both will be a cute couple.. Please update soon!!
I cried reading this! I'm sooooo love this fanfic!!! please continueee!!!!
Nami13 #6
thank you for the update..i love this pairing.. they like crazy couple in real life, but here their personality feel so different..but its really a good story.. update soon please^^
To all fans of this fanfic,i changed the title so yeaim writing a few more chapters.pls look forward to it thx (;
LonelyDay #8
" In life , we are tested by major changes , delayed promises , impossible problems , undeserved criticisim and even senseless tragedies "<br />
<br />
love this line! it's so true <3
kay I'll update and thx (;
yea i know that performance. like wht u said they both look cute together. :))<br />
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woww.. mir r u already falling in love with her?? <br />
<br />
update soon! :)